Chapter 475 - 480

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Chapter 475

"Send a copy to Zhang Sheng and a copy to the Huo's." (2)

“Is that how you look at me too, Big Brother?”

Mother Gu was on the verge of breaking down.

She had always been a leech but nobody ever told her in the past that it was wrong.

Ever since she was a child, Father Gu had doted on her and nobody ever put a stop to that.

Then, she become Gu Jiangxin’s full time housewife and nobody put a stop to that either.

All the way until today, she returned to her maiden family after the divorce. Naturally, still as useless as she always had been but others would gossip about her behind her back.

It wasn’t easy for her to spend an entire night on reflecting upon herself and felt that she could at least give it a try and learn to earn her own living like that Qian Jinglan did. All she got was her big brother pointing straight at her nose, yelling at her and calling her useless.

What was she supposed to do?

Working hard or not working hard, she could do nothing right!

“I get it now. You feel that I am back to fight over the Zhang’s fortune with you so it’s best that I just watch myself, behave in an acceptable manner, and ask my daughter for money should I need any.”

Mother Gu sneered.

“Now I get why Big Brother constantly reminds me and hints at me to ask Wushuang for money.”

Zhang Sheng was so angry that he could barely talk.

Mother Gu, on the other hand, put down her cellphone and said, “Big Brother, Second Brother is overseas right now so I called him up so I can talk to both of you at the same time. Some of you are not happy that I returned to the Zhang’s. One way or another, when Dad passes away after he is 100 years old, I will still get a share of the fortune. I plan to have Dad have his will ready and I will take out my share first. I will use that money to start my pre-school. I will be responsible for any gains or losses myself. From now on, everything that I eat or use here will also be deducted from my share.”

This time, it wasn’t just Zhang Sheng, even Chen Yunping was stunned speechless.

They had no idea how Mother Gu’s brain works. Had they not brought her back home, she would still be crying every day at City Shun!

Now that they had brought her back, she turned around and started badmouthing them and wanted to divide up the family fortune?

Zhang Sheng was so angry that he busted out laughing. In fact, he was so angry that he agreed to her suggestion immediately! “Great! Just great!”

There was not much that Chen Yunping could say.

After all, there was not much she could opine on when or how the Zhang family would divide up their family fortune. As a wife or as a daughter-in-law, the more she said, the worse it was going to get.

Mother Gu, seeing how the two were remaining silence, all the more insisted on following through with her plan.

She, too, was very upset right now. Deep down inside, she understood that her brother didn’t want to split up with her like that but hearing what Mrs. Gao and the others had said about her the day before had enlightened her.

Her big brother’s feelings toward her would change over time.

No matter how much he had doted on her in the past, he has a wife and children now. He would no longer always put her first. One of these days he would feel that she was overspending.

As such, it was better that the split up sooner rather than later and she would have the capital to do something useful and become independent!

Mother Gu felt relieved after she had finished saying what she had said.

She even felt good spirited for a brief moment there. After all, she never talked about money matters with Gu Jiangxin and she never asked for anything in return from Gu Wushuang, her daughter. Finally, she ended up in this situation that she was in right now. She had a bad reputation and others called her stupid behind her back.

She had it all figured out now. Just asked for the money and clearly sorted out her emotions and fortune.

After she had said what she said, it didn’t seem all that difficult after all!

She could do it after all!

Chapter 476

"Send a copy to Zhang Sheng and a copy to the Huo's." (3)

“Whatever you want to do!”

Zhang Sheng was done listening to her. He left, taking Chen Yunping with him.

Now that he had agreed to it, the Zhang’s second brother, who stayed overseas year-long playing with his grandchildren had no reason to object either.

As neither one of them objected, Old Father Zhang, who had become less and less energetic over the years had no problem with settling the matters of the will when he still had a clear mind.

Mother Gu finally got what she wanted and was able to get her hands on her father’s will ahead of time – 15% of the Zhang’s shares and the old family house where Father Zhang resided.

Her generation consisted of just her and her two brothers.

