the unsub...

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the team is called in to assist on a local case where wealthy , middle aged men are getting killed.

with a twist

"so basically what you're saying is that you left him there?" derek teases as he stands in front of you.

you slowly rise up from leaning on spencer's desk, "i didn't leave him there! he jus- he made smart ass comments about how he thinks it's wrong that i'm earning more money than him and then he proceeded to say that it's because i'm a woman! so i lied and said i had a case" you explain.

"woah- who said that?" emily questions from her own desk.

"mark from counter terroism"

emily erupts in laughs, nearly falling off her chair. she quickly regains herself before asking, "you actually went out on a date with him? he's just trying to get some!" she once again begins laughing hysterically.

"so was i! i mean come on you can't deny that he is hot... but once he opens that mouth it all disappears" you say.

"we have a case" hotch announces from the doorway of his office before making his way to the roundtable room.

everyone begins making their way to the round table room, emily snickering as she passes you.

"alright mighty crime fighter- hey why are you laughing? what did i miss?" garcia questions as we all take our seats.

"y/n went on a date with mark from downstairs and she left him with the bill-" derek begins.

"hey woah- i didn't leave him with the whole bill. i paid my half... i mean i did order at least 6 drinks just to make it through the 20 minutes i was there, i'm not that rude" you bite back.

"guys" hotch sharply interrupts.

"sorry" you all mumble.

"we'll talk later, anyways. this time the case is in our own backyard. 6 men have been brutally murdered by what the media is calling a hit women. she has a type, roughly 37 - 42 rich guys, all with blonde hair and hazel eyes. 2 of the victims are or were lawyers, 1 was a professor for mathematics, another was a earth scientist, they've all got different jobs" garcia begins.

"the media is calling her a hit women?" rossi asks.

"yeah but the odd thing is, usually after getting mentioned or becoming the headline or even getting named by the media, unsubs tend to escalate. except she isn't. in fact she's killing randomly. after the first kill it was a 3 week break before she killed again, then a 4 day break then 2 weeks and then 9 days... she isn't consistent so it's hard for the local police to even come up with their own theories" garcia explains.

"this isn't going to be an easy case" jj mumbles.

"at least we don't have to go anywhere for it" you mention.

"what about ballistics?" hotch asks.

"another problem, a different gun with different rounds is used every kill. as much as i hate to say it, she's smart"

"so ballistics is a dead end then" emily mumbles.

"i have a theory... and it's a long explanation point so bare with me," groans are heard around the room before spencer continues, "this women is killing men who don't look the same but have identical features, you know the blonde hair, hazel eyes and they're all rather wealthy. she could be, metaphorically killing her father over and over again or an uncle, a brother maybe even someone she had a minor encounter with, a lawyer, a banker. garcia has anyone seen her? at all?"

"that's the thing boy genius, she's been seen so many times, enough times that we have descriptions and sketches. but each time she looks different. different nose shape, different eye colour, different colour and length hair. but the one thing that is consistent, is the skull and snake tattoo that she has on her back. it's been seen by many when she wears strapless or backless dresses. i must say it's a pretty badass tattoo" garcia adds in. (image shown above of tattoo)

you snicker, nodding your head.

"any thoughts, y/l/n?" hotch asks.

"i think... eventually she'll escalate. and she'll keep killing men with these features until she feels satisfied"


"so... you're not going on a second date with mark?" spencer asks as you two pin things up on the board.

"absolutely not. i just, don't feel like we connected" you sarcastically say.

"m-maybe you just haven't found the right person yet..."

"yeah, i'm still looking though"


"are y'all ready for the profile?" rossi asks the team scattered around the conference room at the local p.d.

"let's do this" emily says as she and the others get up.

"can we have everyone's attention" hotchs loud voice booms around the main office part of the station, catching the attention of all.

"finding this unsub is not going to be easy, it never is. but she isn't just a murderer or a hit woman, whatever you want to call her. she has the ability to lure these men- these wealthy and presumably smart men away from their homes, their wives and kids, to meet up with her. she has the ability to earn their trust, the ability to change her appearance so that no one can give an accurate description of her. she knows how not to get caught" derek begins explaining to the officers.

"careful there agent, it almost sounds like you admire her" an officer snickers, making a few of the other officers join in.

"i do admire her. because she can change how she looks and so far it's done her good because you guys sure couldn't find her" derek snaps back.

"she's going after blonde, middle aged men with light brown to hazel eyes. normally going after multiple people with similar features is because they have wronged you in some way. once we find out the connection to her and to this one guy, the stressor of all this, then we have a chance at finding her and preventing more kills. well be having our technical analyst do a search of blonde middle aged guys, maybe we can stop her from killing anyone else. that'll make her mad. she'll come out of hiding and she'll start killing randomly. it always happens" jj shares with the officers.

"she doesn't want to be caught. she's going to keep killing until she feels she's avenged the person who started all this. until she feels satisfied" spencer adds in.

"we don't know what any of her real features are. you have to be vigilant, she could be anyone, with any job" you add in.


"listen, i'm not saying i admire her, like i'm not in love with her or want to congratulate her. but she can change her whole appearance. it's nothing i've seen before and i'm just... amazed"

"i think we all are" rossi agrees with derek.

"whether or not you admire her she's still a killer and we need to stop her. has garcia got back to us yet?" asks hotch.

"i'm right here sir! ok so... it turns out that all the victims had another thing in common" she begins.

"which is?"

"they all attended the same university for law, now the thing is this university is in Nevada however you can do the university classes as an online course so you don't exactly have to be in nevada to attended this university. and another thing is that 4 of the victims actually dropped the class before graduating" she concludes.

"so does she have a grudge against officers of the law or anyone apart of the law in general?" emily rhetorically asks.

"my guess is that someone she knows or knew attended that university, whether it was he physically or online courses, they attended, graduated and maybe that's when they met. but because she's only killing here in DC, her options are limited which is why she's also killing students who dropped the course" spencer shares his theory, watching as the others nod in agreement.

"it makes sense"

"but now we have to try and figure out what year the person who wronged her attended the college. surely there can't be that many students who attended with blonde hair and hazel eyes"

"i'll hit back"


"alright team, we're not making any lead way, it's late and we're all exhausted. go home, we'll meet back here tomorrow"

finally arriving home you drop your bags on the ground, slipping off your shoes and sigh in relief.

walking into your wardrobe you pull out a new pair of red lace panties, slipping all your clothes off and putting the new pair on. you reach across the wardrobe and grab the new black dress you got, slipping it on and zipping it up to the mid back where the zipper stops.

walking into your spare bedroom you take a seat in front of the vanity, making a few choices on which adjustments you'd be making tonight.

once you become unrecognisable you braid your hair tightly before pinning it securely at the back. you slip on the dark blue shoulder length wig, smiling at yourself in the mirror.

your phone dings letting you know that your date is here.

sliding up the black lace garter up to your left thigh, you holster your handgun with silencer already attached, making sure it's in place. you then slip on the red bottom heels. you admire yourself in the mirror, doing a 180 to admire your tattoo, the same one garcia had unknowingly complemented you on earlier.

word count: 1720

wow i finally updated after over 2 months. whoops. i hope y'all enjoy literally i had this idea and started thinking how much of a good episode it would've been and then i was like, "why not write it"
anyways part 2 will be more longer as that will be in-depth about the reason why and also just the other case stuff. i hope you all had / will have a good new year's eve and please expect more updates in 2022 i want to start been more active on here because writing honestly is like a stress reliever for me.

i hope y'all enjoyed and always feel free to leave requests!

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