Chapter 11: The Loss of Loved Ones

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Dad, you and your best friend Elora were brought to the N Sanity Islands because of sinister intent. Mom, the reasoning you and your brother even existed was because of and to serve sinister intent. One man, Dr. Neo Cortex, with sinister intent had brought you and your families together. In spite of his sinister plot, you, Crash, and Elora had all become great friends... and eventually you both forged true love together in spite of the loss of your loved ones. But you were both also so hurt, full of grief and pain. You tried to hide it from me as best as you could, but the reality was that the reason I was conceived was because of such great evils. Even the very laws of physics had to be broken for you two to meet. All this has caused me to truly believe, as I now enter the Time Twisting Machine, that what has transpired to bring you two together has to be undone... even if I am "undone" in the process. It's because I love you both so much that I'm willing to go through with this, to become a martyr and sacrifice myself for you and for those you both care for. If I succeed, you two may never fall in love, Crash and Elora lives will be saved... and I will be erased completely from existence. I do feel some shame for doing this to you two. Even in the horrible circumstance which brought you two together, you did find such great happiness in each other. But the pain and the loss which haunts you both I cannot let stand. In one last ditch effort to have my story not forgotten in the annals of time, I write this final departing not to you two, my loving parents, but to anyone and no one in particular. I write this note as a comfort to myself as I face oblivion with the hopes of bringing tranquility to my parent's troubled souls.

My uncle believed that all life was sacred, even his enemy's lives whom had cost him so much. It was why he could never take one, and even why he could forgive my mother who had taken the love of his life from him. I think he held onto this virtue because his own life and sentience was synthetic, which made him appreciate even more the nature and beauty which surrounded him: his home and the lives which dwelled on it; the very expanses of the planet which he had explored as he fought to save it. It was why my uncle could understand why warriors such as my father could take lives with noble intent, that Spyro was protecting other lives such as my aunt, Elora, from malice. I believe that this inspired my mother to finally stand by Crash's side against their creator after she had come to terms with what she had done to her brother while in opposition to him.

I believe that my uncle is right. All life is sacred, and worth protecting. I also believe my father is right, some lives aren't worth saving. I'm stuck believing in contradicting opinions, both of which I know hold truth. So I've come to a compromise. I will sacrifice my life to save the lives of those I care about. This is my justification for suicide; my reasoning for destroying the product of my parent's love. I'm so sorry Coco and Spyro. I know you don't want me to do this. But I know you only say this because you don't have the courage to destroy me in the process of correcting the past. You love me too much to do so. But I love you both so much that I have to go through with this. I have Faith both of you will find happiness if I succeed. I have Faith that my soul may find refuge in heaven, where hopefully I can meet my uncle and my aunt, Tawna and Spyro's parents, and someday reunite with my mother and father as well.

The Dragon and the Bandicoot, Blaze.


"So you really, just... forgave her completely? Even after... what she did to you?"

Spyro and Crash waited outside on the beachfront as the sun drew closer and closer towards the horizon. Coco and Elora were inside. Aku-Aku was draped around Crash's neck and Sparx remained hovering beside his Dragon. Neither could communicate with their partners, still. Crash's sister wasn't ready to leave the house yet... everyone understood why. Crash had been inside to comfort her earlier, but now had joined Spyro outside and sat next to him as they waited patiently for Coco to... regain her composure. No one was rushing her.

"I did Spyro." Crash wasn't looking at Spyro when he responded. Instead, he stared into the ocean feeling sympathy for his sister who was once again completely torn apart for what she had taken from him. It always vicariously hurt Crash when she felt like this. They were family, brother and sister; he had truly forgiven her and Crash always hoped that she would believe that he did and move on. It was just that Crash had not fully gotten over the death of Tawna. He loved her and loved Coco. This scenario caused a huge conflict of emotions within Crash himself. He couldn't allow himself to show any sign that he blamed Coco for his turmoil, for it wasn't true. He didn't and wouldn't believe it was so. It was just... complicated, and time heals all wounds... eventually. "She, as Tawna and I were, products of Cortex's intentions. She was doing... what she was told was right. But she broke free, and became my sister for real as she wept over Tawna's body. That's what has always mattered to me: that I freed my sister from her captivity, both mentally and physically."