“Over the years, it was mostly big brother and second brother who had been tending to our family business and you have a lot of sons too. As your sister, I should be reasonable and take a smaller portion.”

Mother Gu felt that she was being particularly mature.

She was smart too. She only cashed out a small portion of her shares and got 5 million yuan from it.

She left the remaining so she could receive her dividends over the years as her brothers and nephews managed the company.

But her being so “mature” failed to prompt any reaction from her brothers.

A few days later, Zhang Sheng brought Father Zhang with him. Mother Gu felt that she could have more time to focus on her “education” business if she didn’t have to take care of her old father. Naturally, she would not object to that.

As such, both Zhang Sheng, who used to come over for dinner from time to time, and Zhang Qi, who had occasionally phoned his little sister to check on her, seemed to have reached some sort of an agreement and gradually stopped contacting Mother Gu.


Another week had gone by and Mother Gu had consulted a few professional management personnel and angel fund organizations. She learned from them that if a combination, chained pre-school organization was what she had in mind, 5 million yuan starting capital was a bit on the tight side.

Their suggestion was to start out with 8 million yuan and opened up 2-3 locations at the beginning.

That was way over Mother Gu’s original budget.

She had just got done looking at her brother’s cold face and didn’t want to see it again so soon. Her precious daughter popped into mind.

Wushuang had always been her favorite. Today, however, she was a little irked when she thought of her.

Her daughter really never visited her once since she had moved to capital city.

Gu Wushuang had done nothing more than texts and calls since her move.

Recalling what Mrs. Gao and the others had said, Mother Gu felt insecure and immediately gave her a call.

“Shuang, it’s Mommy.

“Didn’t Mommy mention to you yesterday that I want to open up a pre-school organization? They are very popular here in capital city right now. Mommy has 5 million yuan right now but I am short 3 more million… …”

This was the first time she had asked her daughter for money.

She felt a bit embarrassed but, before she was even done talking, she heard heavy breathing coming from the other end of the phone.

“Mommy, I am pretty tight on money lately. You know, with what happened to Dad, both Brother Cheng and myself got dragged down by him. I haven’t even been collecting my own wage from the company.”

Gu Wushuang’s rejection came faster than Mother Gu. She rejected her with no hesitation.

“You are short 3 million yuan? Mommy, have you been scammed? Did Uncle Zhang approve of your investment? 8 million yuan is a lot of money.”

Mother Gu was a little disappointed.

“I consulted with a few different companies. I was told that the business will become profitable the second half of the next year…”

She wasn’t even done talking when she was interrupted by the person from the other end of the phone again.

“Mommy, if its profitable, Uncle Zhang should be able to help you with 3 million yuan. Aye, I have a teleconference at 10. I can’t talk right now, Mommy. I’ll call you tonight. Bye, Mommy!”

Beep. Beep. Beep– –

The busy tone made Mother Gu’s heart sank. As though being tied to a rock, it sank all the way to the bottom of the lake!

Chapter 477

"Send a copy to Zhang Sheng and a copy to the Huo's." (4)

Her hand that was holding onto the cellphone shook.

She had never believed it when Zhang Sheng said Wushuang wasn’t a good person.

When Mrs. Gao said it, she was a little disgruntled about her daughter neglecting her but she trusted her overall.

But, today – she truly felt that she was a like an air-filled ball that was being bounced around by her daughter Wushuang and her own family.

One of them said her daughter should be supporting her; the other said she should asked the Zhang’s for investment money…

Neither party would help her out?!

Mother Gu was in shock.

Her hands shook more violently!

Most importantly, neither her big brother or her sister-in-law owed her anything. She understood that. At most she could take her share from her old father.

But her precious daughter – was not the same!

The only reason that her daughter Wushuang could get her hands on some of Jiahe’s shares and the house was because of her approval!

How much did those worth?!

And she couldn’t even get 3 million yuan now? Not eve as a temporarily loan?

If she had taken them all for herself instead of passing them onto her daughter, would she still end up where she was today?

