Maya POV
It's been a week since the Battle at Shadyside Mall that ended with Nick killing Will finally putting a stop to the curse. Thankfully Chris is alive and is recovering at the hospital and is soon to be discharged from the hospital. Nick told Amanda the truth about the Goode family history and Will continuing the legacy before she could find out on the news. At first, she was in denial, refusing to believe that Will would do something so evil, and that Nick is lying because he hates Will but once Chris told her the exact same thing that Nick did is when Amanda accepted the truth. Amanda plans on selling the house for it holds too many memories of Will. So, for now till she finds a new house to buy she and Chris will be living with Nick and his family. As for Jimmy and Henry, I told them everything that happened as I drove them to the hospital and once Chris was allowed visitors the two talked to Chris and now the three are friends again and are back to how they used to be.
"What things have you told her?" I asked Ziggy as we watch Allie sit at her table and paint in the background.
"I told her the truth that you are her mom, that I didn't tell you I was pregnant, and that Allison was biologically her grandma." Ziggy tells me her voice slightly cracking at the mention of my mom.
I was still flabbergasted that I have a daughter that I never knew about till Ziggy told me when we arrived at Cindy's house.
"What do you mean I have a daughter?" I asked shocked at this sudden news Ziggy just told at me.
"In 1983 you left the party that was thrown for you for becoming the new Sheriff and visited me in the middle of the night and we slept together that night. Well, that night led to me getting pregnant." Ziggy tells me as I pace back and forth.
I stop pacing and face her, "Why didn't you tell me that you were pregnant, Ziggy? I would've helped you throughout the pregnancy." I told her and she looks away ashamed.
"I missed ten years of my daughter- "
"Allison." Ziggy cuts me.
"Huh?" I said confused what my mom has to do with this.
"Her name is Allison... Allison Berman."
"You named her after my mom?" I said feeling happy that Ziggy named our daughter after my mom.
Ziggy nods a small smile on her face, "We call her Allie for short. Your mom came up with the name. So, she wouldn't get confused since the two had the same name." Ziggy reveals, "My... my mom knew... about me having a daughter?" I asked in disbelief.
Ziggy nods.
"She wanted to tell you so bad, but I told her to promise me that she wouldn't tell you." Ziggy says, "She would tell Allie stories about you." She added.
"Why? Why did you make my mom promise not to tell me about Allie? Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant? Did you think I would tell you that I didn't want to be a part of the baby life? Because if you thought that then you were mistaken. Ziggy, when we together we would talk about our future together and when I mentioned children you told me that before you didn't want children, but your opinion changed once you fell in love with me and I told you that the one person I see myself starting a family is with you no one else, and now you tell me we have a daughter together. Do you know how much it pains me that I missed her first everything." I exclaimed, running my hands through my hair in frustration as Ziggy looked away ashamed.
"When I first found out I was pregnant I wanted to tell you so bad, Maya. But you just became Sheriff you're career was taking off but Cindy and Allison convinced me that I should still tell you because you had a right to know that I'm carrying you're child and if you want to be a part of the child's life. Which I knew you were going to but then Allison told me you adopted a child and I thought maybe this is a sign that I shouldn't tell you that I'm pregnant." Ziggy paused and continues, "I'm sorry for robbing you of seeing Allie grow up that you didn't get to witness in person her crawling, walking, first words, first day of school. I really wish I could go back in time and tell my past self to tell you."
I face Ziggy and I'm shocked to see her cry it is a rare occurrence to see Ziggy cry. I walk towards Ziggy and pull her into a hug. The two of us stay like this embracing each other like we had in the mall before Josh interrupted us.
I stayed silent not knowing what I should say I felt so conflicted that Ziggy never told me but at the same time I couldn't help but not be mad at her.
"We're you planning on telling me she existed?" I asked what Ziggy answers next will determine whether I should forgive her or not.
"Yes I was going to invite you for her fifth grade graduation party and tell you everything but then the curse came back and Deena told me that you're family is responsible for the murders that I was relieved I didn't tell you because I thought you'll make Allie continue the tradition but now that I know the truth... I'm sorry for keeping her a secret from you." Ziggy apologies.
"I forgive you." I tell her kissing the top of her head I could feel Ziggy smile as she snuggles closer to me.
Ziggy and I pull away and turn to see a small red-haired girl standing in the doorway rubbing her sleepy eyes.
Ziggy wipes her tears away.
"Sweetie what are you doing up this late? You should be sleeping?" Ziggy asked as she walked towards Allie and kneeled in front of her and hugs Allie, "I couldn't sleep I was worried that you wouldn't come back." Allie tells her hugging Ziggy back.
My eyes widened as I continued to stare at Allie, she looked like a mini-Ziggy although I could see some similarities, she has of me. I couldn't help but smile at the way Ziggy acted towards Allie, the concern she had for Allie staying up and the way she smiled at Allie with so much love in her eyes.
Allie looks up taking notice of me.
"Who are you?" She asked curious her eyes then land on my Sheriff badge.
