"Mina, you've been keeping me busier than I've ever been!" Aiko whined, "Ever since summer started you've been calling me every other day!"
"That's a lot to you? You need to get out more, sweetie," Mina remarked.
"No kidding," Haru whispered.
Aiko sighed and walked alongside the others to the school pool. "Hey girlies!" Mina exclaimed as they entered the locker room.
"Oh, hello Ashido," Tsu greeted.
They all got into their school-issued swimsuits and walked outside, opting to stretch. While they were stretching, Kaminari and Mineta slid out in anticipation, however they seemed disappointed to see the girls. Midoriya walked out behind them awkwardly as more boys followed suit. It seems that the boys were taking today to train, and Aiko thought that it was a good idea. "Hey girls, I'm kinda thinking of training with the boys," Aiko said with a soft smile, "I don't wanna fall behind, and it'll do me some good to do a different kind of training for once."
"Awww you're no fun!" Mina pouted.
"It's a smart decision. Do your best, Gessei," Yaoyorozu said with a smile.
Aiko smiled and nodded before walking toward the boys, "Do you mind if I join you?" she asked.
Iida smiled and said, "Of course not, we're all training to be heroes for a reason, it would be irrational to prevent someone else to train."
Aiko nodded and noticed Bakugo trying to storm toward Midoriya, being held back by Kirishima. "Hey Blasty," she called out.
He turned around and looked at her for a moment before he 'tsked' and walked away. "I see you're training with us," Todoroki said, approaching her.
"Yeah, I figured it would be more beneficial for me to continue training. I don't wanna fall behind," Aiko said, reaching out and gently punching his shoulder with a closed-eye smile.
Todoroki only nodded, and so the group got to swimming laps for an hour or two. By the time they were done, the boys and Aiko were all panting with exhaustion. Aiko was sitting in the shade, grateful for the gentle breeze that was cooling her off. Suddenly, a bottle of water hit the side of her head. Aiko looked up and saw Bakugo, who then said, "Stay hydrated, stupid Ghost Face. I won't be able to beat you if you aren't at your best."
Aiko smiled at his gesture, knowing that it was his way of looking after her. She drank the water as Haru came up and asked, "How's the training?"
"Good, but exhausting," Aiko admitted, taking another swig of water.
Then, the boys suggested that they all do a race. Aiko smiled and took up the challenge, her competitive side, that she admittedly got from Bakugo, shining through. Aiko got ready, looking to the side to see Midoriya and smirked, giving him a friendly, yet challenging glare. He returned the look and both activated their quirks, Aiko nodding at Haru and taking 10% of his energy. They jumped into the water, and swam quickly to the other side. Aiko and Midoriya tied for first, and Aiko whispered, "Goodbye," as she clung to the side, catching her breath before she pulled herself out of the pool.
As she was getting out, she saw a hand in front of her and looked up to see Midoriya giving her a slight smile. She returned his smile and took his hand, letting him help her out of the pool. "Thanks Midoriya," she said with a smile.
Midoriya smiled and said, "Of course!"
Across the way, two pairs of eyes watched the exchange, negative feelings coursing through their veins. Aiko sat in the shade, Midoriya beside her, as Bakugo's round began. Bakugo, unsurprisingly, didn't even touch the water, opting to blast himself to the other side of the pool. "Cheater!" Kaminari complained.
"I mean we never said that they had to actually swim," Aiko pointed out.
Bakugo smirked and walked away as Todoroki's group came up, Todoroki sliding over with ice and taking the win. So, the final round would be between Aiko, Midoriya, Todoroki, and Bakugo. The four of them got ready, lowering their stances, turning on their quirks, and just as they jumped off, their quirks faded away. The four of them plopped into the pool, and when they surfaced, they saw Aizawa standing above them. "It's 5, time to leave," he said sternly.
"Oh come on, 5 more minutes?" Kirishima complained.
"Yeah, we were doing a race!" Kaminari whined.
"I don't care," Aizawa grumbled, activating his quirk slightly to make his eyes red and his hair float.
Everyone took that as a threat, so they scurried out of the pool and into the locker rooms.
"Have fun at the camp, sweet heart!" Aiko's mom said with a smile.
"Don't die!" Aiko's dad said jokingly.
Aiko laughed and gave them goodbye hugs before heading to the school. When she arrived, she noticed a lot of her classmates around a bus, so she joined them. "Hey guys," Aiko said.
Mina smiled and jumped up, hugging Aiko tightly, "Are you ready for camp?!" she asked.
Aiko nodded and Haru smiled, "Hell yeah we are!"
Monoma then came over and started teasing the class, but was swiftly knocked out by his classmate Kendo. "Sorry about him," she said with an awkward smile as she dragged him away.
Aiko returned the smile and turned to see Bakugo and Todoroki, both seeming to be challenging the other. The boys didn't even need to exchange words, their eyes said it all, but the person they were challenging each other for was oblivious to it all. Haru very softly laughed at the sight and shook his head, turning back to his closest, most trusted friend. As she laughed with Mina, Kirishima, and Kaminari, he realized just how much she meant to him. To him, she was as special, if not more, than his little sister. He would do anything to protect her, and by extension, the people she loved. They boarded the bus and Aiko was in a seat by herself, so Haru graciously took the seat.
The bus started moving and Aiko simply looked out the window the entire trip, enjoying the beauty of the nature they were driving through. When the bus stopped, she exited alongside her class, but noticed a car parked beside them. "Who's there?" Aiko asked curiously.
Everyone turned to the car, and two women stepped out. "Your feline fantasies are here!"
"Oh my god!" Haru squealed, "It's-"
"The Wild Wild Pussycats!" the women exclaimed as a boy stood beside them.