If it was her daughter who wanted money to start her own company, she would try to get it from the company, sell her house, take out personal loans, through any means to get her the full amount without hesitation!

How was it that her daughter could turn around and treat her that way?!

There was a stuffy feeling in Mother Gu’s chest.

Qian Jinglan received 1 million yuan from her son every month and she made fun of her?!


Inside the Hengshan Manion located in the suburb, orangish light could be seen coming from the study.

“Zhang Sheng and Zhang Qi are slowly staying away from Mother Gu.

“Zhang Sheng had already hired an evaluation organization to evaluation the net worth of Mother Gu’s shares. He planned to purchase them from her with cash.”

Sier, standing in front of the desk, was reporting to Huo Sishen, who was in casual clothes.


Huo Sishen didn’t even so much as to look up.

That was expected.

He would have done the same if it was him.

It was better off to re-purchase Mother Gu’s 15% of shares and have control of the entire company. He wouldn’t want her to come to meeting as a minority shareholder and offer her opinions when she didn’t understand a thing. On top of that, it would allow someone like Gu Wushuang and her likes to enjoy dividends while contributing nothing.

“She wanted to open up her own pre-school facilities and lacked some capital. It seemed she had reached out to Gu Wushuang for money but was turned down.”

Sier’s mouth cracked opened.

There was no such thing as too big of a melon.

The more he ate, the more he found this Mother Gu interesting.

“Boss, should we share with her the recording from Siyi?” That just might wake her up completely!

Huo Sishen looked down.

“Send it over to Zhang Sheng. And send a copy to the Huo’s as well.”

Sier paused a little but, quickly, an even bigger smile appeared on him.


Sier left quickly after he finished with his reporting.

Everybody knew that the boss’s focus was on his delicate wife at home right now.

Nobody dared to take up too much of his time, especially after work.

Sure enough, Sier had just gotten to the stairs and, before he could even start heading downstairs, heard the door to the study opened and shut.

He turned and looked. It was Huo Sishen, who had finished with work, walking straight toward the bedroom.


A bum.

The boss had turned into a bum.

Sier bobbed his head as he walked downstairs.

This was when the difference in one’s intelligent quotients was most obvious.

What it would take someone working overtime for 20 hours to finish, the boss, when he put his mind to it, could finish in 3-4 hours. He’d then spend all of his remaining time in the land of warmth and tenderness.

Chapter 478

When her second brother returned, he could beg and plead in tears. (1)

Gu Shishi, the land of warmth and tenderness, had finished copying today’s portion of Poems of Song long time ago. She was rolling in bed listening to Huo ChuChu gossiping from afar.

“Sister-in-law, you know what my second brother had done?

“He didn’t even show up at the shareholder’s meeting today! He only sent an email to the upper management analyzing the pros and cons of working with the Gu Corporation, stating that he did not do that just for love. And he left my mom hanging at the shareholder meeting just like that.

“My mom was furious but had to remain calm and elegant in front of the shareholders. You should see that look on her. I almost wanted to take a picture to show you. Finally, she picked up her cup of tea and used it to hide her face. HAHAHAH!”

Gu Shishi, land of warmth and tenderness, tried to picture that in her head and immediately busted out laughing softly as she rolled to one side in bed.

“Your mother is surely a lady.”

Even at times like that, her appearance was very important to her.

Her breathing began to hasten after chatted a little with Huo ChuChu.

As the man who walked into the land of warmth and tenderness started unbuttoning his shirt as he walked.

His shirt, grey with stripes, was no loose to begin with. It was form-fitting, and clearly defined the lines of the man’s muscles.

His hand, slender with defined knuckles, unbuttoned his buttons one by one and his firm muscles began to reveal in front of her slowly… the lights, embedded around the bedroom had already entered into nighttime mode. The dimmed light casted onto the man like a veil of fog…

He turned his body slightly and his elegant, invasive, and manly side profile could be seen… the protruding Adam's apple, his collar bones…

“Hello? Sister-in-law?

“Are you still there?

“I can’t hear you?”

Huo ChuChu asked three times rapidly but she still failed to recall Gu Shishi’s soul.


