Aiko wasn't in the hospital for very long seeing as all she had was a semi-deep cut, however it was still deep enough to scar. Thankfully though, they were able to heal it quickly so Aiko was able to return to her internship the next day. "I'm sorry I went against your orders..." Aiko said, bowing in front of Nymph.
Nymph chuckled and said, "It's ok, it's noble that you did it to save your friends. Just don't do it again, ok?"
Aiko nodded and the two began to work.
By the end of the week, Aiko had already gained even more skill, even discovering a new ability within her quirk. "Thank you again for offering me this internship, Nymph," Aiko said as she was getting ready to leave.
Nymph smiled and said, "The pleasure is all mine, Spectre. You've been a fantastic student and... and you reunited me with my brother."
Aiko smiled and walked out of the building, boarding the train to get home. As she was walking to her seat, she wiped her brow. 'Jeez, we really overdid it in that last sparring session,' she thought to herself.
She then itched a scab that rested on her cheek. 'She even cut me with some of her vines... so rude,' Aiko thought before the scab started to sting and a warm liquid trickled down her cheek. She pulled her hand away to see blood. 'Damn it!' Aiko cursed herself, trying to wipe away the blood. She was so focused on that that she didn't see that the girl sitting in front of her was staring at her intently. 'Blood...' the girl thought to herself, a soft blush rushing to her cheeks.
She studied the bleeding girl and noted that she had pretty, long ebony hair, that she had very pretty, vibrant icy blue eyes, and that her pale skin was smooth. 'She's so pretty... and the blood! I want to taste her blood!' the girl thought to herself.
The next day, Aiko and her classmates returned to school. She approached the classroom and all she heard was laughter. Aiko rounded the corner and what she saw made her choke on her spit from surprise as Haru began cackling. "What happened to his hair???" Haru wheezed.
Aiko choking on her saliva made everyone turn toward her. "Woah, Gessei are you ok?" Kirishima asked.
Aiko continued coughing and gave him a thumbs up. When she finally finished, she said, "I was just... um... caught by surprise."
Bakugo caught her gaze and growled, "Something to say, Ghost Face?!"
As he said that, his hair poofed back to normal, causing everyone to laugh even harder. As Aiko chuckled, she remembered what had happened, the news she told him. Aiko played with her hair slightly and walked over to him as everyone started paying attention to the boys. "Um... Bakugo?" she asked, gaining the boy's attention.
He glared at her with his crimson eyes, many conflicting emotions ringing through his mind. "I wanted to say sorry... for just um... springing that news on you out of nowhere," Aiko said, playing with a strand of her hair.
Bakugo studied the girl before he sighed, "Don't apologize, idiot. I'd be even more pissed if you didn't tell me and I found out from Deku."
"Still... it's not exactly happy news..." Aiko whispered.
Bakugo remembered the things Jeanist told him and sighed, "I'm just glad that I know what happened instead of just being left without an answer... so stop moping. It makes your face look dumb."
Aiko chuckled softly and said, "Ok. I'll leave you alone."
Bakugo walked as the girl walked away and grumbled to himself. 'Whatever...' he thought.
All Might then walked into the classroom and proposed that they do a rescue exercise to test their new abilities. As Aiko was putting on her hero suit, Mina gasped and asked, "Umm Aiko where did you get that scar? It looks bad..."
Aiko looked down at her chest and sighed, "Um I may or may not have been one of the students that Endeavor saved from the Hero Killer, but I'm ok!"
"Oh my gosh that must have been so scary!" Mina exclaimed.
Aiko rolled her eyes and continued getting dressed. They left the locker room and met All Might at Ground Gamma where he explained that it would be a race to find him. Aiko was in the first group and got ready, taking 15% of Haru's energy.
"My money's on Sero!"
"Nah, even though Iida's injured, he is still the fastest!"
Bakugo smirked and said, "You dumbasses really believe anyone other than Ghost Face is winning?"
"I have to agree, Gessei is very skilled and can not only avoid the obstacles completely, but can make herself faster using Haru's energy," Todoroki stated.
Mina glanced at the pair and smirked. 'They like herrrrr.'
The race began and Aiko sped off, racing through the environment. After a few minutes, she saw All Might sitting on top of one of the silos and eyed a pipe that was above her. "Time for my new move!" Aiko exclaimed as she extended her palm, jumping high.
"What is she doing? There's no way she'll be able to reach the pipe!" Uraraka exclaimed.
