Chapter 42: New Year, New Work Study

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"Have fun, and be safe!" Aiko's mom said as she waved her daughter goodbye from the bus stop.

Aiko was the last one to board, and so she found herself sitting by Bakugo, who had been sitting alone in the bus in protest of sitting with either Midoriya or Todoroki, while Haru opted to just stand in the aisle. It was a pretty quiet, yet pleasant ride, but when they finally arrived in front of Endeavor's agency, Aiko felt nerves bubble at the bottom of her stomach.

"Welcome to the Endeavor Agency!" Endeavor stated with a fake smile and fake enthusiasm.

"Yikes... I'm sure that just shaved some years off the old man's life," Haru remarked as he shifted uncomfortably.

Everyone was awkwardly silent, not sure of what to say, before Endeavor grumbled. "I gave out my permission reluctantly as a favor to Shoto, but I'd rather he'd come alone." Endeavor said truthfully.

'Wow, thanks man,' Aiko thought to herself.

"It's already done, so don't complain," Shoto stated.

A small smile came to Aiko and Haru's faces as Bakugo stated, "You know, I've been thinking about it a lot since the supplemental exams... you're a jerk."

"BAHAHAHA!" Haru cackled as Aiko suppressed a laugh.

"Shoto! Are you really friends with this delinquent?!" Endeavor asked loudly.

"But if I can see how the number one hero works, I won't complain," Bakugo finished.

Aiko smirked and looked up at Endeavor, who was scowling. "I told you to choose your allies wisely!" Endeavor exclaimed.

A frown graced her face. 'What happened to his progress? He's become an asshole again...' she thought to herself as Midoriya bowed and thanked Endeavor for the opportunity. Endeavor stared at him for a moment and said, "Shoto is not me... you said that."

Then, his gaze shifted to Aiko. "And you... I don't need advice from children," he grumbled before he started running off, stripping to his hero costume, "Sorry, but I only intend to look after my son!"

Aiko rolled her eyes and, alongside the boys, started running to keep up. 'I am really glad I wore a knee brace today,' she thought to herself as she wordlessly agreed with Haru to take some energy.

"If you want to learn, sit on the sidelines and watch!" Endeavor exclaimed.

"What are our instructions, sir?!" Midoriya asked as he and the other boys slipped on their simple support gear.

"Like I said, sit back and watch!" Endeavor yelled as he blasted around a corner.

Aiko grumbled and watched as she slowly fell behind her friends as they used their quirks to keep up with Endeavor. 'My quirk isn't going to work as well as theirs for this... I'm going to have to get creative,' she thought to herself as she took more of Haru's energy and used it to reach out and grab things with vines to help her momentum by pulling herself forward, swinging through the streets.

"He ordered us to hold back!" Todoroki warned.

"We will never learn anything if we can't keep up!" Midoriya replied.

"He's right! Plus, this'll help with our stamina!" Aiko stated.

They continued to chase down Endeavor and watched as he took down a villain, but saw that the villain's buddies would try to attack Endeavor, so they all prepared attacks against the four henchmen and were about to strike when suddenly the villains were whisked away. Aiko and the gang all stopped and looked around to see Hawks. "Looks like you needed some help, Endeavor. Sorry kids, I'm just faster."

Aiko rolled her eyes as Haru fanboyed really hard. "I told you to warn me next time you're around, Hawks," Endeavor scowled.

"Didn't have time, I was already in the area. Also, it's good to see you again Spectre. Still wishing you had taken up my offer for a work-study, but I see why you went with Endeavor," Hawks said with a wink.

Aiko blushed as the other boys turned toward her. "YOU MET HAWKS AND DIDN'T FUCKING TELL ME?!!!" Haru exclaimed, shaking Aiko back and forth.

"iT wAs wHEn thE HpsC hIrEd me fOR a DaY," Aiko explained shakily, Haru finally stopping to curse himself for not being there.

"They did what?" Bakugo asked.

Aiko nervously laughed before making eye contact with Hawks. "There was a ghost haunting the HPSC building so they hired me to make him go away," she said as she smiled naturally, "Happened to meet Hawks while I was there!"

'Surprisingly good at lying...' Hawks thought to himself.

"What do you want, Hawks?" Endeavor asked.

Hawks then pulled out a book, something that Aiko had seen more frequently in stores. Hawks then proceeded to speak oddly, completely contrasting the tone he had just had. 'What's going on?' she thought before he handed a book to Endeavor and flew away.




