A week later and Midnight looked fine. She didn't have any bruises like I did but Amy done all the stuff she did to me to her. It wasn't possible that Amy would let her get away with it. I saw her on Monday, it was a sight. Amy's jaw was so bruised that it was purple; her fore head had a bandages on probably from when she hit the floor ; the back of her head looked like it had a lump on it and she had bandages on her arms. Midnight on the other hand looked exactly the same as she normally. So on Friday morning in was Battle. We were against real monsters, well some of us, I saw the first monster enter the arena. It was a kind of blob creature and sort of transparent. Slowly, it slithered, leaving a slime trail, into the centre of the arena; then towards was the girl. She had to pick the right weapon against the monster. She picked up a hammer; swung it at it. It didn't work. Instead it went through it and the monster was unharmed. It came towards her slowly. She screamed. Then Mr Carter came running in; picked up a something that looked like a hoover and turned it on. Rapidly the monster was sucked in leaving only a wet stain on the floor.
"Well class, this is a very important lesson to all of you. Be prepared." He shouted from the arena to the stands where we were sitting.
"Now remember any one who wants to sign up for M-games stay behind after class and I'll put your name down." He said.
M-games what's that? I turn around to ask Bella. As I do, I see Midnight and smiling at someone. I follow her eyes to Adam who was sitting next to Dan. I ignore it, for now.
"What are the M-games?" I ask.
"It's like wrestling but one of the opponents is a monster and you have weapons and the arena's environment changes." Bella answers.
"Yes and its really dangerous," Chantelle adds.
"Then why do they do it?" I said
"Because it's fun and exciting," Bella said.
"Well I think it's crazy but I guess it's not my judgement to make," Chantelle said.
The bell rings; class is over. The day continues at the end we all meet outside the dorm. We walk down the corridors and see a poster for the end of half term dance.
"Look they are having a dance," Bella said excited.
"Oh no," Midnight said her face in a state of horror.
"We need to get dresses," Chantelle sad equally excited as Bella.
"Let's go to the shops tomorrow," I said.
"Yes let's go tomorrow," Bella said.
"Great, just great," Midnight said sarcastically with her arm crossed. Right on queue Adam walks over.
"Hey, Midnight you want to get a coffee?" He said.
"Sure, I would love to get away from this conversation," Midnight replied.
They walk away towards the cafeteria. Bella, Chantelle and I turn to face. We all know what each other's thinking. Follow them.
We carefully follow them to the cafeteria.
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