“That can’t be right.” Thomas said.
“It’s right. This book is definitely legit, otherwise it wouldn’t be here.” Amy said.
“Why does she have the symbol for werecat as a tattoo.” Dan said.
“Because she is one, dumbass.” Chantelle said.
“Wait a minute, let’s not jump to conclusions.” Bella said.
“Are you kidding me? The evidence is right in front of you. You need to learn that not everyone is who they say they are.” Amy snarled.
“Still don’t you think it’s a little farfetched.” I replied.
“We are living in at a monster hunting school, Sarah.” Thomas said.
“Fine then you carry on believing she’s a-” I said, I paused at the end.
“A werecat.” Dan said.
“What is a werecat?” Bella asked.
“I don’t know. Do you?” Amy said before she turned to Chantelle.
“Not much, everything that I’ve been taught about them has recently been labelled as untrue.” Chantelle said.
“Maybe we can find something about them in here.” Thomas said.
“Back to the books.” Amy said.
We went back to looking through books. I checked the computer except this time, I got no results. It said there was nothing about it in the library.
“There are no books, reverences, quotes on it,” I shouted to the others. They walk up to me.
“Well what do we then,” Thomas said.
“Maybe we should find her and ask her if it’s actually true,” I replied.
“You’re right. Find her first. Ask her about this later,” Dan said.
“Does anyone know how to use the sonar in the security room? That’s how we found the base last time,” Bella said.
“How do you know she’s at the base,” Chantelle said.
“Where else is she going to be?” Bella answered.
“Good point,” Amy said.
“So who knows how to use the sonar,” Dan said.
“I’m sure I’ll be able to work it out,” Thomas said.
“That’s good in the mean while everyone get ready to go,” Chantelle said.
“What time will the sonar be completed,” Dan asked.
“About 8 hours, when I work out how to use it,” Thomas said.
“Ok everyone be ready by then,” Amy said. Then we all left the library. I went to the equipment room to sort out the weapons because no one else is going to do it.
“Can everyone come to the security room,” A voice boomed over the loud speaker.
Quickly, I went to the security room. I pushed the door open and there was Bella, Dan, Thomas, Chantelle and Amy.
“What’s wrong,” I asked.
“The sonar finished,” Amy answered.
“Really, I thought it would take longer,” I said.
“So did I but it’s finished,” Thomas said.
“Where are we going then,” I asked.
“We are going-” he paused “that’s not good.”
“What’s wrong,” Bella asked.
“The screen is glitching,” he answered.
Then everything went dark. The only light was coming from the sunset outside. Soon it was going to be completely dark and that was not going to end well. I have to see what’s up with electricity.
“No, no, no, no,” Thomas repeated. The computer was gone and so was the data on it.
“I’m going to go down to electricity box,” I said and then I slipped through the door. I took the stairs down. Then I heard a noise coming from a storage closet. I slowly opened the door, there was nothing in there. Nothing unusual except an air vent that was open. The gate was on the floor. It looked like it was ripped off the wall. I decided to ignore it, shut the door and carried on descending the stairs. Then I heard another noise, this time it came from the kitchen. Again I opened the door. Nothing. Nothing was there except for fingerprints of blood. This time I knew that something was here and the sooner I check the electricity box and go back to everyone the better. I continued towards the hall, I stride across the hall as fast as my legs could go. Suddenly, from the shadows a pair of blood red eyes appears. On extinct I turn around and start running in the opposite direction. Another pair of eyes appears and I screech to a stop. Before I can do anything else, a cloth is shoved over my mouth. I tried to scream but I couldn’t. There was no way out of this. Then everything turned to darkness.
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