Chapter 44: The Hellish Todoroki Family

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"Ooh I'm excited to eat your sister's food again! She's such a good cook!" Aiko said excitedly as she, Midoriya, Bakugo, Todoroki, and Endeavor all stood in front of the latter's house.

"She's excited to see you again, and she's excited to meet Midoriya and Bakugo," Todoroki stated, a small smile on his face.

"Why the crap?!" Bakugo exclaimed.

"She said she wanted to meet more of my friends," Todoroki explained.

Bakugo growled and said, "You better march in there right now and tell her that we are NOT friends!"

Aiko chuckled and patted him on the shoulder, "Whatever you say, Blasty."

He continued to grumble, but reluctantly followed the others inside. "Okay I forgot how big this place was," Haru joked, "Although I guess it makes sense when you remember that Endeavor is the number one hero."

Waiting for everyone at the entrance was Fuyumi, who was wearing a very cute apron and had her red and white hair in a ponytail. "Hi! Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to stop by for a bite, I'm Shoto's older sister Fuyumi, it's nice to meet you! Oh it's so nice to see you again, Gessei!" she said excitedly and with a bright smile.

Midoriya started awkwardly introducing himself and apologizing for how he hurt Todoroki during the Sports Festival. "Midoriya, she knows it was just a competition," Todoroki stated.

"Plus, if that weren't the case, I feel like I'd have to apologize more than you," Aiko said with a sweat drop, "I hurt Todoroki more than you did, no offense."

Fuyumi laughed and guided everyone through the house and into the dining room, where they all sat down and Natsuo joined them. "Let me do introductions again, I'm Fuyumi, Shoto's older sister, and I teach elementary school. This is Natsuo, Shoto's older brother, and he's in college," Fuyumi said sweetly.

"Sup," Natsuo said, causing Aiko and Haru to chuckle.

"Shoto, this is the part where you introduce your friends," Fuyumi said, gesturing to Gessei and the other boys.

"Right, this is Bakugo and Midoriya, and you already know Gessei. They're my classmates at UA," Todoroki explained curtly.

"Alright, then let's dig in," Fuyumi said with a smile.

"Thank you for the food," everyone said before digging in.

"This is like heaven in my mouth!" Midoriya exclaimed.

Aiko chuckled, taking a bite of her food as Natsuo said, "Not surprised, our house keeper got a back injury and had to retire a while back, so Fuyumi has been the one who's been cooking and taking care of the house ever since."

"You used to cook too, Natsu. We took turns," Fuyumi corrected gently.

Aiko smiled at the thought before Todoroki asked, "Wait, I used to eat your food too?"

Natsuo shrugged and said, "It depends, I can go a little overboard on seasoning though..." then he shot a glare at Endeavor, "Endeavor might have kept you from having it though. He always did keep a close eye on your diet."

Bakugo, Midoriya, Aiko, and Haru all felt a pang of awkwardness go through their bodies as Aiko remembered what had happened the last time that she was here and how Natsuo took out his anger on Endeavor. 'He must hold the most hatred for Endeavor out of everyone in this family, but... why? I get that Endeavor has done a lot to this family, but what did he do specifically to Natsuo?' she thought to herself. "Natsuo, why don't you try cooking for us sometime?" Endeavor suggested.

'He's trying at least...' Aiko thought empathetically, 'But I can't blame Natsuo for being angry considering Endeavor's track record...' 

Natsuo shook his head and stood, "Thanks for the meal, sis. I showed up for the meal like I said I would, but now I'm done."

"Natsuo..." Fuyumi muttered.

Aiko sighed and let her thoughts mull for a moment before she said, "It's okay. Some things can't be so easily forgiven, or ever forgiven for that matter. Sometimes you have to just be okay with that."

Fuyumi nodded solemnly as Midoriya gave her a small look and Endeavor only looked down, not quite knowing how to mend his relationship with his children after all of his mistakes and misguided actions.




"Did you two know about.... that...?" Midoriya asked as they walked back to the dining room from cleaning up.

"Yeah..." Aiko muttered.

"You two were talking about it so loudly that it was impossible not to hear it," Bakugo grumbled.

"Wait you were listening at the Sports Festival?" Midoriya asked.

"Unfortunately... but then he told me about it another time as well," Aiko admitted.

But then, they overheard a conversation in the dining room. "Shoto... be honest, how do you really feel about dad?" Fuyumi asked.

