Chapter 1 revelation

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The first chapter is here hope you guys enjoy it...

Ben POV:'' We can do this the easy way or the hard way,'' Trixie said. 

''Easy'' me and Mike said at once.

''Good'' Trixie smiled brightly. ''I'm listening, start talking;" 

Before I and Mike could say a word, Erica Hale stormed into the room. 

''You're not studying to be a scientist,'' Trixie said. 

'' So what am I studying to be?' Erica asked.

'' A spy.'' 

Erica started laughing. " Me? A spy, where did you hear that from?"

''I was eavesdropping on Ben and Mike. They were talking about something in Antarctica, and if they are being sent to investigate, '' she said.

Erica sighed, " well I guess it's about time you found out that the whole family are spies although Dad is a horrible spy, he has almost killed me a few times by mistake.

I and Mike both sighed with relief that Erica didn't beat us up for revealing that we're spies. 

'' So does this mean that Trixie is now a spy just like what happened with me when I found out that you guys were spies" Mike asked Erica?

'' Well I don't see any other option but I will have to see what Cyrus says,'' she said.

''Yes," Mike whispered ''oh, and Trixie can I have your phone number.''

I and Erica both rolled our eyes ''sure" she said and then gave it to him Mike looked like he won the lottery, '' Chillax man it's just a phone number it's not like you won the lottery" I said.

"It's not like you weren't like that when you got Erica's phone number," He said.

"How do you know that I have her number?" I asked. 

'' I'm a spy Ben, it's my job to know things," he said. 

'' Hey, that's my line," Erica said.

'' Alright let's just get back to where we were," I said. '' So are they sending us to investigate this?'' I asked.

To be continued...........................................

Damn 350 words jezz

Sorry for the cliffhanger. I'll update in about two days-- see you guys in the next one! Peace out...

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