- butterflies
- him being incredibly nervous
- you asking why he's always so nervous around you
- him telling you that he likes you
- you telling him you like him back
- cute kisses on your forehead
- late night phone calls
- praising him on how good his stories are
- you becoming good friends with chris
- him getting jealous and worried that you will leave him
- trying to reassure him you wouldn't because you love him too much
- you saying 'i love you' first
- comforting him about his family issues
- trying and succeeding to make him laugh
- him always treating you to dates at the blue point
- you always trying to pay but he pays for you anyways
- he always buys you flowers and leaves them in your locker
- you having the odd argument here and there
- you ignoring him for a few days
- then you both find each other at the treehouse and hug it out
- you both then living a happy and successful life outside of castle rock
- two kids
- living in a moderately big house
- loving each other till the end of time :)
a/n: i wasn't that happy with this one but i didn't know how i could make it any better so sorry about that but i hoped you enjoyed reading it :)
anyway, until next time buddies
-Sofia :)
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