Aiko rolled her eyes at Haru's enthusiasm and turned her attention to the boy beside the Pussycats. Almost immediately, she noticed the two spirits that stood behind him. A man and woman in hero suits, both with similar appearance to the boy. It didn't take much thought to figure out who they were. "Oh no..." Aiko whispered, catching Midoriya and Haru's attention.
The heroes looked at her, noticing how she could see them. She gave them a sad smile and nod, which they both returned. The Cats spoke with Aizawa shortly, and Aiko then started to think. "Guys... Aizawa doesn't seem like the type to just give rest stops..." Aiko stated, backing toward the bus.
Some people started to pick up on this, backing toward the bus as well. Aizawa smiled, "Oh you didn't think that this was a rest stop, did you?"
"Back to the bus!" Sero exclaimed.
Everyone tried to run back, but the ground beneath them started to crumble. Aiko and her class all fell down the cliff. "Kitties who don't get back before 12:30 don't get any lunch!" Pixiebob, the blonde Pussycat, exclaimed.
Aiko landed with a thud. "Everyone okay?" she called out.
"Yeah!" some people called back.
Aiko sighed in relief. "You ok?" Haru asked.
Aiko nodded and stood up, looking around. "So camp is that way, right?" Aiko asked, pointing at the forest.
Haru nodded, and so the pair approached the rest of the class, watching as Mineta ran forward, desperately needing to pee. However, a giant earth monster stomped toward him, and so he ran back toward the group, his pants unfortunately wet. Aiko grit her teeth and ran forward. At first, she reached out at the monster, only to find it had no energy of its own. "It's not an actual creature! It's the result of a quirk!" Aiko exclaimed, "Haru!"
Haru nodded and Aiko took 10% of his energy, delivering a powerful blow to the monster. It fell apart, and Aiko landed on the ground. "You go girl!" Mina exclaimed.
Aiko smiled, but the feeling quickly faded when more monsters came into view. Everyone ran forward to deal with the monsters, almost making a game of it. Bakugo and Todoroki were going toward one, racing each other for it, but before they could get to it, the monster fell down to reveal Aiko behind it. She flashed them a competitive smile and ran off, both of them smirking slightly at her challenge.
The sun was setting by the time they reached the camp, all of the students utterly exhausted. "How was that supposed to take three hours...?" Aiko asked.
"Sorry, we gave you the time it would've taken for us," Mandalay, the brunette Pussycat, answered.
"You all did surprisingly well. Especially... you five," Pixiebob said, pointing at Bakugo, Midoriya, Todoroki, Iida, and Aiko.
Aiko sighed, proud that she was deemed as good as them. Pixiebob then rushed forward and crowded the boys. "Um... speaking about ages," Midoriya spoke up, receiving a glare from Pixiebob, "Who is that boy?"
"This is Kota, he's my cousin's kid," Mandalay answered.
Aiko couldn't help but let her expression fall when she glanced at the couple behind him. Kota noticed this and looked behind him, seeing nothing. Before he could ask what her problem was, Midoriya approached him with a greeting. Kota internally groaned and reached out, punching Midoriya right in the nards. "Oooo shit!" Haru exclaimed in pity pain.
"Brat's got spunk," Bakugo remarked.
"He's like a mini version of you," Todoroki pointed out.
"HA!" Aiko laughed.
Everyone was then guided inside and seated for dinner, made by the Pussycats. "This is the only night we are cooking for you!" Pixiebob stated.
Aiko dug in and sighed, "This is so good."
She basically inhaled the food, and everyone around her seemed to agree that it was amazing. Once they finished eating, they were guided to their rooms, the girls all rooming together. They all then went out to enjoy the hot springs. "Haru isn't back here, is he?" Jirou asked.
"Nah, he's probably out chilling with Mandalay and Pixiebob. They're his heroes, after all," Aiko answered, sinking into the water.
She sighed as her sore muscles began to relax in the hot water. "So, does anyone here have any crushes?" Mina asked.
Hagakure giggled and some of the other girls blushed. "Aiko?" Mina asked.
Aiko shrugged, "None that come to mind."
"BS, you're always hanging around Bakugo and Todoroki. Not to mention Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, Midoriya. You're always hanging out with boys, there's no way you don't have a crush on at least one of them," Mina argued.
"Yeah! Plus they're all so hot!" Hagakure argued.
Aiko rolled her eyes and shrugged, "I dunno, they're just friends."
"You should stop pressuring her," Yaoyorozu stated, "We're just in here to relax."
"Yeah not everyone has a crush on every boy they see, Mina," Jirou joked.
Mina rolled her eyes and said, "Ok but like if you HAD to choose?"
"Mmmm, I dunno, man," Aiko said.
"Sero?" Hagakure asked.
Aiko shook her head again, "Not my type, funnily enough he is Haru's type though."
"Kirishima?" Mina asked.
"I see him like a brother," Aiko answered honestly.
"Deku?" Uraraka asked.
"Nah, he's a sweetheart but he's not my type," Aiko answered again.
Uraraka relaxed a bit as they continued through a list of all the 1-A boys. Then, when Mina said, "Todoroki? Bakugo?!"
Aiko froze, considering the thought fully for the first time, and a blush rose to her face. However, before anyone was able to process it, they heard a commotion on the other side of the wall. They all looked up to see Kota pushing Mineta off. "Thanks Kota!" Mina exclaimed.
Kota looked back on instinct and froze when he looked at the girls, falling off the wall in a panic. Aiko jumped up and ran toward the wall, "Is he ok?"
"I caught him, he's ok!" Midoriya replied.
Aiko sighed in relief and relaxed. "I think that's enough hot spring for the night," she said, walking away and putting her clothes back on, trying to hide her blush as her thoughts swarmed.
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