"Welcome to the Endeavor Agency!" Burnin shouted, "First work study for two of you, huh? We'll get you into shape in no time here. The agency is totally different from the classroom you're used to! This is a gigantic operation, we've got more than 30 sidekicks employed!"

She got up in Bakugou's face and said, "In other words, you're going to have to work hard to shine here. Sorry."

"You don't say? So we'll just have to beat the pros at their own game." Bakugou said cockily.

"You can try." Burnin said.

"And Shoto, you won't get special treatment just because you're the boss's kid." someone else said.

Aiko chuckled, catching Burnin's attention. "It's good to see another girl good enough to catch the boss's attention, that's not all that common!" she said, "Word to the wise, you're going to need to work twice as hard as they will to get the same recognition from everyone else. Think you can handle it?" Burnin said as she gestured back to the boys.

Aiko smiled and said, "I think I can."

"Good, wouldn't want you wussing out and giving us girls a bad name," Burnin said with a smile.

"You guys seem really busy," Midoriya remarked.

"Well, we're always getting stuff. Emergency dispatches, events. Over 100 calls go through this office a day." one of the sidekicks said. 

"Then why are we just standing around here when we could be working? I'm still ticked off that damn bird rushed in and stole my thunder!" Bakugou yelled.

"Wait, are you talking about Hawks?" Midoriya asked.

"You've got a fiery spirit, but wait for Endeavor's orders, okay?" the sidekick said.

"You said there were over 100 requests, right! Send us out somewhere!" Bakugou yelled.

"Kacchan! Please it's our first day!" Midoriya scolded.

Then, Endeavor exited his office, dramatically stating, "I will take all four of them."

'Really? I was ready to be pawned off to sidekicks with how little he wanted to train us,' Aiko thought to herself as she and the boys walked into Endeavor's office.

"You kids are now under my tutelage," Endeavor stated, "Spectre, Deku, and Bakugo. I need to know your strengths, weaknesses, and what you're working on."

Midoriya started explaining how he was training with Black Whip, thankful that he had help, but still not getting the hang of it. "Who's helping you?" Endeavor asked.

"I am, sir. My quirk allows me to borrow his energy, and in turn, his quirk, so I have been training with it and teaching him how to use it," Aiko stated, "Since I'm used to juggling multiple quirks, and since my most common usage of my ghost companion's quirk is similar to Black Whip, we thought it was a good idea."

Endeavor narrowed his eyes, curious. "And what of your weaknesses?" he asked.

Aiko thought for a moment, putting it into words. "I guess conserving my energy. Since my quirk is pretty dependent on using energy, I go through it incredibly quickly. When that happens, it gets much harder to control my quirk and use it the way I want, leaving me in dangerous situations. I also feel like my quirk isn't as good for speed as I would like it to be. I've come here to learn better techniques for using my quirk to its fullest potential, seeing as I also discovered a new element of my quirk, sir," Aiko stated.

'Interesting...' Endeavor thought to himself before asking, "What can your quirk do, exactly?"

"I can see and hear ghosts, I can become incorporeal and invisible, I can steal people's energy along with their quirk, I have poltergeist abilities, and... I can possess people."

Endeavor furrowed his brows. 'Versatile quirk. If it were in the hands of a villain, we would be toast...' he thought before moving on to Bakugo, who basically just said that he wanted to find something that he wasn't good at. Then, he started trying to walk away, but Shoto stopped him. "You didn't ask me," he said.

"What? You're here to learn Flashfire Fist!" Endeavor stated.

Todoroki then scowled and said, "I poured all the training you beat into me as a kid toward strengthening my right side. I focused on perfecting my ice. Now that I look back on it, I see that my hatred of you was holding me back in some way. After entering UA and spending time with these guys, competing and fighting, my eyes were opened. Endeavor, I now realize I'm going to do exactly what you wanted me to. But I want you to know this. The pro I've always admired is the person I watched on TV while sitting beside Mom. I came here wanting to learn so that I'm someone worthy of being called a hero. This is my choice, not yours! The only reason I came to this place was to use you, I came because it's beneficial for me, number one. Don't pretend to be a caring parent in front of my friends!"

"Fuck yes!" Haru exclaimed, "Eat shit, Endeavor!"

Aiko smiled and walked up to Todoroki, giving him a reassuring pat on the shoulder. 'Just like we talked about,' she thought as they locked eyes.

Endeavor studied the exchange and grit his teeth before he sighed. "Right. From now on, you four will be joining me in the field. Train tonight, and we will be setting off first light," Endeavor stated.

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