Haters never win. I just think that's true about life because negative energy always costs in the end
❤️ minyoongi ✓ and 4 029 275
xodambi ✓: very well said :-)
westansavage: oooops? where the haters at?
vivi_for_lifeu: hAtErS nEvEr WiN okay?!
bangpinkforbetterlife: This Is One Of The Reason Why I Stan Jennie Kim
min yoongi is connected to jennierubyjane
minyoongi: hon? are u okay?
jennierubyjane: ofcourse i am. why?
minyoongi: nothing. im just worried that u are affected of the words of the haters
jennierubyjane: im not affected and i will never be affected. i dont give a damn to them
minyoongi: okay? u sure?
jennierubyjane: very sure. tbh suran keep dm'ing me. she's really desperate to have you what you've done?
minyoongi: i didnt do anything. last month she just confessed that she have a feelings for me
jennierubyjane: ohhh....
minyoongi: but i told her that im in a relationship with you
jennierubyjane: she didnt even listening. she keep telling me to break up with you
minyoongi: DoNT YoU EvER BrEaK Up WiTh ME!
jennierubyjane: ofcourse i wont dont be oa honnn
minyoongi: im just making sure mrs min
jennierubyjane: yah! stop calling me that...you should rest now...congratulation to the comeback hon im so proud of you
minyoongi: congratulation for being the first korean act to perform in coachella hon...im also proud of you
jennierubyjane: i'll find ways to meet each other when we comeback there in seoul okay?
minyoongi: okayy
jennierubyjane: okay let's rest now? i love youuuuu honn
minyoongi: i love you moree...rest well :-)
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