Chapter 26: An Exam

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Aiko and her classmates exited the bus, looking out at the testing center that was more like a stadium. "This is nerve-wracking," Aiko stated nervously.

"Yeah, I'm not even taking the test and I'm nervous," Haru remarked.

"Come on, let's get pumped up. Pluussss!" Kaminari said.

"Ultra!" Mina, Kirishima, Aiko, Haru, and one more said.

Everyone turned to see the new person who said it, who was a tall, muscular boy with a buzzcut, and was wearing a different school uniform. "Uhhh," Haru said.

"Sorry for intruding on your huddle, I just love UA so much!" the boy exclaimed, slamming his head into the ground. 

Aiko flinched at the sudden extreme actions and personality of this boy. "Y-you don't have to apologize, it's ok," Aiko stated, walking toward the boy and resting a gentle hand on his shoulder.

The boy stood up straight and looked down at Aiko, the height difference between the two absolutely staggering. Aiko instantly felt intimidated and backed away slightly as the boy's cheeks flushed red. "It's nice to meet you! I'm Inasa Yoarashi, what's your name?!" he asked intensely.

"A-Aiko Gessei..." Aiko answered, backing away a little more.

The boy was about to step forward again when he stopped, making eye contact with Todoroki, who was glaring daggers at him. Yoarashi returned the glare before people called out, "Is something wrong, Yoarashi?" 

"Nope! I'll see you all later!" he exclaimed, turning on his heel and returning to his group. 

"Uhhh who was that?" Haru asked.

"Inasa Yoarashi," Aizawa muttered.

"You know him?" Mina asked.

"He's a first year, like you. He was at the top of the UA recommendation exams, but for an unknown reason he rejected the offer to attend with you and instead went to Shiketsu," Aizawa explained.

Aiko's eyes widened, 'He's that strong???'

After a few minutes, Aizawa was giving a sort of motivational speech when a voice echoed through the area. "Eraser?!" 

Aizawa tensed and slowly turned to see a fellow hero, Ms. Joke, approaching. "I see you're here too, Joke."

Ms. Joke laughed and exclaimed, "Haha, yeah... Marry me!"

This made Aiko and Haru do a spit-take as Mina gasped, in for all the drama. "No," Aizawa replied flatly.

"You two know each other?" Tsu asked.

"Our agencies used to do work together back in the day, and that's when our love blossomed," Ms. Joke stated.

"No it didn't!" Aizawa snapped.

"Come on, a life and family with me would be filled with endless laughter!" Ms. Joke argued.

"That sounds like an actual nightmare," Aizawa retorted.

Haru started cackling, doubling over as he laughed as Aiko chuckled. "Wait, if you're here, then that means..." Aizawa started, being interrupted by Ms. Joke.

"Ketsubusu Class 2!" Ms. Joke called over.

A group of students approached Class A. One boy in particular with spiky black hair walked up and started acting friendly with different members of the class until he got to Aiko. "Ah, Aiko Gessei. I'm a big fan, I loved the way you fought during the Sports Festival. Your power is especially exquisite," he said before glancing down at her leg brace, "Such a shame that you have a permanent injury that could hinder your work now."

Aiko furrowed her brows. This boy's spiritual energy completely contrasted the tone of his voice; his spirit being more spiteful, especially toward her and her class. Aiko nervously smiled and backed away from him as he turned toward Bakugo. Bakugo proceeded to call the boy out on his bullshit, the boy's face finally falling into an expression that matched how he truly felt. Ms. Joke led her students away as Aizawa turned to his class, saying, "Alright, suit up and head to the auditorium. Oh, and Gessei."

Aiko turned toward her teacher, who sighed and said, "Same rules as the Sports Festival. The school has developed this headset that allow me to see and hear Haru, so the committee will be confident that you are not cheating. Haru must stay in the stands beside me for the entire exam."

Aiko nodded and Haru walked toward the teacher, "Good luck, Aiko."

Aiko smiled, "Thanks, Haru."

