Chapter 18

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 A few weeks later, I decided to visit Adam in the dungeons. Creeping down the corridor, I checked that no one was coming before sneaking down the stairs to the dungeons. I past empty cages. I think a got lost in the maze of cages because I square I saw the same cage five times. But I finally did manage to find Adam.

“Hey.” I said.

“Hi, what are you doing here?” He asked.

“Just thought I’d come see who you are.”

“I feel like crap.”

“At least you don’t have to deal with them up stairs. Chantelle is starting to get really bitchy. With her and Amy in charge it’s like living in hell.”

“You got that right.” Said a voice behind me. I turned around to see Midnight. She was leaning against one of the empty cages. She gave me a glance it wasn’t an angry glance. I knew exactly what she was saying; she was asking me to leave. I started walking down the rows of cages and quickly hid behind one.

“I got you something. But if I’m accused of being a vampire, I blame you.” She grabbed something out of the inside of her jacket. I saw a flash of crimson. Blood.

 “Thanks, but you didn’t need to.”

“Says the person who looks like shit.”

There was a silence.

“Feel better?”

“A lot better.”

“Well, I have another surprise.” I heard clicking of metal against metal. She had the keys to the cage.

“Do the others know about this?”

“Let’s say I had some help with getting them.”

I heard the cage unlock. I ran as fast as I could. After a couple of minutes, I was up the stairs and outside the door to the dungeons. A minute later Midnight came out with Adam behind her.

“Why the hell is he here?”A voice boomed. It’s the bitches. Damn it.

“Why is the fucking vampire here?” Amy shouted.

“We were just taking him for a walk, weren’t we Sarah?” Midnight replied.

“Yes, it’s important to keep them exercised.” I said backing her up.

“How did you manage to unlock the cage?” Chantelle asked.

“I picked the lock.” Midnight lied.

Then Bella and Dan came down the corridor.

“Have you got Adam out yet?” Bella asked but then she saw Adam and then Chantelle and Amy.

“Crap.” She mumbled under her breath.

“You picked the locks? Yeah right, I can’t believe you all. We’re monster hunters; we aren’t supposed to be nice to vampires.” Chantelle shouted.

“Technically, we aren’t monsters hunters. We’re just students at a monster hunting school.” I corrected.

“Shut the fuck up Sarah, you bitch.” Amy snarled.

“Now that was uncalled for.” Midnight shouted.

“And what are you going to do about it?” Amy shouted back. Midnight’s fists were clenched, her knuckles were white. She was about to replied but Chantelle butted in.

“Amy this isn’t the time. Plus if you don’t remember last you two fought you ended up with a broken jaw.”

“What are we going to do about him then?” Amy asked.

“We give him one chance, but if he steps one bit out of line then he’s dust and the rest of you are toast. Understand?” Chantelle said.

“Yes.” We all chorused.

The next morning, I woke up to Amy’s shouting; some year 7 must have pissed her off. I got up, put on my training gear and tied my hair in a ponytail. I started to make my way towards the arena. I got caught up by a group of year 7’s and I overheard their conversation.

“Do you think the rumours are true?” one of them said.

“Maybe but you never know,” another said.

“I don’t think they would let a vampire in here.” a third one said.

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