Our next scene takes place outside the schoolhouse where Prize and Dane waits for playtime to come out so he could give her his bear. Sadly, the bully decides to pay them a visit.
Dane: *weird dance*
Bully: Hey Dane! Where did you get the ratty old bear? Did it walk you home from school!?
Dane: Well.....I-I was waiting for playtime....
Bully: *leaves*
Play: *walks over* Well? What do you want Dane? What could we POSSIBLY have to talk about?
Dane:We can all discover a little something about giving. Just like Santa!
Play: Santa Clause!?
Prize: DUH!! Y'know, the very important man who won't visit you if you're not good?
Play: Does Santa ship at the mall!? Noooo! So that makes me perfect since all of my presents come from the mall.
Prize: You're perfectly weird, Playtime. *leaves*
Play: *points at Danes arm, indicating that she knows he has something* I know that's mine. It better be good.
Dane: This....is from the heart, playtime....*slowly pulls out bear so she can see*
Play: :O
Dane: Merry Christmas, Playtime!
Play: :O *takes the gift*
Play:HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND!!!?? Are you PURPOSELY trying to embarrass me!!!!??? I can't even exchange this NASTY old thing! *walks away with it*
Dane: ;(
Dane:......You may be smart with books, but you sure are stupid. I give you a real gift, and you don't get it.......*runs off*
Prize: *catches up with playtime* Hey, brat!
Play: *throws the bear away*
Prize: Who do you think you are!? Treating people the way you do! It's really gross that Dane likes you, but he's my friend, and you're not!!
Play: Whatever.
(Our actress pretending to be a spoiled brat, walks home with Arts and Crafters and they gaze at the wonderful decorations and or at Danes poor house.)
Arts: *gazes at her own house* Ohoho! This stuff is great! I know you like this stuff, Playtime.
Play: Of course. Its sold in the malls. So I know you spend lots of money.
Arts: uhuh. We go to this really big store.
Play: Mhm.
Arts: And it stars with a W.
Play: Whatever.
(The two girls walk through rapsittie road and find Danes house.)
Dane: *inside, writing a letter to Santa by candlelight*
Play: *outside looking through a window* Haha! Hey Dane! Who gave you that candle!?
Arts: *sigh* That is really mean thing to say.....*walks away*
Play: Why? Do you SEE anything else?
(Then sweeps, who is playing our demonic grandmother, walks into the house.)
Sweeps: fUa47().g@hodpy;9),hlzkcho)9,oh;06xxo5 Kids nowadays!
Dane: *writing* Dear Santa, Please send me a video box. And send gifts to all the children in my class. Even Playtime. I gave her my special bear, that mama gave to me before the angels took her. Thank you! Your friend, Dane Reyalp.
Dane: *comes out with a finish letter* There. All done!
Sweeps: Oh Mah bay mah bay, sendin' letters.
Dane: I'll be back in a hurry, sweeps!
Sweeps: ;70f(7dtodoyx
(Suddenly, When Dane was walking to the mail box, one of the letters he was delivering slipped out of his hand and landed on playtimes yard. Then, we cut back to Playtime and Arts and Crafters still walking home together. They then reach playtimes house.)
Play: I hope you get lots of stuff. I know I will.
Arts: What do you think Santa will bring you this year?
Play: pfft! Santa Clause!? Ha! You still believe in Santa Clause!!? *laughs* I bet the tooth fairy still comes for your baby teeth hahahhahahhah!!!!
Arts: ;(
Arts: *walks home sad*
Play: Hahahhahahha!!!! Santa Clause! Hahahhahahha!! *walks home*
(The End for now.)
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