you were on your way to vern's house, you and the boys always camped out overnight in his back yard every few weeks. you had only recently been allowed to camp out with the boys as your parents were a bit wary about them. the boys had gained your parents trust overtime though and you were then allowed to camp out with them.
it was a cool summers evening and you were walking with your sleeping bag and bag over each one of your shoulders, you moved to castle rock last year in winter and you had originally only made friends with chris as you two were partnered up in a science project.
chris had become your first friend and secretly your first crush in castle rock. from that science lesson he introduced you to his other friends, and let's say you got along with them just fine.
chris was still your crush to this day, you had always liked him. hou had been warned about his reputation but as your parents had taught you 'never to judge a book by it's cover' and so you never did. you took that advice as well for the other boys as they all had their own mini backstory's and somewhat disapproved reputations from others.
the way you looked at it, it was as if chris and the boys had been your hero's as they were your first friends at castle rock and well your only friends.
being a girl who hung out with four boys with bad reputations didn't hold a good reputation for you. so after choosing your friends you didn't seem to make other friends that well, but you didn't really care. starting school was now ages ago, it was now the end of another school year and it was summer, the best school holiday ever.
you turned the corner and cut through some bushes and you were in vern's back yard, gathered around the small campfire was gordie, chris and vern. you walked over to them and chucked a pack of marshmallows at vern "gotcha these, they're awesome at campfires i've heard," you looked around "where's teddy?" chris shrugged "dunno, he said to gordie earlier that he would be a little late" gordie shook his head "classic duchamp."
you set up your sleeping bag next to chris and teddy's supposed space and placed your bag behind your sleeping bag. you, vern, gordie and chris talked about the stuff you normally talked about...
"no y/n i refuse to believe that goofy is a dog!" vern shouted covering his ears blocking out your opinion. "no he's a dog definitely, i agree with y/n." chris smiled at you, you smiled back then covering your face as you could feel yourself blushing. chris just chuckled and looked back at vern.
as the night continued so did the conversation teddy finally showed up, "sorry, i was visiting my dad with my mum." he said whilst taking up the spare space next to you and vern, "so what did i miss?" the conversation then delved deeper and somehow the conversation landed back onto annette's tits, as per usual. "they have for sure gotten bigger" teddy protested, "you think?" vern said looking at teddy, you just laughed because this conversation made you laugh all the time whenever it came up.
"oh wait, do you think y/n's tits have gotten bigger" teddy asked adjusting his glasses, you shot him a look and clapped him round the back of the head and he just cackled.
"shut up teddy" chris said whilst looking at you, a small blush on his face, but maybe it was from the fire. teddy then did what he always did "i don't shut up, i grow up and when i look at you i throw up" chris snarled but you butted in "and then your mother walks around the corner and she licks it up."
it was now 11:40pm at night, time had passed, teddy and chris were playing cards whilst you gordie was reading and vern was sulking about pez or something.
"guys can we do something fun, ya know?" you asked as you were bored out of you brains. "what do you want to do then?" gordie asked as he placed his magazine down next to him. "not sure, any ideas boys?" you shrugged looking around the circle. teddy smirked and picked up a beer bottle that was on the grass next to him, "we could play truth or dare?" as you were desperate for anything you smirked in agreement "sure, why not?"
"so we spin the bottle and whoever it lands on we have to ask truth or dare to?" vern asked for like the fifth time, "yes verno!" you all semi shouted. "okay sorry. now let's start, sincerely i mean it this time." he said whilst waving his hands around. you all held in your laughs at his use of the word sincerely, vern span the bottle first and it landed on teddy.
the game continued for around an hour and the truths and dares were getting more and more serious and extreme. for example vern got dared to eat grass. you laughed at the thought and then the bottle landed on you once again, "truth." you said but then you realised it was teddy who was giving you a truth, "oh no" you mumbled this wouldn't be good.
"right y/ it true you like chris in more than a friend way? remember you have to be honest!" you groaned at him, "i hate you so much, teddy."
chris intensely looked at you, whilst gordie was looking into space and vern was still sulking about the grass and teddy was cackling. "she isn't denying it" he screeched in between cackles. "yes, okay, i do, you happy now" you sighed burying your head into your knees not wanting to look up in embarrassment.
the game continued and you were sitting there awkwardly and then the bottle landed on chris, "dare" he said confidently. gordie smirked "i dare you to kiss y/n." you shot gordie a look and he just smirked at you and mouthed the words 'i'm doing you both a favour' chris came closer to you and you smiled weakly "hey" you mumbled, you were nervous, he smiled and shook his head "hey."
he then leaned forward and so did you and both your lips met in the middle. the kiss lasted for about three seconds but it was the best thing that had ever happened to you. you could feel the butterflies erupt in your stomach. his lips were so soft and innocent and it just overall felt really good. you were both blushing when you pulled away.
gordie, vern and teddy just looked at each other in shock, probably thought you guys were going to pussy out. "y/n, can I talk to you please?" chris asked afterwards "sure" you said nervously as you were still in shock of what had just happened.
thoughts were rushing through your head and most, well all the thoughts were negative ones, you were slightly shaking as you were scared on what was going to happen now.
the two of you went to the front porch of vern's house and sat down "so you like me then?" chris asked you, "yeah i do," you blushed "i understand tha-" chris cut you off by kissing you again "i like you too y/n." you grinned in response "wait really?" he looked you dead in the eyes "yes really".
i'm so sorry this was long, like i just couldn't stop writing and yeah sorry about that. there probably will be shorter ones. this was bad i know but i still hope you all liked it. vote and comment if you want to.
- sophie
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