Chapter 5: Back to Earth

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(While the heroes are returning to Earth, those who stayed in there found the remaining infinity gems and await the arrival of those who are returning from their travel, except for Iron Man, who is building his own version of the infinity gauntlet.)

(Somewhere in Gotham's bar, Superman, Robin, Raven, Zatanna and John Constantine are seen talking)

Zatanna: Let me understand. Darkseid used liquid kryptonite on you so there would be no one interfering with his empire.

John Constantine: This must hurt, huh?

(Suddenly the Suicide Squad comes in alongside five new recruits as John Constantine recognizes one of them.)

Zatanna: Something wrong?

John Constantine: My ex is here.

Zatanna: Your ex? Who?

Raven: Harley Quinn? That's crazy.

John Constantine: It's not her. (points at a girl wearing a red dress) It's her.

(Suddenly the girl notices John Constantine and winks at him, much for the surprise of everyone)

????: Wait. Is he your ex-boyfriend?

????: You have a problem, Mercury?

????: No... I'm just... surprised.

(Suddenly he is approached by the five)

????: It's been so long, Constantine.

Robin: Spider-Hog told me about you five.

????: So you heard about the circle of Salem?

Robin: Salem is not the only devil around the world, you know.

????: I like you, kid. Call me Roman Torchwich. (introduces a girl with an umbrella) This is my favorite teammate Neopolitan.

Neopolitan: Hello...

Robin: Let me guess... The boy with white hair is Mercury Black. The green haired gal is Emerald Sustrai.

????: I'm Cinder Fall. And as you can see, I'm Constantine's ex-girlfriend.

Roman: I heard about Kevin setting back home for a while. How is he?

Raven: He's alright... Unlike me...

Cinder: What happened to you?

(Suddenly John Constantine enters in Raven's mind and sees Trigon trying to set free)

Mercury: An inner devil fighting to break free?

Raven: Worse... The devil... is my father...

Cinder: Oh my god...

(Meanwhile in Gotham, we see Clint Barton, now as Ronin, beating the Joker to a pulp, saving Red Hood from his imminent death)

Ronin: Are you alright, kid?

Red Hood: (weakly) Now... I am... Thank you...

(Ronin puts Red Hood in his shoulder)

Ronin: The world has changed since the failed attack on Apokolips.

Red Hood: If I just knew where to find that despicable monster who likes nothing but killing... I would send him to hell!

(Cut to the fighting ring, Lois Lane is seen fighting Harley Quinn. She holds her own against her)

Roman: Their failed attack changed the world mostly...

Mercury: It's true. They are even blaming Superman for what happened here.

(Cut to New York, the heroes finally returned from their missions, bringing reinforcement with them)

Ruby: WOW! What happened here?

Spider-Hog: (sighs) This is what happens when you fight someone who is some steps ahead of you...

Optimus Prime: It's my fault...

Spider-Hog: Huh?

Optimus Prime: Where was I when the earth needed me? I left the planet completely vulnerable... And that's the result...

Bumblebee: But now we can make it up.

Arcee: And defeat Darkseid once and for all.

Strongarm: Is still there a Mission City?

Weiss: Mission City?

Spider-Hog: This is where the Autobots Base is located in the earth.

Breakaway: I'll go there. I can find the base faster than anyone.

(Cut to the Avengers Tower)

Iron Man: Finally you're here.

(Iron Man shows his version of the infinity gauntlet)

Spider-Hog: So this is your version of the infinity gauntlet?

Ant-Man: That was not easy.

Red Hulk: It cost much resources...

She-Hulk: Luckily we had some necessary items.

Skarr: Now we're ready for payback.

(Meanwhile in Oa, Darkseid, Salem, Thanos and Team CRDL are seen overwhelming the Green Lantern Corps. The green lanterns are killed one by one. Then John Stewart comes in and easily knocks out Team CRDL. But Salem retaliates, injuring him gravely. But John Stewart is close to the battery and recites his oath)

John Stewart: In the brightest day, in the blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight... Let those who worship evil might... Beware the power... Green Lantern's Light!!!

(Unfortunately, Darkseid pulverized the last Green Lantern with his Omega beam before leaving alongside his squad)

(The infinity gems are gathered and ready to be used. But the Green Lantern Corps became extinct. Is there a way for our heroes to fight this deadly alliance?)

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