Aiko grit her teeth and decided to tune it out, knowing that this wasn't a conversation that she was needing to hear. Eavesdropping at the Sports Festival about this was enough for her to feel guilty forever. Then, however, she was broken out of her thoughts with a loud, "If you're going to talk about sensitive subjects, don't do it while you have guests over! There are dishes that need washing!" 

Aiko and Haru cringed at the second-hand embarrassment as Midoriya clarified that they were in the know about the whole Endeavor situation. "I'm sorry for eavesdropping, Fuyumi," Aiko said with a bow as she got to work picking up the dishes.

"It's okay, Gessei," Fuyumi said with a slight smile.

Everyone was quiet as the trio started picking up dishes. However, the silence was then broken. "Todoroki," Midoriya said, "I think... you might be ready to forgive your dad."

The room was shocked to utter silence. "Don't get me wrong, if you don't want to, then that's your choice. But... you're a really kind person. I think you're just waiting for the right moment," Midoriya finished.

Aiko smiled and said, "He's right. It's okay if you never forgive him, what he's done to you and your family is unspeakable. But I feel like you want to find something within him to forgive. Afterall, he's still your dad. Just make sure he deserves forgiveness when you do give it to him."

Haru thought about it for a moment before tapping Aiko on the shoulder. "Can I say something?" he asked.

Aiko nodded and said, "Haru would also like to say something for you to think about."

Fuyumi gave Todoroki a confused look before Aiko's body slumped for just a moment. Fuyumi watched curiously as Aiko slowly took on a new posture and opened her eyes to reveal brown instead of blue. "I can kind of understand your circumstance, but in a different way. Now whether you forgive Endeavor or not is definitely your decision. I personally haven't forgiven my parents, hell I even slightly blame them for my death. I haven't forgiven them mostly because they never got a shot at redemption, and from what I've heard from my sister, they never tried. I would really like to be able to forgive them... to have some sort of closure or happy relationship with them, but they haven't earned it. You can decide whether or not Endeavor has earned your forgiveness, but I would at least take the tiniest bit of comfort knowing that he is trying," Haru said somberly.

Todoroki thought about it as Fuyumi gave him a little smile, "Thank you for that."

Something then flashed through Aiko's mind, so she asked Haru to let her take back over. "Um... Fuyumi, something that Haru said reminded me of something... I remember the first time I was here, Natsuo said something about your big brother, Touya right? When I tried to ask Todoroki about it, he implied that he was dead. Is it okay if I ask about him?"

Fuyumi and Todoroki's expressions fell. "You had another brother?" Midoriya asked.

"Yeah, I'm surprised Shoto hasn't mentioned him yet," Fuyumi said.

"It's not exactly an easy subject to talk about..." Todoroki muttered.

Aiko gave him a supportive smile, putting a hand on his shoulder. "It's okay," she said quietly.

"Touya and Natsuo were especially close, I suppose that's why Natsuo blames Endeavor for his death," Fuyumi stated.

"Is it okay if I ask why?" Aiko asked.

Fuyumi sighed and said, "It's a long story. Basically, Endeavor pushed Touya to train to be his successor, but when he realized that Touya's quirk hurt him, he told him to stop and cast him aside like me and Natsuo. Touya, however, didn't stop. He wanted our father's attention and praise, and so he kept training. One day, his fire went out of control and killed him."

A pit formed in the stomachs of those listening. "I'm so sorry for your loss," Aiko said quietly.

"It's okay. It was a long time ago," Fuyumi dismissed as she wiped a tear from her eye.

"Could you give me a description of him? I could maybe keep an eye out for him around the house," Aiko said with a small smile.

Fuyumi smiled and asked, "We'd all really appreciate that... he died when he was 13, although he was pretty short for 13," a small chuckle escaped her throat as her eyes lined with tears, "His hair was all white by then, pretty spiky like Natsuo's but more messy, and his eyes were blue like Father's, but his face was shaped more like Shoto's than Father's. He was as stubborn as a mule and had a lot of passion, especially about being a hero to make our father proud of him."

Aiko nodded and said, "I'll let you know if and when I see him." 




As they were leaving to go back to the dorms, Fuyumi caught Midoriya and Gessei and put her hands on both of theirs. "Thank you both for being such good friends with Shoto..." she said gratefully.

Aiko smiled and said, "Of course! It was nice seeing you again."