Aiko then left, walking to the locker rooms and getting changed. Once in their suits, Class A joined all of the other students in the auditorium as a man from the Heroes Public Safety Commission explained the first round of the exam, in which everyone had to stick targets to their bodies and were assigned six balls, and that they needed to get two other people out in order to pass, and only the first 100 people to pass would move on to the next round. Aiko took a nervous breath. Everyone scattered, being given the targets. Aiko put her targets on her right shoulder, upper left thigh, and the center of her stomach, all on the front side of her body, which Aiko figured would be easier to defend. She followed her classmates along until Bakugo started walking away, saying that he wasn't going to stick with a bunch of losers. Aiko rolled her eyes, but then Todoroki said that he would be going alone too, saying that he can work better by himself. 

Aiko sighed, opting to just focus on the test instead of them. "Everyone's probably going to go for us first," Midoriya said, "So we should try to stick together."

"Makes sense. They saw the Sports Festival and think they already know our strengths, weaknesses, and the extents of our quirks," Aiko remarked.

Everyone nodded, continuing to walk through the arena, getting in positions. Then, the exam started, and almost instantly Class A was ambushed. Aiko simply phased through the balls and watched as the rest of her class dealt with the bullet hell of balls. Aiko's heart sank, however, when the guy with the fake ass attitude from earlier completely cracked and destroyed the ground beneath them, separating the whole class. Aiko cried out slightly as she fell, the fall winding her slightly. She looked around and couldn't find a single person, which was both good and bad. Aiko took a deep, shaky breath and figured that the smartest thing she could do was to avoid detection and just focus on the exam. She started sneaking around, keeping to the shadows for the first few minutes of the exam. After a while, the announcer stated that one person took out over a hundred candidates, being the first to pass, which made Aiko very nervous. Then, the sound of a few voices hit Aiko's ears, causing the girl to tense up and look around. The feeling of walking into a freezing cold shower enveloped Aiko's body as she turned invisible and walked out into the open without fear of being discovered. Aiko almost instantly noticed two people walking away from a city area, both of them having two of their targets hit. "That wind guy was nuts!" one of them exclaimed. 

Aiko smirked slightly and snuck toward them, her invisibility making the job much easier than normal. Then, Aiko reached down into her pack and happily noticed that she could still grab the balls she possessed, so she picked one up and threw it at the nearest hero, the ball becoming tangible and visible as soon as it left her hand. The first boy looked down at his targets, which were now telling him that he was out, in confusion. Then, the second boy's targets started doing the same. Aiko smiled and made herself visible and tangible as well, giving the boys a wink when they realized what happened. As Aiko was walking back, her targets turned blue and said to go to the Anteroom now that she had passed. "Two people have now passed!" the announcer stated.

Aiko smiled and started walking back, entering the Anteroom to see the tall, strange boy from earlier that day. She more or less ignored him in favor of going to get her targets removed, but as she was walking through the room, she could feel his gaze on the back of her head. Aiko gulped and tried to avoid him while waiting for her classmates to pass, but that was a little difficult seeing as he was the only other person in the room. "Gessei! I'm glad to see you passed!" Yoarashi exclaimed.

Aiko gave him a soft, awkward smile, "Yeah, you too."

He approached her, and Aiko was reminded of just how intimidating this guy was. She gulped as he smiled and said, "I just want to say that you're very pretty! I would like to go out with you!"

Aiko's eyes went as wide as saucers, not expecting this kind of thing, and all of her thoughts left her brain. "What do you say?!" he asked intensely with a massive smile on his face.

"I-I um... sorry, I'm not really interested..." Aiko answered, her eyes glued to the floor. 

Yoarashi tensed, his expression falling. Aiko looked up and saw his expression and felt very guilty, "Sorry..." she whispered, before backing away.

Yoarashi kept his eyes glued to her for the next several minutes, his heart broken, figuring that something had to have been wrong, especially since she apologized and seemed to look upset while doing so. More and more people kept coming into the Anteroom, and eventually Todoroki came in. Aiko's face almost instantly lit up and she bounded toward the boy, whose face also lit up very slightly upon seeing her. "Hey, I'm glad to see you passed," she said with a smile.

Todoroki nodded and said, "You too. Did you run into any trouble out there?"

Aiko shook her head and asked, "You?"

He shrugged, "A little, but nothing I couldn't handle."




"So Eraser, why are you wearing that getup?" Ms. Joke asked.

"You could be sitting anywhere else..." Aizawa grumbled, "And it's to keep track of one of my student's quirks and that she's not getting any excessive help from her paranormal friend."

