chapter 12 the final chapter

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alright guys this is the final chapter and in this, you will get some info during the end of the chapter of the next mission that they are going on I'm going to do an a/n after this chapter si yeah no more talking here is the chapter  

we had arrived back at u.s.a a day ago I was in the hospital recovering from being shot in the chest by Nathan we had captured all the leaders of Thunder but Murray and Zoe got away all the other we threw in jail.  Erica and Mike stayed at the hospital with me. in case anyone attacked me and to check if I was good.   The CIA made up a cover story for me but the hospital was suspicious but anyway let me stay. Orion had been recruited to the CIA  sort of he was only going on missions with us and he is getting lessons on how to become a better spy. I was just talking with my friends. when suddenly Cyrus and Catherine stormed into the room 

" We have some info for you on your next mission ", Catherine said excitedly.

" another mission are you kidding me in the past week and a half we have had 2 missions and now we are getting activated on another one'', I said. I wasn't too happy we had just been on a mission and now we are getting activated on another one like couldn't the bad guys wait another week. 

" Our team got back from their investigation in Nicaragua and they have found out that there is an enemy organization there plotting something and we are sending you guys to stop them'', Cyrus said.  

'' what is the enemy organization name,'' I asked curiously 

'' our old friends SPYDER'', he said 

the end 

alright guys that is it for this book I'm doing authors note right now 

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