Chapter 4

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We arrived in front of the dorm and went inside immediately. It was getting near curfew. I forgot about curfew until I saw the clock that hung on the wall on the opposite side of the door. It was 4:55 and the curfew was 5'o'clock. That was close. If we weren't our dorm rooms before curfew, we would be a lot of trouble and probably end of cleaning pots and pans or mopping the bathroom floor. But we made it just in time. Then a question came to mind. Without even thinking I started asking them.

"Why do we have a curfew and why is it so early?" I said.

"Ever thought they might come and try to kill us. You never know where they're hiding and in the dark they have the advantage. Remember the saying 'Monsters are closer than they appear'. " Midnight replied.

"Why do you think they are so many locks on a door?" Chantelle added.

"I don't know." I said.

"Well now you do, but I don't think it's the monsters you should be worried about." Midnight replied.

"What do you mean?"

"Amy." I had forgotten all about her. I was too busy thinking about if a monster managed to pick the locks.

"Oh yeh," I said not really paid attention too busy looking out the window looking for monsters. Even though I had no idea what one looks like : the only monsters I've seen is in movies and I don't think they are very accurate. They just shook their heads and laughed

"You nutter, you'll never spot one from the window." Chantelle laughed.

The next day, I had survival. Amy tried to set my hair on fire. Midnight was right she was pissed with me. We were learning how to start a fire with a flint and steel. We all had cotton wool to practise with, but Amy thought it would be better if she used my hair. So while I leaned my head against the ground letting my ginger hair fall to my side, she started striking her steel with the flint. At first nothing happened but soon enough she had got the hang of it. Luckily, I moved my hair before sparks lit it. She did things like this every lesson all week: in the other biology lesson she cut my hand with a knife, in history of monster hunting she hit me over the head with a book so hard I went unconscious and after school on my way to my dorm room she stopped me again, but this time Midnight wasn't there and she beat me up. Soon it was Friday, first period I had Battle. I had a feeling this would not end well. I walked through the doors into a big arena.

"I am Mr Carter, your teacher for battle. Today you will be paired with another student to fight in the arena." He said. He paired us up; I was with Bella. We fought in the arena and hit each other, but not hard enough to leave any bruising. We just made it you like we were hurting each other. Eventually, I let her win. Few other people went after us. We all cheered for the people who won. Mr Carter stopped us half way through.

"Well done everyone you're doing ok so far but more force into your punches." Next pair was...... Amy vs Midnight. Well Mr Carter isn't going to have to tell them twice. Shit is about to go down.

Amy throws the first punch, but she misses and Midnight throws a punch immediately after into Amy's jaw. It looks like it hurt. The corners of my mouth turned up. They threw a few punches at each other, most of them miss, and then Midnight throws the final punch and knocks Amy on to the floor. I turn towards the rest of the class who were sitting behind me. Everyone stares in disbelief, I guess no one has beat Amy. Even Mr Carter doesn't believe it. I turn back towards the arena. Midnight wasn't even there anymore. She was gone.

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