Chapter 7

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That day, when Hanni got back to her office, each and every single person darted their heads towards her direction as if she was some kind of freak show. All of them had the same questioning look. Hanni tried to ignore them and went back to her desk.

Before she could sit down, Miss Song came to her and gave her a questioning look.

"Care to explain? What did you do that the President dragged you out like this? As far as I know, this behavior of her was quite unusual," Miss Song enquired and crossed her arms in front of her chest.

Hanni didn't know what to answer. Everyone was listening to their conversation very carefully. If she said, she was her kidnapper, would they have believed her? Well, that sounds so stupid.

"Even I have no idea. If you're curious then it'd be better if you ask Her yourself," Hanni replied with a slight smile.

"So you're not gonna answer? Let's see for how long you can manage to stay in this company," Miss Song warned with greeted teeth.

Then suddenly the door of their office flew open and a female voice echoed through the room.

"Miss Song, may I have a chat with you for a minute?" Miss Hana asked with a smile. Well, to Hanni, it looked more like a smirk than a smile.

Miss Song and Miss Hana talked for a few minutes in the lobby which made everyone quite curious. Normally the high profile individuals of this company never come to the departments. If needed they call the department heads or the wanted employees to their office But that day turned out to be quite eventful and a subject of gossip for the employees.

However, Miss Song came back to the office and walked directly towards Hanni's desk.

"Go to the restaurant opposite this building. Miss Hana wants to talk to you" Miss Song whispered to Hanni's ear and walked away to her separate office room.

Hanni left a heavy sigh and walked out. Although Jennie tried to ask her what happened, Hanni totally ignored her. After she left, the whole department became filled with whispers.

"What do you think Miss Song told her?"

"I think she went out to meet with Miss Hana"

"First the President now her girlfriend, do you think there's something going on"

"What if it's a love triangle?"

"I don't think Miss Hana is her girlfriend. She likes her but our president doesn't reciprocate the same feelings to her."

"Maybe there's something going on between the president and Hanni. I guess Miss Hana caught them red handed and now wants to punish Hanni"

"Wow, what a drama!"

And thus the gossips escalated further. People assumed things solely based on their imagination not caring about the actual truth. As Jennie was a close friend of Hanni's, she became very frustrated, hearing about all the stupid gossips.

Hanni entered the restaurant and saw Miss Hana sitting at a table all by herself. She went near and sat in front of her.

"Miss Hanni, right? I don't like twisted conversations, so I'll just ask you directly. What is going on between you and Minji?" Miss Hana asked with a straight face.

"What do you mean by 'going on? If you're referring to what you saw in Her office then I'll say we were just talking"

"Talking about what?" Miss Hana asked, tilting her head.

"She is my boss, so stuff," Hanni replied, shrugging her shoulders.

Hearing her reply, Miss Hana left a mocking chuckle and crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"Do I look stupid Miss Hanni? I already talked to Miss Song and you're in no position to talk to the president about 'work stuff. You're lying, so that means you're definitely trying to hide something," Miss Hana said with a smirk.

"If you don't believe me then why don't you ask Her  by yourself?"

"Don't try to act smart, Hanni It'd be better if you keep your distance from her, otherwise you can't imagine what l'm capable of doing"

"Excuse me! Are you threatening me right now?" Hanni almost shouted getting all worked up.

"What the hell are you doing here with her?" Asked Minji all of a sudden.

"We are talking, can't you see? By the way, what are you doing here? Did your secretary tell you that I'm here with her?" Miss Hana replied with a smirk. She didn't even show a bit of anger or frustration, in fact she was extremely calm.

While Minji was arguing with Miss Hana, Hanni got a text message from jennie and she opened it.

"Where the hell are you Hanni? You didn't even tell me anything! Do you know what rumors are going around in our department? Even I'm curious right now. Is there really something going on between you and the president?"

Seeing the message, Hanni's blood started boiling with anger. To be specific she was angry at Minji. If he didn't act carelessly in her office, then all this wouldn't have happened. It was all her fault!

"Can't you guys just solve your fucking personal matters and don't drag me into all this! I seriously have nothing to do with any of you. All I want is to live my life peacefully, so please leave me alone!" Saying this, Hanni stomped out of the restaurant.

"Wow! Now that's interesting! A mere employee like her just yelled at you and you're just standing here? Shouldn't you fire her now?" Miss Hana asked with a smile while leaning on her chair.

"You're the one who's making a mountain out of a molehill! Now stop and leave her alone," Minji said and walked away, leaving behind a smirking Miss Hana.


"Hello, ma'am! What can I do for you?"

"I just sent you a picture. Find everything about her......"

"Okay ma'am! Just give me one day."

"Let me finish first. I want you to keep an eye on her. If you find anything interesting, don't forget to keep a record. And don't worry, you'll be paid a fair sum of money."


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