Chapter 7

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After rushing the kids to school, I managed to make my way to my own, extremely nervous. God. Please dont let anyone see the hidden compartment in my backpack with the suit. PLEASE!!!

Arriving at the high school, I found Ned and MJ sitting in class, both staring at Neds phone. I could hear a quiet video playing off of it.

"Hey guys! What are you watching?" I asked as casually as I could manage, walking up behind them.

"Dude! This is the Spider-Man guy I was telling you about yesterday!" Ned yelled, shoving his phone into my face. The bright screen made me wince a bit before my eyes could focus.

On the screen was a video of me, well Spider-Man, swinging from building to building with my web shooters.

"Whoa! Thats awesome! A new superhero is in town!" I yelled, feigning enthusiasm as best I could. Ned seemed to buy my act, but MJ squinted at me, making me nervous. Is she suspicious of me? Theres no way she knows Im Spider Man, right?

"Why are you all bruised up?" She asked, pointing to her own face as a gesture.

My eyes widened slightly as my heart dropped and I took out a small mirror from my backpack. Sure enough, my face was covered in deep bruises from my little 'incident' with Ms. Medy this morning. Also known as: We were a little too loud and managed to wake her up.

Honestly, Medusa. You couldnt have beat me where people wouldnt see? I cant have Ned and MJ know about the abuse! Theyll treat me like some sort of kicked puppy and look at me with pity...

"I...kinda got into a fight yesterday." I admitted. A little white lie never hurt anyone. I mean, I DID get into a few fights as Spidey after allIts just not the reason why Im like this. Their eyes widened at the news.

"What? You got into a fight!? With who?" Ned flipped out, waving his arms around. MJ rolled her eyes at him and sat there quietly, waiting for me to answer him.

"Some dude tried to kidnap two of my siblings yesterday at the park. I stopped it before he could take them, but he sped off after. Luckily I managed to take a picture of his license plate and sent it to the police." I explained, showing them the slightly blurry picture on my crappy phone.

"Whoa! Thats some quick thinking, Pete!" Ned praised, staring at the photo. MJ nodded in agreement. Just then the teacher walked in and shushed the class.

"LISTEN UP!" She yelled over everyones chatter, making me wince. Okay um OW! I should try making some sort of hearing aids that lower the volume later?

"I have a special announcement. This week, we will be having exams instead of actual classes." Almost everyone began groaning at this, making her raise her hand for silence. "Don't give me that. These exams are special. They are a sort of application for a Paid Internship at Stark Industries! This is a really big opportunity, so you should be excited."

An internship? Scratch that. A PAID internship at STARK INDUSTRIES!!! Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god! If I can manage to get this, I can have money for the kids again!

With that, I felt the determination fill up inside me. I need this. For the kids!

Time Skip- brought to you by my never ending laziness.

It's been a week full of simple science related exams, afternoons and nights out as Spider-Man, and randomly timed beatings from Medusa. Saturday FINALLY rolled around, allowing me to relax, seeing as Medusa always leaves on weekends for whatever reason.

Sitting in my closet, I stared up at the ceiling, taking a breather. Man its been a crazy week. Im exhausted.

However, my peace didn't last, seeing as my sixth sense started going haywire. I immediately put on the suit and jumped out the window, allowing my instincts to lead the way.

About to jump onto the roof of a tall abandoned building, I looked down at the scene below me and I couldnt believe my eyes.

About five meters away, the Avengers were all lying on the ground, struggling to stay conscious. The only ones not present were Dr. Strange and Ironman, though my mind didnt have time to process this. My focus was shifted to something else.

Hovering in the air above them was a glider-like machine with a green armored man. His face was covered with a creepy green mask and he was laughing maniacally. That laugh...Ive heard it before. Where have I heard it before?!

"Geez!! Your laugh is definitely not for dinner parties!" I joked, resting my chin on my hand as my elbow rested on my knee.

My comment immediately caused the green man to stop laughing, turning his focus to me.

"Who are you?"

"Don't you know its only polite to introduce yourself first before you ask for someones name?" I smirked behind the mask. He seemed to be amused because he started laughing kind of normally. May did hammer manners into me before the whole orphanage ordeal, after all. Might as well use them.

"I'm the Green Goblin. Now answer my question." He barked, a strange looking ball suddenly in his right hand.

"Ouch! No need for that tone, Goblin. I'm just your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, after all~!"

"Well, Spider-Man. It was nice meeting you, but its time for you and the Avengers to die!" He yelled, tossing the ball right at me.

My spider sense screamed at me to dodge, forcing me out of harm's way right before an explosion burned the building I stood on.

"Awww. That was a nice present, Goblin. You shouldn't have." I chuckled, dodging another bomb he threw at me. "I got you something too~! I hope you like it!"

I shot a web straight at his gliders wing, pulling as hard as I could to tear it off. As he stumbled, I shot at his chest and pulled, forcing him to fall right off.

Quick as a flash, I webbed him into a large cocoon, ignoring his screams of protest. Within seconds, his whole body was a big white ball, with only his masked head showing.

