You were kicking around your football on a field with Gordie trying to score in one another's goal zone as Vern, Teddy and Chris played card games beside you. You kicked the ball into Gordie's goal zone and you cheered "And she shoots and scores!" Gordie slapped his knee "Dammit." and then turned to shake your hand.
As you ran over to get your ball that had rolled well away from where you and Gordie were you realised that someone had beaten you to it. Eyeball of course stood there with that stupid smirk plastered on his face, "Ah I thought this would belong to you baby-girl, I know how much you love to play football, even though it is a boys sport."
Eyeball played around with the ball in his hands. "One, give the ball back two, stop calling me that and three, it's not a game just for boys." you retaliated trying to snatch the ball off him. "Gimmie it" you jumped around trying to retrieve the ball from his grasp, curse him for being so tall, "Gimmie it." Eyeball mimicked back making you even more angrier than you were before.
You then came up with an idea to get the ball, you really didn't want to but you had to and so you launched yourself at Eyeball and he fell back and you fell on top of him "Fucking hell you're strong aren't you baby-girl." you growled lowly and snatched the ball back off him.
"Piss off Eyeball and for the three thousandth bloody time stop calling me baby-girl!" you yelled as you walked away but he just wolf-whistled and you turned around giving him the middle finger.
"What took you so long?" Chris asked as he took a puff out of his cigarette blowing the smoke out a few seconds after, "Your shitting tit of a brother is what took me so long, he won't leave me alone."
Chris shook his head and thought for a moment, "Want me to have a word with him when I get home?" you shrugged "No it's okay Chris, you don't have to." Chris nodded but you already knew that he would have a word with his brother for you because Chris is too nice like that and won't stand for anyone making you uncomfortable.
You were laying in bed recalling moments of what happened today, you had been pushed into a lake by Teddy but sucks for him because you pulled him in with you, Gordie kicked Vern in the head with the football and you just had such an awesome day but Eyeball seemed to be popping into your mind every so often.
You had to admit it, he was driving you crazy which made you a tad bit interested in him, but he'll never feel the same way and the thought of that made you slightly sad.
It was just turning 9:00pm which means you should be asleep right now but you couldn't get to sleep as you could hear all the shouting coming from your neighbours house who were conveniently the Chambers, you thought about poor Chris and what he has to put up with round his house.
You were snapped out your thoughts by a tap at your window, huh?
You walked over to the window and opened it to find Eyeball climbing in, "Ugh what do you want!?" you whisper yelled switching on your lamp to see a swollen faced Eyeball standing by your window sill.
You were taken aback "Oh my, what happened to you?" you said walking over to him and placing a hand on his face and he winced ever so slightly. "Let me get a first aid kit from the bathroom, stay here and don't move." you said quickly running to the bathroom and rummaging around for a kit.
When you finally found one you ran back into your room and saw Eyeball looking at the framed photo of you and the boys you had done at the fair, "I wanted to say sorry Ida." Eyeball said as you walked over to him, "What for?" you asked playing dumb as you both sat on the floor. You opened the first aid box and pulled out some things to help Eyeball's cuts, "I'm sorry Ida, just for making you uncomfortable and stuff."
You looked into his eyes and saw how vulnerable he was as you dabbed one of his cuts with a wipe, "It's okay." you smiled, "I forgive you." Eyeball nodded and let you clean his cuts and bruises making you laugh as he did so.
He was a lot like Chris.
Eyeball then told a really lame joke making you laugh even more and he chuckled ever so slightly cupping your face in his hands and you two locked eyes, he then leaned in and so did you and the two of you shared the most love-felt kiss the either of you had ever experienced.
It was something neither of you had ever felt before and you loved it, every movement the both of your lips made and every tongue movement as well.
After a minute or so you both needed air and so you pulled apart and he looked at you and grinned, and an idea popped into your head.
"Stay with me tonight?" you suggested and Eyeball nodded, "Yeah sure I would like that a lot."
i feel like i flopped on this one, i'm so sorry. i hoped you enjoyed some of this though and i'm sorry if it doesn't reach your standards.
-Sofia :)
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