Just then, a vine grew out of her palm and wrapped itself around the pipe. The class gasped in disbelief as a smirk grew on Aiko's face. She swung around and released the vine as she swung upward, landing on the silo. "You win, Young Gessei!" All Might exclaimed.
Aiko smiled to herself and said, "Goodbye."
Haru's energy left her body as All Might gave her the sash saying that she saved him. They went back to the class and everyone instantly surrounded her. "How did you do that?!" everyone was asking.
"It was probably just Haru extending a vine for her," Yaoyorozu stated with a stuck-up tone.
"Actually, I did it myself," Aiko said with a smile, shocking everyone.
She looked at her hand and said, "When I absorb Haru's energy, I am partially absorbing his soul. Since quirks are attached to your soul, absorbing part of his soul gave me the ability to use his quirk! It's one of the things I worked on during my internship."
Bakugo growled, 'They got so much better during their internships while I was just wasting my time...' he thought to himself.
Aiko walked around and as Bakugo was called up to do his race, she stood next to Todoroki. "Good job during the race," he stated.
"Thanks Todoroki," she said with a soft smile.
They sat in a comfortable silence and watched the next round as Todoroki glanced at her every now and then. After the races, Aiko went back to change into her uniform, but then heard something odd coming from behind the wall. 'Is that... Mineta...?' Aiko thought to herself.
'I don't want to be seen...' Aiko thought to herself as she started to flicker, watching as the girls began growling. On that side of the wall, Bakugo and Todoroki ignored the little pervert as much as possible. That was, at least, until the words, "Aiko's soft figure!" left the trash bag's mouth.
Bakugo started growling and steam started emitting from Todoroki as both his left and right side were activating. After Mineta's eye was stabbed by Jirou, Todoroki and Bakugo were about to snap and attack the poor boy when the lights began to flicker. Unbeknownst to everyone else, Haru was outside of the locker room and the second he heard what Mineta was saying, he rushed his ass in there. The boys all shivered and began to see their breath turn to mist in front of their faces. "Oh god Haru's angry!" Kaminari and Kirishima exclaimed, finishing getting changed and sprinting out of the locker room.
The rest of the boys followed suit and ran, frightened of what a truly angry ghost could do. Mineta rubbed his eye and looked around to see that everyone was gone. "G-Guys?" Mineta asked.
He then started to hear a growl emanating from seemingly right in front of him, but nothing was there. He then started to feel a pain rip through his chest, like someone had shot him. He cried out and then felt something grab his hair balls, pulling him up and holding him midair. "Think twice before perving on those girls again!" a wispy, faint voice screamed within Mineta's head.
Mineta then fell to the ground with a thud.
Aizawa explained that final exams were both made up of a written and a practical portion. 'Oh no... I haven't been doing very good with math...' Aiko thought to herself with a groan.
"What's wrong?" Kirishima asked.
"I've been struggling with the math..." Aiko groaned.
"Oof, me too bro. I won't be able to help you out much on that one," he admitted.
Aiko then watched as everyone went to ask Yaoyorozu for help and she considered asking her, but Aiko then thought that Yaoyorozu would probably judge her for needing the help. Aiko laid her head on her desk and sighed, "Haru if you weren't so bad at math I'd be able to study with you!"
"Sorry Aiko," he shrugged.
Aiko then felt someone tap her shoulder. She looked up to see Todoroki standing by her desk. "Oh, did you need something?" Aiko asked.
"You looked upset, is something wrong?" he asked.
"I'm just stressing about the final," Aiko admitted.
Todoroki then furrowed his eyebrows and said, "If you study then you'll be ok."
Aiko sighed and said, "I wish it worked like that, but it's the math that I'm struggling with. I can't exactly study what I don't know how to do because I won't know if I'm doing it right."
Todoroki then nodded and asked, "So wouldn't it make sense to study with someone?"
Aiko nodded and said, "But I don't know who to study with..."
"You could study with me," he said nonchalantly.
"Are you sure? I don't want to bother you," Aiko said.
"I'm sure. It won't be a bother," he reassured.
Aiko smiled softly and asked, "Ok, when and where should we meet?"
"After school works best, and anywhere that's best for you," he explained.
"Does my house work?" she asked.
He nodded and so she pulled out her phone, "Here, give me your number so we can easily schedule things or cancel if we need to."
He wordlessly took her phone and entered in his number. "Ok, I'll text you so you can put me in as a contact," she said, sending him a quick text.