"That's... truly amazing." Spyro said solemnly yet with astonishment as he now also stared out into the ocean. "You have more compassion than anyone I've ever met. To forgive your sister for murdering someone you love, and not seek vengeance against the person truly responsible." A wave crested against the shore and both Crash and Spyro were silent for a moment before Spyro continued. "However... I remember from earlier today, as we were both looking for those metaphorical gems, when you admitted to me that you were depressed in the days before Elora and I arrived. About you and your sister's future. I... don't mean to probe, but... those feelings had to have been about Tawna. I know you love Coco, but I just find it remarkable that you've forgiven her so completely."

Crash was angered for a moment. Upset with Spyro for the feeling as if maybe he shouldn't have forgiven his sister. And Crash didn't respond immediately to Spyro. It took Crash a moment to realize, to understand, that Spyro was only concerned for his wellbeing, not inciting he was wrong for forgiving his sister. The moment was weird for Crash. For all of his life he had only had two people ever care about how he felt. And now hearing someone else show the same concern that Tawna had once felt for him and the same concern Coco feels for him now; the realization, the sensation, it was bewildering... and comforting. He... he had never had a brother before now.

"I was feeling remorseful, knowing my chance to have a family that could outlast me disappeared with Tawna. But I still had a family with Tawna and now have one with Coco as well. Family... everyone needs one in some shape or form at some point in their lives. No matter its form, it makes life worth it. Thanks Spyro, for your concern. For talking with me... now that I can. What's gone on between Coco and I is, has been tough. I've been afraid to admit that I am indeed still conflicted over the issue. Though admitting it I feel will be the first step towards overcoming it. I guess I just needed someone to confide in to find the confidence to say what I was feeling aloud. I needed a friend... no, better yet a brother. I guess you filled that role for me Spyro."

He called me his brother, Spyro thought. As in me being a part of his family? But I'd only known him for about a day now. The comment baffled Spyro completely. "Brother?"

"It's a bit of a stretch, you being a dragon from a hundred thousand years in the past. But it's true. I trust you... with my life. I know I'm being a little too sentimental. But I figured I might as well tell you this; it seems like the right time just and I know it now to be true. In case I never see you again once you return home, it was a pleasure to know you, Spyro the Dragon."

The comment, to Spyro's utter surprise, made him a little emotional. The sudden emotion unevened him, for at first he didn't completely understand why it had impacted him so much. It took just a few moments for Spyro to understand that he had gained a new family today, which was something you didn't earn every day. It was something special, something more impactful and extraordinary than a friendship. He understood that he was a little emotional because he felt the same way about Crash and just didn't really realize it until Crash welcomed him to be a part of his family. Someone whom he may never see again after today. With this understanding, Spyro set aside his uneasiness and instead wished to speak the truth with his new brother. "Thank you Crash. That... it means a lot to me. I've only ever had... a few beings be a part of my family. Sparks, Elora, Hunter, I guess I've been taking it for granted, until today. I know how short families can sometimes last. It's important to cherish it, and I'm glad to be a part of yours as well."

Crash and Spyro gave each other a smile. Coco and Elora emerged from Crash's house.

"I'm ready." Coco said sternly and with authority in her voice. For now, she was over the guilt that plagued her heart. Tonight, she her only concern would be helping in any way returning hew new friends home, getting through the monster responsible for how guilty she felt in the first place. Tonight, everyone was ready for tonight's confrontation.


Their destination was the third island. Coco carried Crash on her jet ski towards the island, as Spyro flew Elora there. Spyro and Elora landed on the beach as Coco brought her jet ski to a rest on the shore. Together, Crash, Spyro, Elora, Coco, Sparx, and Aku-Aku entered Cortex Castle and made their way to the top of the stone building as the moon rose towards the heavens. They encountered no resistance as they made their way up the top, past the cages with worn out labels for the first animals Cortex mutated, past the laboratory where Crash and other mutants were made, to the highest room where the Time Twister was held, where Spyro and Elora had escaped from yesterday morning. All six now stood in front of the giant machine which was the Time Twister, it's components and mechanisms taking up nearly three fourths of the enormous room which housed the machine. At the center podium of the Time Twister, where spherical wormholes in space and time would emerge, stood Cortex, with Nina, N-Gin, and N-Tropy arranged behind him.

