Christine Berman

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Third POV

The four teens sat as they listened to Ziggy finishing telling them the story of the Camp NightWing Massacre.

"That was July 19th, 1978. 5937 days ago. Cindy and I were killed by the Shadyside killers. We would've stayed dead If it wasn't for Maya bringing us back to life by giving us CPR." Ziggy explained.

"Wait your Ziggy?" Josh asked, wanting to know if he was right and was proven right when Ziggy nodded.

"And Maya?" Deena asked.

"Maya was different from the rest of Sunnyvale she believed me unlike Nick who told the police that Tommy went crazy. But Maya had a destiny in this town, and that was becoming Sheriff of Sunnyvale and you cannot do that when you associate yourself with the weird Shadyside girl." Ziggy said there were times that she regretted pushing Maya out of her life it resulted in Maya missing out on watching Allie grow up. After all this time Ziggy still misses and loves Maya and those feelings will never go away.

"The witch... the town curse... for one night, Cindy believed there was a way to end it, so we thought there was a way too. Now we know... there is no end." Ziggy said as she stared at the floor. She gets up when the alarm rings, "Like I said your best chance is to run, as far as you can away from this place and hope a bus doesn't hit you on the way out." Ziggy said standing up to turn off the alarm off.

Just as she's about to walk back to the living room she hears the floor make a creaking noise.

Ziggy sighs, "Allie, Alice, I told you two to stay in your rooms." Ziggy said, turning around to see Alice and Allie slowly walk out of their hiding spot. Deena and Josh get up and go to were Ziggy is. While the other three stay in the living room.

"Sorry mom." Allie apologizes, "But in my defense it was Alice's idea." She added pointing at Allie who gasps at Allie.

Alice slaps Allie finger away, "Liar! Aunt Ziggy it was her idea to-"

In the living room the three cousins looked at the picture Ziggy left on the table, "It's the same girls that are in the family album that mom keeps in her office at home. There are a couple of pictures of Ziggy and Cindy with mom, grandma, and a few with Uncle Nick." Jimmy told Henry and Anthony the three staring at the photo of Ziggy and Cindy standing behind the Camp NightWing sign, "I remember my dad looking nervous when Jimmy and I asked him and Aunt Maya who the two girls in the photo were." Henry mentioned.

"Chris, have you seen you're dad have any photo-"

Chris cuts Jimmy off, "No, I haven't!" Chris angrily replied and faces Jimmy, "Why would my father have pictures of Shadyside trash? We barely have any photos of you in my house. And stop calling Aunt Maya your mom. You're not related to her nor are you not a Goode you're adopted remember!" He said and stormed off were the rest went leaving Henry and Jimmy alone.

"Don't listen to that asshole. He's just a prick. Remember what Aunt Maya said, 'You don't have to be blood to be family." He said quoting what Maya would say to Jimmy whenever the topic of Maya adopting him is mentioned especially with him being a Shadysider and not Sunnyvaler like the rest of the Goode family.

Jimmy was a Shadysider orphan. He ran away from the orphanage and was homeless. In one of Maya's shifts, she found him digging in the trash trying to find food to eat. Maya was going to take him back to the orphanage, but for some reason she couldn't do it plus Maya knew the Shadyside orphanage was a horrible place, so she adopted him. It took the family by surprised when she announced she adopted someone, especially when they were told it was a Shadysider. Will didn't hide the fact that he despised Jimmy since he is a Shadysider. Will made sure to keep Jimmy background a secret from anyone finding out the truth because he was worried that if everyone knew the truth then his reelection for mayor will be ruined.

The two hugged each other, "Thank you, Henry." Jimmy whispered, now feeling better.

""You're welcome, now let's go back with the others. We need to save Sam."

The two cousins walked to the kitchen and hear arguing. They see Chris arguing with a little girl.

"I'm surprised that the son of the mayor, Chris Goode is in Shadyside." She commented making the older girl beside her shake her head, "None of us wanted him to come but he had to tag along." Deena said she was not a fan of having the mayor's son with them. Josh and Deena didn't mind much having Henry and Jimmy with them since they were actually helping and weren't being assholes like Chris has been.

"The only reason I had to is because I have to look after these idiots and since the two-"

Jimmy cuts off Chris, "Would you quit complaining, we got more important things to worry about." Jimmy yelled growing sick of Chris's childish behavior, "Now shut up and stop complaining." Henry finished.

Chris rolls his eyes as Allie, Alice, Deena, and Josh smirk satisfied at seeing Chris being yelled at by his two younger cousins.

"He's acts exactly like Will." Ziggy thought looking at the three Goode cousins, the three having the similar dynamic Maya, Nick, and Will had in their teens.

Ziggy knew that Jimmy and Henry were the closest while Chris wasn't close to the two. Because Allison would tell Ziggy stories of about them whenever she would not talk about Maya. Allison would say how the three used to be closed and saw each other as siblings. It made Allison upset that the same couldn't have happened for Maya, Nick, and Will. One day Chris suddenly became a different person he became a cold-hearted person who viewed Shadysiders as trash. Unlike Jimmy and Chris who were raised to be kind and to not think they are inferior, and to not treat Shadysiders badly. After Chris changed Jimmy and Henry no longer spend time with Chris the only time the three were in the same room was during get togethers which hardly happened since their parents weren't close with Uncle Will family, but the public didn't know since they had to keep an appearance that the Goode family is close with each other.