"Ahhh Ms. Gessei. Her quirk is fascinating!" Ms. Joke said with a smile, "What kind of combination made that a possibility?"

"No idea," Aizawa remarked.

"Well her mom has energy absorption, her dad has telekinesis, and her uncle and cousin have permeation," Haru answered.

Aizawa's eyes widened in realization, "Her cousin is Mirio Togata?"

"Yessir," Haru said.

"I knew her incorporeal fighting style looked familiar..." Aizawa remarked. 

Ms. Joke smiled, "You really care about your students this year, huh?"

Aizawa rolled his eyes, "I made a promise..."




After the 100th person passed, the announcer showed a live feed on the television of the city area of the arena collapsing. "There has been a tragedy! Your jobs are to evacuate all survivors," the announcer said before collapsing the Anteroom.

Aiko sighed and immediately started running into the scene. She split from her classmates, figuring that they could cover more ground while separated, and traversing the rubble. "Help!" a woman cried, catching Aiko's attention. 

Aiko ran in the direction of the plea and saw a woman lying on the ground, halfway trapped beneath a support beam. Aiko gasped and ran toward the woman, kneeling beside her and looking at the situation with panic. "O-ok. I got this! I'll save you!" Aiko said shakily, observing the beam to make sure that it wasn't holding anything important. 

The woman rolled her eyes and said, "Minus points! You being nervous is going to make the person you're trying to save nervous!"

Aiko flinched slightly, but realized what the lady was saying. Quickly, she changed her face into one of calm and continued observing the beam. However, it unfortunately was holding a nearby piece of debris that would collapse on top of them if Aiko were to move the beam. Aiko grit her teeth and came up with a plan very carefully. After about 30 seconds, she nodded to herself and turned around, using her poltergeist ability to lift a piece of rubble that was similar in size to the woman and slid it under the beam beside  her. Aiko then flashed the woman a smile, "Ok, this is going to feel a little weird, like a trickle of cold water going down your spine, but it'll be alright."

The woman nodded and Aiko reached out to touch her hand gently. After a second, both the woman and Aiko were incorporeal, the weight of the beam resting completely on the piece of rubble that Aiko had placed. Aiko then gently walked through the beam, picking up the woman, and moving her out of harm's way before going corporeal once again. Aiko smiled at the woman in her arms, "See? You're going to be ok. Now please, tell me everywhere you feel pain and to what extent."

As the woman explained, Aiko ran back toward where the Anteroom once stood, which was now a makeshift hospital. "This woman has a broken leg, likely broken ribs, and some other minor injuries," Aiko explained.

The person Aiko handed the woman off to nodded and almost instantly got to work as Aiko ran out to get more survivors. About a minute or two into running, a loud bang was heard. Aiko turned around to see Gang Orca and a bunch of 'villains' attacking the others. "They have the situation under control. I should focus on evacuating other civilians," Aiko said to herself as she kept running.

Aiko continued on to find an old man, a child, and a young man. After she found them and sent them on their way, Aiko turned around and saw that they were still fighting the villain. Aiko grit her teeth and ran toward the commotion to see Todoroki and Yoarashi on the ground, seemingly paralyzed, as Midoriya was fighting the villain. Aiko bolted toward the downed boys and asked, "What happened?! Are you two ok?!" 

Todoroki and Yoarashi stared at her in silence, both ashamed of their actions. Aiko looked up and saw that Gang Orca had noticed her and was walking toward her. Aiko's eyes shot open and she ran toward the 'villain,' becoming incorporeal as his minions shot at her, the shots going through her body and hitting the ground beside her. Aiko jumped up and reeled back her fist, "Spirit Wave!" she exclaimed as she punched the air.

A series of intense blue energy waves dispelled from her fist, hitting the 'villain' and pushing him back a few feet. However, he was quick to recover and sent out sound waves that, despite Aiko being incorporeal, were so intense that they still shook Aiko's core, making it hard for her to move and collect her thoughts. Due to her mind being scattered, she became corporeal again, which the minions took advantage of, shooting her back with their cement guns. Aiko cried out, the weight pulling her back and forcing her to fall back. Todoroki and Yoarashi's eyes widened, both silently agreeing to work together with their wind and fire.

Aiko struggled to get up, but by the time she even sat straight up, the test was over. Aiko's nerves and anxiety were working overtime, with only one thought running through her head.

'Have I done enough?'

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