"I've been expecting you," Cortex said rather comically, "thought you've taken a little longer than I expected. We're basically neighbors; it shouldn't have taken you this long to get here."

Cortex's nonchalant tone given the current situation angered Coco to no end. He was responsible for her greatest guilt. He was going to pay. "Listen up Cortex" Coco said loudly and with disdain in her voice. "We're not here to play games or talk. Tonight, you and you're 'plans for the world' come to an end. You're not getting away this time. I'll make sure of it." Coco's tone worried Crash for a moment. What exactly did she mean?"

"Well you might not be in the most talkative of moods, my once loyal creation; however I'm not going to give you much of a choice. Normally our encounters don't have this much conversation, but tonight is going to be the exception. Although, first, I might as well get this out of the way and mention that this is 'indeed a trap.' Ripto!"

Cortex mentioning Ripto's name immediately grasped one hundred percent of Spyro's attention. But before Spyro had a chance to realize what Cortex meant by shouting his nemesis's name, a four inch diameter beam tore through Elora's back and chest. She screamed out in agony at the sudden attack, collapsing to the ground as she turned 180 degrees and landed immobilized and severely injured onto her back.

"Elora!!!!!!" Spyro rushed to her side, before staring up at the figure hovering outside a window above the door he and everyone else had entered through. Spyro boiled with uncontrollable anger as he stared at a living Ripto.

"The Professor, Hunter, and now Elora! I've come back from the grave twice because you're too weak to kill me! And now this weakness will finally lead to your downfall! Tonight, Spyro, you DIE!"

Spyro shouted in a rage of fury as flame erupted from his mouth. With complete malice and rage, his focus was solely on Ripto, who he with the yearning of every fiber of his being would stop at nothing to destroy. Spyro took off from the ground and furiously flew towards Ripto who retreated to above the castle, where he and Spyro commenced their aerial battle above. Crash knelt beside Elora to see if she was still alive, and took her hand as she grimaced and squirmed on the ground crying and reeling in horrible pain. Coco started at Cortex with all her contempt. She will avenge Elora and make up what she did to her brother tonight, at the expensive of the monster's life who stood before her.

N-Tropy walked forward ready to end the experiments which had been ruining his and his nephew's plans, but Cortex outstretched a hand, blocking his path. Cortex then spoke. "Everyone, we will not engage Subject C1 or C3 until I say so, understood?"

"But master?" N-Gin said confused. These mutations were the enemy, per Cortex's instruction. They were to be eliminated for that was Cortex's will. After the black talisman which hung from Cortex's neck was destroyed, Cortex had changed, and N-Gin wasn't sure how to feel about it. His love and devotion for his master was unwavering, but the sudden change in Cortex's behavior unsettled him. But N-Gin would serve him till the end, for it was his duty.

N-Tropy, frustrated with his nephew for years now, still reluctantly yet willingly agreed to stand down for Cortex was the genius; he was his grandfather's legacy. Even to this day what N-Tropy's father had created still fascinated him and compelled him to follow the orders of his younger nephew. Help him scheme to take over the world. It in a strange way, connected him with his distant father, who's adultery scandal and human rights violations wrongfully ruined his career and destroyed his grand ambitions for humanity and the world. Through his father's creation, N-Tropy would make him proud.

Nina thought back to the last time she saw Willy, as she removed him from a cage and placed him onto the base of the Evolv-O Ray. Subject C1, or Crash now stood before her to oppose her and her uncle. Did Crash ever recognize me in all these years? Ah well, it wasn't important. All that was important was the mission. Following in her uncle's footsteps, for he was all she had left.

