They began their stride outside. "For the record, just because I'm here with you doesn't mean I want to be. I'm doing this for myself, not for you." Said Springtrap. "Aww, Springy! Why the haste? We're gonna be da best of friends after this, don't ya think!?" Goldie laughed. People began to stare. "The fuck are you looking at?" Springtrap said to a woman walking her dog. People began to pull out their phones. "Oh yeah, two robots walking around! Big fucking whoop!" He said sarcastically rolling his eyes. Soon after, they had arrived. "Wow! I didn't know the outside world was so..! Full of nothingness." Goldie sighed, "What a let down, the pizzeria is much more colorful." Goldie walked through the office halls, trying to touch things he wasn't supposed to, though Springtrap slapped his hand every time. "This is the office, watch what you say, got it." Springtrap glared towards Goldie, "Gotcha!" Goldie cheered. Once both entered, Harry's uncle laid his eyes on a familiar face and a new one. "Well hello you two! Great to see you both!" Harry's uncle nervously smiled. "Great to see me too!" Goldie shouts, sitting himself in one of the chairs facing the desk. "Oh the things I have ta share wit ya!" Goldie crossed his hands behind his head sighing. "Sorry about him." Springtrap nervously smiled, sitting in the other empty chair placed beside Goldie. "It's no problem, Springtrap!" He said. "So, you're an unfamiliar face. What brings you here?" He asked.
"My names Goldie! I'm the most amazing and beautiful bear Eva! I'm here because people think I have a problem! But... that's not my fault! I was locked in a back room for ten years! Heh... guess I deserve it..." Goldie said. "Oh please..." said Springtrap smugly under his breath, rolling his eyes. "You were in a back room for ten years? Whatever for?" Harry's Uncle asked. "Oh nothing crazy! Accidentally killed a kid during his birthday party! But that wasn't my fault! His punk friends practically put him in my mouth! That's not on me!" Goldie said defensively. "Oh! That's...! That's kind of big, friend." He said. "And Springtrap... I'm assuming you're here about-" Springtrap cut him off. "No, not this time. I'm trying to take some tension off the two of us.
He's been giving me problems and I want to find a way for us both to resolve it so I can stop having to stress about him." "Me?! Give you problems!? Neva!" Goldie said. "You know the only reason we have issues is because you didn't help me carry out my plan with that STUPID Freddy FazJERK! I DESERVE that spotlight! It belonged to ME! So what I messed up!? We all make mistakes! It was no reason to lock me away for 10 years where I was alone, and followed around by this pesky camera crew and-" "you're spiraling." Said Springtrap. "Camera.. Crew...?" Asked the therapist. "Long story." Said Goldie. "You know YOU dishonestly roped me into your plan. You lied to me from the moment I arrived. I understand you wanted to build a friendship and do something you thought was right, but you did it dishonestly." Said Springtrap. "Ya know... you two don't sound too different from one another. I'm sure if you tried, you could be really good friends." Harry's uncle said with a smile. "Friends? Wit em? Never!" Goldie jumped in offense. "You answered that too soon, though isn't that why you're here?" Harry's uncle questioned. "Of course not! I only wanted options on my evil plans!" Goldie scheme-fully plotted. Springtrap jumped to intervene, "No you didn't ding bat listen! You said! That-"
"Alright enough." Harry's uncle caught both of their attention within a second, "If talking our feelings causes arguments, there's many methods of therapy." Harry's uncle smiled. "Like what." The two of them questioned, then immediately glaring at the other for copying them. Harry's uncle pulled out two pieces of paper and pencil, "Draw how you feel." Harry's uncle handed them both two sheets. Goldie grinned as Springtrap rolled his eyes, "What am I? A nine year old?" "I know it may seem silly, but trust me, it'll help." Said Harry's uncle. He sighed and began to draw. After about a minute of sketching, he put down the pen, and showed his paper. He drew a photo of him alone in his room while the others were outside of it happy. "Please explain your drawing to me, Goldie." He said. "Well, that's me over here." He said pointing to his paper. "I'm in the back room by myself, where even now I still spend my time. Over here is Freddy and the others outside, singing and messing around together. I used to be like them, ya know... we all had so much fun together, but one mistake can ruin... everything..." Goldie sighed. Springtrap looked at him sadly. He knew how Goldie felt. He knew what Goldie was going through. He had lost Deliah due to his mistake. Was he... sympathizing for him? "Have you tried asking the others for forgiveness?" Harry's Uncle questioned with sincerity. "Well ya! Tons of times! But they always treat me with coldness.. I guess I deserve it though." Goldie frowned. He frowned. "No one deserves it, Goldie. You should try to prove to them you're trustworthy. Don't plan anything harmful against them, be nice to them, earn their trust. Maybe then you'd see a change." Goldie looked at him with a sense of hope. He hadn't been taking this seriously before, but something about what he had said struck him deeply. Through all his schemes and anger, he did miss the way things used to be. "Ya, I will.. thanks." Goldie replied. Springtrap began to question his words as well. Was there any way he could make it up to Deliah? Was there a way to mend their relationship? Could he fix the relationship between him and the kids he slew?