"Time to take off that creepy mask, Greeny. Youre going to scare any kid who walks by." I announced, removing his Goblin helmet mask thing.

I stood there stunned at who he really was. Norman Osborn. What- He- why- How?!

"What's wrong, Spider-Man? Goblin got your tongue?" He smirked evilly. Immeasurable anger boiled up inside me.

"Where's Harry?" I asked through gritted teeth. Surprise flashed in his bright green eyes before a sort of proudness filled in its place.

"Well, if you must know, hes long dead. The boy was pathetically killed with the rest of my workers when my bomb went off. Honestly, if he were really my son, he should have survived, but no. I checked the rubble and he was as squashed as a-" I cut him off, webbing his mouth shut. Anger and hate was all that was inside me when I looked at him. I let him harshly fall to the cement ground from a few meters in the air. Ignoring his muffled groan of pain, as I walked over to the Avengers.

"Hey. If youre still alive, take that bastard Osborn over there." I pointed to Norman in his cocoon a few feet away. "Send him to rot in prison for the rest of his life, kill him, torture him. I don't care what you do with him at this point. Just make sure that I dont ever sees his ugly mug again. Oh! And make sure he's in a cell or something within the next two hours or my webs will set him free."

With that, I swung away, leaving stunned Avengers frozen in place. Anger was still inside me, but sadness was quickly crashing in. So Harry is really gone. Parker Luck really does hate me, doesnt it. Just when Im about to get close to someone, they get hurt

Returning to the orphanage, I quickly got changed and went downstairs. I found the kids all crying silently in the living room. The scent of blood hit me like a train. Oh god.

"What happened?" I called out frantically, startling a few with my sudden arrival.

"W-We found this puppy outside. He was hurt, so we brought him inside but now he's not moving anymore. We've tried to wake him up, but he still wont move." Elizabeth explained, tears flowing like waterfalls.

Looking at the floor beside her, there lay a limp bundle of brown fur. To take a closer look, I kneeled down beside it. The body was littered with sticks and metal wires poking out at sickening angles. The brown fur was soaked in large bloody blotches on the stomach and back. Its eyes were closed and its tongue stuck out from between small fangs.

Its dead.

A frown made its way onto my face and a single tear began to roll down my cheek. How could such a thing happen to such an innocent creature?

"I'm sorry, guys. Theres nothing I can do for him...hes gone." I whispered, not able to get my voice any louder. Whimpers and small sobs echoes around me instantly while I wiped the tear away.

"Come on, everyone. Let's go bury him in the backyard." I told them, my voice low and full of sadness. They all nodded and followed me as I carried the dead puppy outside.

After burying him, we all stood there in silence. They all slowly trickled back inside when they ran out of tears, eventually leaving me alone. I stood there without a single tear, though my entire soul was in mourning. I guess this is my official goodbye, Harry. I hope youre okay up there in Heaven. Maybe you and the puppy could be friends while youre there.

Finally leaving the grave, I went straight into my closet and flopped onto my bed, falling asleep as soon as my head hit my pillow.

Natashas POV

After Spider-Man swung away, I helped everyone get to their feet, ignoring the pain searing through me. Damn. If that spider kid hadn't showed up... I shook away my thoughts and walked over to the strange cocoon Osborn was flailing around in.

"Thor! Can you give me a little help with this?" I asked, kicking the captured Osborn lightly. I dont want to touch that web stuff.

"Of course, Daughter of Romanoff!" Thor boomed as he limped over.

After he picked up the ball of webs, we all went straight to the SHIELD base. Nicks not going to like this. Arriving at the base, Thor tossed the Goblin into a high security cell before we went to Furys Office. Entering, He seemed to already be waiting for us.

"We brought in Osborn." Clint said as we sat around the table with first aid equipment on it. Wow these are conveniently placed for us here. Just great. This means Furys already knows what happened.

"Alright, but why do you all look like youve been hit by a truck?" he questioned, feigning ignorance. I sighed and explained the situation to him. Why are you making us do this? I bet you found surveillance videos of our fight or something.

"You mean you all got your asses handed to you by a confused Hulk, then the local vigilante came to capture Osborn while you were out of it? A newbie was able to do something the Avengers weren't able to do within a minute." Fury questioned for confirmation. I sighed and nodded.

Just then, the screen behind him began projecting the video of our fight and other smaller screens showed Spider-Man swinging around town. I knew it.

"Well, then Avengers. It looks like you have a new mission. Keep an eye out for him. When you get the chance, capture him and bring him in for questioning." Fury ordered, stunning me into silence.

What? He wants us to capture an amateur?

"Are you sure about that? He's clearly doing good in this city." Steve voiced my thoughts, ending my small trance.

"He's also a possible threat if we dont even know his identity. Spider-Man was able to bring down the self proclaimed Green Goblin in less than five minutes, so dont underestimate him." Fury warned before walking out of the room.

I sighed again before turning to the others.

Looks like were chasing a spider.

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