Gu Shishi’s eyes drifted and her mind was far, far away.

With a view like that, how could she still care about stories on the old witch, the scum man and the immoral woman?

No melon is better than her own melon!

Huo Shishen turned around, stripped off his shirt altogether, and went inside the bathroom.

WOOOOOSH. The sliding door to the bathroom was closed and her sight was blocked.

Gu Shishi let out a disappointed “OH!”

The lips of the man in side of the bathroom curved upward slightly.


“Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, can you hear me?”

“Yes, yes, I can hear you. Aye.”

Blocked from the view, Gu Shishi plopped back onto the bed, dispirited.

Wrapped in her blanket, she barely spared a little bit of her attention to kiddo ChuChu.

“Oh yeah, I think my mom got a text today. Her face changed colors immediately and she walked straight from the living room into her bedroom! She normally chats at least for half an hour with my grandmother. She didn’t even do that today!”

Huo ChuChu’s rambling came from the other end of the phone again.

“I am guessing that…”

Before she could even go on saying that, Gu Shishi was hugged by a pair of warm arms from behind.

She was enveloped in a steamy pine smell.

She felt heat in her neck. It was the man’s breath.


All of Gu Shishi’s pore contracted from that.

“What’s the matter? You are surprised too, right, sister-in-law? I think I’ve heard Gu Wushuang’s voice and then– –“

Huo ChuChu was still rambling on.

The hand with the defined fingers quickly wrapped around the source of the sound.

“Time for bed.”

His voice was still languid after the shower.

Huo ChuChu, on the other end, almost tossed away her cellphone. “Big Brother?! Ahem, ahem. Goodnight!”

She suddenly realized what the “AH” and the moaning from Gu Shishi represented…

Even for someone who had neve been in a relationship before, she felt embarrassed.

SMACK! And the call was disconnected.

Smooth and quick, just like that.

Huo Sishen was pleased. He tossed the phone inside the drawer.

Gu Shishi, land of warmth and tenderness, “… …”

Wait a minute. There seemed to have been some misunderstandings with Chuchu.

Chapter 479

When her second brother returned, he could beg and plead in tears. (2)

Huo Sishen, with his arm around her waist, closed his black eyes very contented. He turned off all the nightlights inside the bedroom with the remote control.

With her, and the child, in his arms.

His chest felt weighty, as though he owned everything now. He had no regrets.

That didn’t last too long. A little hand crawled around under the blanket and inched up next to his waist like a caterpillar.

It fumbled around in the dark as though it was looking for something important.

Huo Sishen raised his brows. “Do you have needs? We can check with the doctor tomorrow.”

The little hand belonging to Land of Warmth and Tenderness Gu finally reacted.

It finally found a piece of soft flesh around his waist and gave it a full twist from left to right!

“Huo Sishen!”

Her face was beet red.

“Who? Who has needs? You are lying on my second cellphone!”

Huo Sishen stiffened in the dark.

On the other side, Huo ChuChu covered up her beet-red cheeks with both hands after hanging up the phone.

When she had finally recollected herself some after a little while, she fanned her cheeks with both hands.

Wow, she would never have guess… her Big Brother, so good at it!

She looked at the clock. It was only 9 PM.

Sure enough, this was the time at night when the couple got lovey dovey.

She made a mental note to not call up her sister-in-law at this hour again.

Lying down, she tossed and turned and was unable to read another word on her word documents!

“Oh my gosh. I am losing my mind!”

She, too, was in her twenties. Truth be told, she, too, had the steel heart of a girl.

She never thought that there were nice men in this world. But now that she had witnessed how “in love” her big brother and sister-in-law were, her steel girl’s heart was being awakened.

She desired to have her own romance!

Why waste her perfectly good time to work overtime at night?

What’s wrong with being in love with a little fresh meat?

Or flirt with a handsome older man?

No longer feeling like working any more and not being able to fall sleep, Huo ChuChu thought about it, pushed the document aside, put on her slippers quietly and ran out of her room.

To eavesdrop!

She needed

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