"I'm a friend of your mom I came to pick up my son and nephew." I tell her trying to hide my nerves, luckily, she didn't seem to notice.
"Thank you." She randomly said earning confused looks from Ziggy and I.
Before I could ask her what she's thanking me for I see Jimmy and Henry coming down the stairs both looking relieved to see me.
"I should go now I need to go to the hospital Nick is waiting for me." I tell Ziggy.
Ziggy nods and stands up and walks towards me, "When your free come visit so you can officially meet Allie." Ziggy whispers to me before she kisses my cheek and walks back to Allie.
Flashback Ends
"Does she know about what happened at Shadyside Mall? What if she hates me? What if she thinks I'm a monster?" I asked worriedly Ziggy walks towards me and hugs me causing me to relax and I hug her back.
Ziggy pulls away and cups my face, "Allie does know what happened at Shadyside Mall because of the news, and she doesn't hate you nor does she see you as a monster." Ziggy assures me but I still remained skeptical.
"Do you remember when Allie said thank you to you?" Ziggy asked and I nodded, "She was thanking you for saving me sixteen years ago. Allie been told stories of you Maya, she views you as this hero. Go talk to her. Allie waited long to finally get to meet you."
Ziggy pecks my lips and smiles encouragingly at me walks back inside the house.
Third POV
Maya walked towards Allie who is still painting.
Maya smiles watching Allie paint, "That's lovely." Maya compliments.
Allie looks away from her painting and smiles at Maya, "Mommy and grandma said you like to paint, too." Allie tells her remembering the times her being told that she had the same art talent as her mom.
Maya chuckles, "I do very much." Maya responded although she loved to paint, she stopped painting since she didn't have time once she became Sheriff.
Allie looked away and continued to paint making Maya look away disappointed that Allie no longer wanted to talk. Allie grabs a piece paper from the pile of paper that were stacked in the middle of the table and sets it down beside her for Maya to use. Allie looks at Maya and then at the paper before she continues working on her painting. Maya sits down beside Allie and begins painting feeling Allie staring at her.
The two painted in silence occasionally they'll glance at each other painting.
"Mom and grandma told me that you wanted to be an artist when you grow up?" Allie said looking up at her mommy breaking the silence between the two. Maya looked at Allie and nodded, "Yeah I was seven when I showed an interest in art and I told your grandma that I wanted to be an artist when I grow up." Maya tells her, "Only your grandma, your mom, and Nick knew I wanted to be an artist and now you know." Maya adds, making Allie smile that she's one of the few that knows.
"Why didn't you become an artist then? Why did you become a cop?" Allie asked curious why she didn't follow her dream, "Because your grandfather already had my life planned out for me, he was Sheriff as well. Although I didn't get to follow my dream joining the force hasn't been bad since Nick joined as well." Maya told her.
Allie felt bad for her mommy that she didn't get to pursue her dream all because her grandfather had her life planned out for her.
"Do you think if grandpa knew that you wanted to become an artist, he would've supported you and let you become one?" Allie asked Maya sighed, "Unfortunately he wouldn't be supportive he had his mind set on me joining the force your grandma would say to him that me joining the force isn't what I truly wanted to do, and he would reply that it is what I wanted."
"I'm sorry you didn't get to become an artist like you wanted to." Allie said frowning, "It's fine because something better happened." Maya replied Allie furrowed her eyebrows.
"What was it?" Allie asked setting her paint brush down Maya doing the same.
Maya smiled as she got up from her seat and kneeled in front of Allie and placed her hands on top of Allie shoulders, "You did. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and your mom. I'm extremely grateful to have you and your mom in my life. I love you, Allie." Maya says in a loving tone.
Allie tears up no matter how many times her mom and grandma told her that her mom loves her and is proud of her. A small part of her thought that once she met her other mom, she'd be disappointed in her and would want nothing to do with her. But now to finally hear her say she is the best thing that has happened to her, that she's grateful to have her and her mom, and that she loves her it made all those negative thoughts go away.
Allie throws herself at Maya and hugs her tightly taking Maya by surprise. Once the shock wears off Maya hugs Allie back as well. Maya hears Allie crying making her shirt get damped by Allie tears, but it doesn't bother Maya all that mattered to her is that Allie is here, and she can now be involved in her life. Maya rubs Allie back in circles muttering calming words.
"I love you too, mommy. I'm happy you're here and finally get to be a part of my life." Allie says.
I was gonna update early this week but I unfortunately got Covid so I hadn't had the energy to continue writing the chapter but I finally did it!
One more chapter till the book is officially over and then I'll focus on Fear Hawkins.
I hope y'all understood Ziggy reason why she didn't tell Maya I felt like it wasn't that good but Ziggy had her reasons and she was going to tell Maya about Allie existing.
I tired my best to make Maya and Allie meeting each other for the first time as emotional as I could so I hope y'all liked it.
So for Fear Hawkins can y'all tell me what the difference is between Ziggy and Max character is like when it comes to their personality I wrote out their differences but I don't know if it made much sense so can y'all please tell me what the difference you see between the two characters.
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