"I have some words I need to hash out with my two creations" Cortex said with authority. "And until that has happened, everyone will stand down. Ripto and the Dragon are not of my concern at the moment."

"I have nothing to say to the likes of you!" Coco yelled in indignation. Crash meanwhile began to put pressure on the gaping hole in Elora's sternum, trying to slow down the bleeding.

"We will hash this out, Coco. That dying... faun's life may depend on it."

Coco finally looked at Elora, whom she had grown to admire like a sister. Coco immediately felt horrible for not even acknowledging her until now. Her anger had consumed her, and only Crash had cared enough to help her.

"What do you know of Aku-Aku and Uka-Uka, Coco?"

Coco looked back at cortex, and a glare of contempt reappeared on her face. "Fuck off. I have nothing to say to you."

Cortex sighed before asking Coco again. "What do you know of them... please?"

He said please? "What does it matter, Cortex?"

"Aku-Aku and Uka-Uka, the talismans themselves, are merely the familiars to the ancient Spirits of Order and Chaos. One spirit's sole purpose is to destroy this world, the other is to maintain its peace. Aku-Aku chose your brother Crash, in either some sort of perfect irony or maybe because he is indeed righteous and pure of heart, to oppose me. I was chosen by Uka-Uka as his herald of destruction. Within me he found the ambition, the will, and the knowledge to cause havoc on this world. The Spirit slowly but surely began to control me, grooming me to be its agent of Chaos. That evil pushed me to murder those responsible for my parent's deaths. It instructed me to build an army so I device the Cortex Commandos Project. It compelled me to amuse the Power Crystals as a means of enslaving the Earth. And when that plan failed, it drove me to build the Time Twisting Machine so that Uka-Uka could rewrite history. He, has made me who I am. The 'evil scientist' who created you, and the man you blame for your choice to murder Tawna."

"Bullshit!" Coco shouted in hatred. "You cannot justify yourself to me now. And I didn't choose to murder Tawna. You made me!"

"I know you're smarter than this Coco. You remember what you said to me all those years ago the day after you were created. That you were able to understand why I was doing the things I did. That you had loyalty not preprogrammed, but earned through a mutual understanding. When I made you, as with Crash and Subject C2, I gave you free will. Suppressed somewhere within the mental dominance of Uka-Uka, I would not subject my creations to the same form of mind control I was forced to endure. I never made you to do anything. You acted in your own free will when you pulled that trigger against C2. It's also why you were able to trade sides in the fight and join your brother. It's why you stand opposed to me today. I created the things that would defeat me, for it was never really me who you and your brother fought tirelessly to defeat. But now... I'm free. It is me."

"Liar" Coco now said a little raspy. He was lying. He wasn't free... it was his fault she killed Tawna. "You expect me to believe you're no longer the evil bastard I know you to be. That bringing Spyro here to the present and allying with Ripto was somehow an act of goodness?"

"No, I never said I was 'good.' I simply act of my own free will now. I was a man of science, until a maleficent force of magical evil attempted to use me to destroy the world; send it into a state of chaos. But after Uka-Uka was destroyed, I realized that there was one truth in the horror being under his control: that I have the ability to change the world. To fix it, to make things right, rid the world of the evil that killed my parents. To do that, I needed a mastery of both magic and evil. So I brought forth in time two of the most formidable demonstrations of magic in history: one who would stand to oppose me and thus have killed and the other whom I could control. Elora was not supposed to be part of the equation, but she isn't important in the grand scheme of things."

"So that's what this has been all about? Bettering the world! You're a psychotic freak, who deserves to pay for what you've done to me and my brother!"

"No Coco. You still consider you and your brother as equals to me. That you're lives matter as much as mine, or my parents, or any other human. But that is a lie; you are merely experiments, fabrications, imitations of sentient life by my own design. Mutants, the real 'freaks'. Subject C2's death, even by your own hands amounts to nothing. It is the same as a cow put to slaughter or cutting down a tree. You are essentially my pets, your wills, ambitions, and desires meaningless. But I don't wish to kill you. There's no need to. As I've told you once before, I do not kill without reason. You will simply cease to exist once I use

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