Chapter 3 betrayal

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Hey guys this is the third chapter sorry about the cliffhanger last time I will try to stop with that no more talking here is the chapter

'' it wasn't my decision to pick who comes, on the mission it was Cyrus who chooses who comes and he thought you could betray us again and I.........".

I didn't get to finish because she suddenly attacked, I went for the sneaky cobra move I ducked she missed her punch, and then I jumped back up and punched her lightly in the stomach, she folded then I stopped fighting,  I had gotten much better at fighting since we came back from Paris I had been practicing. '' I don't want to hurt you I'm sorry you are not coming on the mission and anyways arent you working with DADD and agent taco,'' I said.

''  they fired me from DADD because I wasn't good enough, and you were never a good spy I just said that because I had a crush on you!!,'' she screamed. 

''release your anger girl", someone said behind us ''  before I smack you to death for being mean to my boyfriend,'' [ guys that whole line was one of my friends asked me to do wasn't my idea] I couldn't believe that Erica admitted this my life was now complete. 

Zoe made a dumb decision and tried to fight Erica, but she was no match for her, Erica pinned her down in a second. " I'm going to get both of you back someday," she said and stormed away.

''dam she really hates us,'' Erica said and left, so I just started packing and got ready for the mission. while packing I heard my door starting to open I quickly got my tennis racket getting ready for an assassin but it was just Mike, "what are you doing here''  I asked.

'' something important about the mission''.

"which is ................................................................ 

'' Remember how on your mission to Mexico Zoe and I snuck on the plane so.......''

'' she could sneak on the plane just like you guys did,'' I finished. 

''  yes so we have to prevent that from happening again, so what should we do,'' he asked. 

" well I think we should have someone on the look on the cameras of her dorm, then check everywhere in the plane to see if she's on before we leave''.

'' ok,'' mike said and then left.

after that, I finished packing and went to the mess hall to go eat dinner with my friends.

chip Jawa and mike were there like usual, I got some unedible food and sat next to them. then something very unexpected happened Erica came to our table and sat down. Mike and chip started chocking on their food mine and jawas mouth fell like a trapdoor, Erica rolled her eyes, "dam this is the reaction when I sit next to people she said", once we finished eating I felt something in my pocket it was a note, erica must have slipped it into my pocket while I was eating, so that's why she sat with us it said.

- meet me at my dorm room tonight.

I assumed that meant like at around 12 a clock, so I set an alarm and went to sleep.

 I woke up at 11:50 I went to Erica's dorm room I have been in there before and it didn't look what I expected at all, I was about to knock on the door but then suddenly someone punched me in the face I fell to the floor, the attacker was in a black ninja suit so I couldn't know who it is, he or she was really short then suddenly Erica's door slammed open, she came out took the attacker down and then took off the mask of the attackers face....................

that's the end of the chapter 

I'm not lying I wanted to leave it at a cliff hanger 

I know I said no more cliffhangers but..............................


all right fine here is the continuation of the chapter

'' Zoe!! what the hell why did you do this," I screamed. 

"I wanted to teach you a lesson for not inviting me on a mission, but of course Erica has to interrupt,''  she said.

I just punched her in the face and she fell unconscious I was so pissed at zoe at this point that I didn't even care at that point she had betrayed me too many times to count. 

" All I wanted to tell that if you tell anyone what I told you today.......

'' you will find me and kill me I know the drill," I finished.

yes," she said and left.

I went back to my room and went to sleep for an hour, I woke up at 1 a clock got ready went to go eat, then I got to the school gate at 1:30, even tho they said to come at 2 they always say I'm late when I do, sure enough, everyone was there.

'' alright everyone get in the car we have to leave'', Catherine said.

we got in the car and drove off to the CIA airport, " the last plane you used was horrible, so the CIA decided to upgrade to a private jet'', we got there and saw the private jet and our jaws drooped it was insane, it had a rec center with all the food a teenager could ask for, hamburgers, fries, turkey, hotdogs, steak,  chicken nuggets, all sodas and etc...........

'' oh my god there is a foosball table", mike exclaimed and ran over to the table. " I call red team!!, " wait first we have to check the whole plane to see if zoe sneaked on after we will play foosball'', I said we searched all around the plane we found her in a bag and kicked her out of the plane. " all right I'm going to destroy you ben in foosball," mike said, at the end of the game it came out 10 - 9 he won by one point damit, after that, I went to sleep. 

 all right that is the end of the chapter hope you guys enjoyed the chapter yes no cliffhanger this time but the next few chapters may have some ah ha ha ha ha ha ha  ah ha ha ha ha ha all right I'm going to stop with that

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