Maybe Harry's therapy idea wasn't horrible after all. Maybe all hope really wasn't lost for Springtrap. Harry's uncle then passed the paper to Springtrap, Springtrap looked down at it for a moment thinking, "God this is so cringe." He took the pencil and paper and began to draw. At first he didn't really know what he was drawing, he drew whatever was on his mind. After a few minutes, both Harry's uncle and Goldie curiously stared at Springtrap who seemed to be taking this simple task into a Picasso portrait. Finally he passed the paper towards. There was a picture of a brunette girl, in a purple dress. That's all that was on the paper. "Do you mind explaining this for me?" Harry's uncle asked. "This is Deliah." Springtrap answered. "I see.. and what does she have to do with how you feel?" Harry's uncle examined the paper once further. Springtrap looked down at his paper and took a deep sigh. "Deliah was my best friend. We used to stay up late at night and I'd make her cookies every time she had a bad dream, and then every morning I made her pancakes!" He smiled. "Deliah sure did love my pancakes. She called them world class! Ha!" Suddenly he frowned. "She found out about my past and grew afraid of me. Well- not exactly found out. Harry and I started off on the wrong foot. He recorded me saying something I shouldn't have and used it as blackmail against me. At the end of the summer we had a deal, he wouldn't play the recording, and I would tell Deliah the truth. I didn't want to, but I did. Once she kicked me out, Harry offered I stay with him. I know I should've told her sooner but I was just so afraid of losing her! She began to suspect things about me. she often would have nightmares. When she told me they were often about me... I snapped. I wasn't the best friend to her that I could've been. When I became afraid about her finding out too much, I would make threats. No matter how hard I tried, I still hurt her in the end. She had found me several months ago in my old location. She offered me kindness even though I was undeserving. I wish I could've given that same kindness back to her." He sighed. "I just wish she would see me as her big bunny buddy again... I miss her..." He said, re-directing his attention to the therapist. "You two have a lot in common, see? You both want to change. Why don't you try to change together?"
"Together..? Ew- too far.." Goldie gagged, Springtrap rolled his eyes. "As for you Springtrap, no matter how hard we try to change in life, you might come across a person who doesn't agree with you or doesn't forgive something you've done. We must learn to forgive the most important person first, ourselves. If Deliah means this much to you, you should try apologizing again, if it doesn't work out, you must let her go. I know letting something go is hard to withhold, but you've done enough at that point and you should let her be but also yourself be." Harry's Uncle spoke. "Yeah... you're right." Springtrap spoke. Suddenly, a timer on the table beside them began to go off. "Looks like our sessions over! Hopefully I was able to help you two out today." He said. "Thank ya for ya time!" Goldie said. They both stood up and exited the room. Once they exited, he picked up his phone to call Harry. "Hey, Harry! Your neighbor, Deliah.. what's her dad's number?" He picked up a pen and began to write down the number Harry had given him. "Why?" Harry asked reluctantly. "Well, Springtrap came in today and told me about him and Deliah's relationship. I suggested he go over there to re- apologize, so I wanted to give Deliah's father a heads up to let him know he was going to drop by." Harry went silent. "You did what?! Dude, he can't go over there! That would cause so many problems!" Harry yelled. "Relax, Harry! I'm sure everything will work out in the end! It can't hurt to try! What's his name, anyway?" He asked. "His named Nick. Please be careful. Springtrap is a... sensitive subject to him..." Harry said. "Thanks, Harry!" He said, hanging up the phone. He re- dialed in the number Harry had given to him. "Hello! Edward's residence." A voice on the other end of the phone spoke. "Hello, Nick! I'm Harry's uncle." He said. "Oh! What can I do for you, sir?" Nick said. "Well, I'm a therapist and Springtrap had stopped by today. He was telling me about Deliah, and I suggested he go over there to apologize for everything." There was silence. "You did WHAT?!" Nick yelled. "He can't come over here! I've already worked so hard to keep Springtrap out of her life! Things are finally starting to look up!" Nick yelled. "Wait... Springtrap goes to therapy?" He said in confusion. "He does, he's been making great progress too. I think you should hear him out on what he has to say." "Fine... I'll listen to him.." Nick said reluctantly. "Superb! Alright, bye now!" They hung up the phone. Goldie and Springtrap had left the office. Things between Goldie and Springtrap were very silent on the way back, not even Goldie who's usually talkative was talking. Perhaps it was due to how awkward the aftermath of the situation was.
They had arrived at the front entrance of the pizzeria, Goldie stopped and looked up to Springtrap, who was giant compared to Goldie, he grinned and chimmed, "Well, what a journey friend! I've totally become inspired to change!" Goldie cheered. Springtrap smiled. "Not." Goldie muttered under his breath. He opened the restaurant doors and slammed it shut on Springtrap, "Typical." Springtrap sighed to himself. He thought about entering in as well, but he had other things to do. Springtrap turned around and sighed. "Is this really the right thing to do...?" He pondered a moment. "It couldn't hurt to try." He thought to himself. He began to walk towards Deliah's house. Once he arrived. He hesitated to knock on the door. After a few short breathes, he began to knock. "I'll get it!" He could hear a cheerful voice say from inside. "Wait Deliah don't-!" He heard Nick reply. Deliah opened the door and her demeanor went cold. "S-springtrap?! W-what are you doing here..?" "Uh- hello, Deliah! I uhm- I came here to uh- apologize.. I've been going to therapy! Harry's uncle, actually! I've been uhm... doing better..." springtrap said nervously. Suddenly, Nick approached the door. "Hello, Springtrap.."
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