Ziggy stepped in front of Allie when she noticed Jimmy staring at Allie. Jimmy furrowed his eyebrows seeing Ziggy do that.

"We found the body. Off highway 5 in the woods between Shadyside and Sunnyvale." Deena said gaining Jimmy attention no longer focusing on Ziggy.

"It's not possible." Ziggy said in disbelief, "Oh, it's there. The chains, the bones, the whole thing." Josh said.

"That could be anyone." Ziggy argues.

"Why do you think our friends died? For the same reason they killed Alice." Deena said, "Almost succeeded in killing you and you're sister." Henry added, making Alice shudder and Allie reach for her mom and Alice's hand. Both girls have been told the story of what happened in Camp NightWing only because Allie asked her mom why she is so paranoid, the many locks on the door, and alarm clocks around the house.

If it wasn't for Sheriff Maya giving CPR to Ziggy and Cindy, then the two would be dead.

"The killers came after us because we found something they don't want us to find, and I wish to god that it never happened, but we found it. We found what you were looking for in '78'. We found Sarah Fier." Deena said, "Look please, we... Nurse Lane was right we can end the curse by reuniting the hand with the body. We know we're the body is. We just need the hand."

"What happened to Camp NightWing? Is the hand bone still there? Is it still buried underneath the Hanging Tree?" Jimmy asked, "It's still there, Camp NightWing was turned into the Shadyside Mall, but they kept the tree up." Alice answered before Ziggy could.

Josh, Deena, and surprisingly Chris who decided to tag along much to the displeasure of Josh and Deena. The three left the house and drove to the Shadyside Mall leaving Henry and Jimmy with Ziggy, Allie, and Alice to watch over Sam.

"So how did three Goode's get roped into this?" Allie asked, breaking the silence that filled the room.

"Allison!" Ziggy and the older girl scolded.

"She has the same name as Grandma Allison." Jimmy whispers to Henry as he continued to eye her she looked like a mini-Ziggy but couldn't help but see that Allie had some resemblance to his mom.

Ziggy looked at Alice who nodded and grabbed Allison hand, "C'mon we're going upstairs." She said dragging a protesting Allie upstairs leaving Ziggy with Henry and Jimmy to help her watch over Sam.

"We we're at the hospital." Jimmy said to Ziggy, "Chris was in the room with Sam and her boyfriend while Jimmy and I were walking to the vending machine to get snacks when we suddenly heard in screaming and see Sam and Deena running-"

Ziggy cuts Jimmy off, "You don't have to explain to me how you three got involved in this awful situation."

Jimmy smiles and the room goes back to the silence.

Chris, getting tired of the silence, decides to ask a question that's been on his and no doubt Jimmy mind, "So, were you and my aunt together?" Chris asks Ziggy based on the picture he and Jimmy saw that Maya kept. It was obvious by the way her Aunt and Ziggy looked at each other that the two were more than friends. Ziggy looks at Chris and then at Jimmy, "We we're but I ended the relationship." Ziggy replied walking back to the living room to put up the book.

"How come?" Jimmy curiously asked following Ziggy, "Personal reasons." Ziggy answered not wanting to talk about her past relationship with Maya, especially with Maya's family members, one of them being Maya's son.

The two watch as Ziggy puts the photo of her and Cindy inside the book and then puts the book on the shelf.

"I remember Chris and I were looking through the family album for a family project and I stopped at a page we're I saw a picture of you and my mom together smiling. Under the picture was written 'Maya graduation'. I asked my mom who the girl in the picture was and she said an old friend but that you and her no longer talked to each other. She sounded so sad when she told us that. I was confused because looking at the picture the two of you looked so happy together." Jimmy said frowning when Ziggy looked away.

Ziggy looks at Chris and Jimmy with an emotionless expression, "People change, Jimmy. That's it." Ziggy says and leaves to check on Sam.

Jimmy follows Ziggy leaving Chris alone.

Allie POV

"Was it just me or was mom acting weird whenever Jimmy would look at me?" I asked Alice who looked at me dumbfounded, "Past Shadyside killers have come back to life the same ones that have traumatized Aunt Ziggy and my mom and you're thinking about Aunt Ziggy acting weird when Jimmy looked at you?" Alice asked in disbelief.

"Of course, that's not the only thing I'm thinking about. I just don't want to think about the possibility of the killers coming here and kill my mom... kill us... I'm terrified that what if that happens and we manage to escape but mom doesn't... I can't lose her like I lost grandma. Alice... She's my mom... I love her." I said my voice crackling and Alice pulls me into a hug.

"Don't think that. Everything will be fine. Deena and Josh will dig up the hand and bury it with Sarah Fier body and the curse will finally be over." Alice tells me and pulls away, "I promise everything will work out. Aunt Ziggy will be fine will all be fine, and once this is all over will go out for ice cream as a celebration."

I pull away and wipe my tears, "Promise." I whisper sticking out my pinky Alice smiled and wraps her pinky around mine, "I promise Allie." Alice kisses my forehead and hugs me.

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