You had been sitting at your desk carving your name into it with a pocket knife and had not-knowingly caught the attention of Teddy Duchamp once again. You turned around to see four boys talking at their desks whilst looking at you.
"Why don't cha take a picture it'll last longer." you grumbled.
You wasn't really in the mood for anything today as you had gotten no sleep because your parents were fighting again about some prostitute and your brother was no where to be seen. As you finished carving your name on the wooden desk you saw someone's shadow fall over your desk.
You sighed and looked up "Umm hey Y/N." Teddy Duchamp smiled at you. "Hey Teddy...that's your name right?" Teddy chuckled "Yeah that's right, I was wondering um how do I say this." he scratched the back of his neck "Umm.".
You knew what he was going to do and so you gave him an answer "Sure. I'll go on a date with you. Tomorrow at 6pm, Blue Point Diner." with that you got up and walked out the classroom from total boredom. Leaving a smiling Teddy behind you.
It was 5pm and you had already showered and kinda did your hair. You just curled it and left it as you really couldn't be asked to go all fancy as it was just a date and so you didn't see the point to go crazy. Everything was fine but you were just stuck on what you were going to wear.
You were in your room standing in front of your wardrobe in just a bra and underwear and was shocked when your brother Ace walked in screaming "Boo!". "Out fucking out!" you yelled, "Nah I'll stay here until you tell me who you're going on a date with." he replied trying to be all cocky and smart
You raised an eyebrow "I'll tell you but answer these two things first, where were you last night and also how did you know-" but before you could say anything else "I knew about the date because you never shower in the afternoons, never do your hair unless really necessary and you have never stared at a wardrobe for longer than 5 seconds. Last night I was with Cindy." You shook your head "Damn you for your smartness. Also what cha doing with that whore."
He just laughed at you "She's at least somewhat decent Y/N, anyway come on and tell me then." he pushed on wanting to know who his little sister was going out with.
"Yeah it's umm Teddy Duchamp." you weakly smiled as you pulled out a 'The Shadows' band T-shirt and then a pair of jean shorts. He opened his mouth and shook his head in anger, "That nut case. Really Y/N!" he shouted "I thought you had more class!".
You glared at him as you pulled your shorts up and pulled your shirt over your head, "I don't care what you say, I think he's cute and nice and I wanna see where this goes. So sorry if that offends you or brings your reputation of a man-whore even lower then I'm fucking sorry!"
You stormed out of the house overhearing Ace shouting "Little bitch! I'm no man-whore and wait till the psycho son of a bitch turns on you. Wait till dad hears about this!" you just ran away into the darkness crying. You knew your father wouldn't care as he was stupid and didn't give a shit about you or either Ace you just cried because Ace was the only family you had really as your mother was a deadbeat and your father was stupid.
As you continued to run you managed to knock someone over. "I'm sorry." you mumbled whilst standing up and brushing yourself off. "Y/N?" came the familiar voice of Teddy Duchamp, "Oh hey Teddy." you said whilst wiping tears away from your eyes, you laughed "Sorry I never cry it's just."
Before you knew it Teddy pulled you into a hug, and stroked the back of your head "Shh it's okay Y/N. If stuff is bad at home ya know you can stay round mine, I know we don't really know each other that well but ya know I'm always here. You smiled "Thank you Teddy, thank you." no one really showed you love and care as everyone in this town hated you. Who could blame them your Ace the Cobra's sister.
Teddy and you pulled away and then decided not to go to the Blue Point, so you just walked around town until you came across a deserted field. You both then lied down in one another's arms and watched the stars and the moon.
"Ya know the stars a really pretty tonight." You sighed, breath taken by the stars that were twinkling above you. "I know something ten times prettier." he said whilst sitting up, you sat up as well "What's that then?" you asked.
He pushed a strand of curled hair out of your face and rested his hand on your cheek and stroked it with his thumb. He then leaned in and so did you and you kissed, it felt wonderful, it was wonderful. It made you feel loved something you never felt often and the kiss was unlike any you had had before.
The two of you then pulled away and smiled at each other "You are ten times prettier than those stars." the darkness covered your dark red blush but somehow he knew you were blushing "Awh you're blushing." he chuckled "Shhhh." you mumbled in embarrassment, he then adjusted his glasses "Y/N, do you want to umm, maybe umm."
You knew what he was going to say "Yes Teddy, I would love to be your girlfriend." and with that he leaned in again and kissed you.
God was this terrible? hope not but still. Anyway thank you for 500 reads god they keep going up and up and so thank youuuu guys❤️. Don't forget to comment and vote, thank you doods. Also I updated the cover for this book hope you all like it.
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