"I'm going to pay for that later."Midnight said.
"Thank you."Adam said. She shot angry look. It made me shake. I hate when that happens.
"I haven't saved you yet."She shot back
"Why are you here? Do you have a death wish?" I asked.
"That's a good question." Midnight added.
"Do I really have to explain this." he whined.
"No, you can wait until I come back with a stake." Midnight said, her face was like stone. She was not kidding.
"Ok. Fine. I'll tell you." he said "I'm here because I was told to. It was this or war."
"What war?"I asked.
"The war against the vampires, the werewolves and the werecats." Midnight explained.
"How did you know that?" Adam asked.
"Did no one see the report; they ended up fighting in the middle of a city." Midnight answered.
"Ok but why was here an option?" I asked.
"They needed to see what you knew about us." he explained.
"Right, that's all I needed to hear. I won't tell, that's your job. But they're not stupid they'll find out sooner or later. And then it's all on you." Midnight replied before she stomped up the stairs.
I looked for Midnight. I found her outside sitting on a bench.
"Mind if I sit," I asked and sat down "at least you know what he was hiding now." She gave a look that could kill. My hand started shake, I had to hold it still.
"Funny." she said.
"He's a vampire. Who saw that coming?"
"Yeh, a vampire."
"Wait till the others find out."
"They are going to freak out."
"Big time."
"I better go to the security room" she told me; she got up and headed towards the school.
I headed to the kitchen. Bella was already making dinner, spaghetti bolognaise.
"Hi, what can I do?" I asked.
"Can you chop up the tomatoes for the sauce?" she asked.
"Sure." I reached for a knife from the rack and then chopped through the tomatoes.
"So are the teachers really dead?"
"Yes. I fell over one of the bodies in the forest."
"What are we going to do then? If we can't get the teachers back."
"I guess we'll have to send the school home."
"Well at least I won't have to cook anymore."
Soon we served our food. Year 10s were last, we all sat at a table together.
"So what do we do now?" Dan asked. He was sitting next to Adam.
"We sent every one home. We'll get out the records and phone their parents tomorrow."Chantelle said.
Then there was awkward silence. No one spoke the rest of the meal or either. Silence spread throughout the dormitories. Except ours.
"Truth or dare." Midnight asked.
"Dare." Chantelle answered.
"I dare you to lick the floor." Midnight replied. Chantelle bent down on the floor, her tongue stuck out and she licked the floor. It was fast like a chameleon when catching its food.
"My turn. Truth or dare, Midnight." Chantelle asked.
"Dare." She replied.
"Come on Midnight, you've chose dare every time." Bella said.
"Fine then truth, but don't waste your question. I'm not picking truth again." She told us. I watched as Chantelle thought of what to say, her face was scrunched up trying to think. Then her eyes became wider. She had her question.
"Do you like Adam? As more than just a friend." Chantelle asked.
"No. You just wasted your only question." Midnight replied immediately.
"Can I ask you another question?" Chantelle asked.
"What?" Midnight asked.
"What's wrong with Adam? He's been acting weird lately." She said.
"I don't know. Why don't you ask him?" Midnight answered.
That was the end of the game.
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