Todoroki awkwardly scratched at his cheek during this interaction, which made Haru coo and ruffle his hair. They all piled into the car, Aiko squished between Todoroki and Bakugo, as Aiko's mind stirred through the information that she had just learned. 'If Touya was so obsessed with getting his father's attention, you'd think that he'd be haunting the house and trying desperately to get Endeavor's attention, but I didn't even see so much as the visage of a spirit. Something doesn't sit right with me about this...'

Her thoughts were then interrupted by Endeavor saying, "I want you to continue working for me through the school year. This means you will likely fall behind in your studies."

"Yes sir," the four teens replied. 

Then, white lines erupted off the ground and slammed into the car. Aiko instinctually grabbed onto her companions as the car crashes, Endeavor flying out the car the second he noticed that the villain had Natsuo. However, when the villain put Natsuo into harms way, Endeavor froze. The boys all exited the car and sped past him, including Haru. Aiko, in a panic, climbed out of the car and started running, only for her knee to buckle beneath her. 'Shit!' she thought to herself as her knee throbbed in pain, 'The one time I don't have a brace on!'

Then, the driver of the car ejected their suitcases, allowing the boys to grab their necessary support gear, but Aiko's suitcase landed a good 100 feet away from her. Then, one of the white lines came rushing toward Aiko. She made herself incorporeal, but then noticed some civilians behind her in the line of fire. Fear panged through her heart as she lifted her hand and used her poltergeist ability to pull the civilians away by their clothes just in the nick of time. Aiko groaned and picked herself up by her clothes and floated herself over to the suitcase and put on the brace. Aiko ran into the fray, incorporeal to avoid getting hit by a white line, when she saw Todoroki, who had attacked the villain and encased him in ice, and Bakugo, who had gotten Natsuo out of harms way and was currently trapped in a hug from Endeavor, who was too worried about Natsuo to really process anything. Natsuo then pushed Endeavor off of him and screamed, "Let me go!"

Endeavor sighed and started apologizing for everything he had done, including his contribution to Touya's death. Haru and Aiko watched carefully, but as Natsuo was stating his side, how he didn't feel he could ever forgive Endeavor and how that made him a bad person, unlike Todoroki, Aiko noticed the villain gaining consciousness again. As Natsuo was screaming at Endeavor for what he had done, the villain picked up one final car and launched it at Todoroki, who was standing the closest to him.

"Todoroki!" Aiko screamed, reaching out and, using her poltergeist ability, used all of her might to pull him out of harm's way. 

Endeavor and everyone else watched as the car barreled toward Todoroki, panic flooding through their veins, especially Endeavor's. Todoroki looked up and saw the car moments before he went flying through the air. Unfortunately, in her panic, Aiko had used a bit too much energy to pull Todoroki, and now he was flying uncontrollably toward her with high momentum. The boy crashed into her, knocking them both over. After he was able to reorient himself, Todoroki noticed that he was on top of Aiko and looked back to see the car that had smashed into the concrete where he had been standing not a moment prior. "Thank you, Gessei," he said quietly. 

Aiko laughed nervously and said, "Of course, I'm sorry for pulling you too hard, though."

It was then that Aiko realized the position that they were in and blushed, their faces mere inches from each other. "Uh... can you get up?" she asked.

Todoroki realized the position as well and hastily got up, helping Aiko up as well. "Awwwwwww," Haru cooed.

Aiko gave him a glare as she dusted her clothes off, but when she went to take a step, her knee buckled slightly. Aiko lost her balance, but was luckily caught by Todoroki. "Gessei? What's wrong?" he asked.

"My knee... I hurt it earlier because I didn't have my brace on, and I think getting taken down by you didn't help," she said with a nervous chuckle, "I think it's fine, it's just swollen and inflamed."

Endeavor watched the exchange, his eyes drifting to Aiko's knee. 'I never noticed that she wore a brace... she's been injured this whole time and able to keep up with the other three?' he thought to himself.

After Bakugo and Midoriya finished incapacitating the villain completely so that he couldn't strike again, they walked back and noticed Aiko's predicament. "Gessei, are you okay?" Midoriya asked.

"What's wrong with Ghost Face?" Bakugo asked Todoroki accusingly.

"I'm okay, my knee just got a little hurt. I'll have Recovery Girl take care of it when we get back to the dorms," Aiko said with a reassuring smile.

"You better..." Bakugo grumbled as he scowled at Todoroki specifically, who sent him back a glare.

Haru watched this whole exchange and couldn't help but laugh. "Alright kids, let's get back to the dorms!" he exclaimed loud enough that everyone could hear.

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