At the end of the day, Aiko was getting ready to leave when Todoroki approached her. "Ready?" he asked.
"Oh, you meant immediately after school? Yeah just let me finish getting my stuff together," Aiko said, packing her bag and slinging it over her shoulder.
"Oooooo study session with a boyyyyyyyyy," Haru teased.
Aiko rolled her eyes and ignored him, walking toward the train to go home. They boarded and sat together in silence. After a short ride, they left the train and walked toward her house. Todoroki watched curiously as Aiko walked through the door and called out, "I'm home!"
A woman with dark brown hair and soft blue eyes rounded the corner and said, "Hey swee- oh, hello. I'm Aiko's mom."
Todoroki bowed slightly and said, "Shoto Todoroki."
"Oh, you're the boy Aiko faced off against in the semi-finals," Aiko's mom stated.
Todoroki nodded and said, "I'm here to help your daughter study for the final exams, Mrs. Gessei."
"Ohhhhh ok. And just call me Yuri," her mom explained.
Aiko nodded and guided Todoroki into the dining room where she opened her bag and pulled out their math assignments. Todoroki looked it over and said, "I see the problem. You're mixing up which formulas to use where."
He took a spare sheet of paper and wrote the equation down before writing down how it should be solved step by step. "You use the distance formula for this one," he said.
"Ugh, I hate that one..." Aiko groaned, "It's confusing..."
Todoroki shook his head and asked, "Do you understand the Pythagorean Theorem?"
Aiko nodded and said, "a^2+b^2=c^2?"
Todoroki nodded and rewrote the formula to be d^2=(x2-x1)^2+(y2-y1)^2.
"The distance between the two x's is a, the distance between the two y's is b and d is c," Todoroki explained.
Aiko solved the equation and found that it was much easier to remember like that. "Thanks Todoroki," she said, moving onto the next section.
He nodded and they continued to go through their math homework. After about an hour, Todoroki looked up to see a man with the same black hair and shade of blue eyes as Aiko. They locked eyes and the man froze, a scowl coming to his face as he realized that Todoroki was sitting next to Aiko. "You must be the friend that Yuri said was studying with Aiko..." he said with an intimidating air.
Todoroki, to her dad's dismay, was completely unphased by his intimidation attempt. Having grown up with Endeavor as a father, it took way more than a little overprotectiveness to intimidate Todoroki. "I'm Shoto Todoroki, pleasure to meet you," Todoroki said with little emotion.
Aiko looked up from her homework and said, "Oh, hey dad."
Haru started laughing and said, "I swear to god this man is way too overprotective of youuuuu."
Aiko quirked a brow, but then she noticed the expression on her dad's face and the way that he was glaring at Todoroki. Aiko sighed and continued working. Before her dad could say anything, her mom came and said, "Ken, leave the poor boy alone," she then turned toward the teens and said, "Oh, me and your dad are about to watch a movie, so you can go upstairs and study there so we don't disturb you."
"Oh, thanks mom," Aiko said, picking up her homework.
Todoroki followed suit and picked up his stuff. He then followed her upstairs and into her room. He quickly made note of the All Might poster in the corner as well as the neatness of her room. However, he quickly disregarded it and sat down on her bed, pulling out the math work. They continued studying until Todoroki got distracted. He caught himself staring into her eyes, remembering the sickening white that they were just a week prior. "Gessei?" he asked.
Aiko hummed in response. "What possessed you that night?" he asked, rubbing the scabs on his arms where she had scratched him.
Aiko froze and said, "Well... it was actually Haru..."
Todoroki's eyes widened slightly and Aiko rose her arms in defense, "He didn't mean to though! It was an accident!"
Todoroki relaxed and silently told her to continue. "You see, the more of a spirit's energy I take, the less control they have over themself. It's like they lose their humanity in some way, y'know? That night, I had only had about 15% of Haru's energy, but since I got knocked unconscious, his energy started to take control. Haru himself has no control over his spirit when this happens, so I never blame him for it," Aiko explained.
"I see. It's just a risk that comes with using your quirk?" he asked.
Aiko nodded, "It's why in the Sports Festival that I didn't take much of your energy. I didn't know the risks of taking energy from a living being and I don't really want to find out."
"So how did I bring you back to normal?" Todoroki asked.
"Well, the only way a possession can end is if the spirit willingly leaves my body or if someone touches me and says my name three times," Aiko explained.
Todoroki nodded, remembering that when he had done the latter, the possession seemed to end. They continued studying for a while longer until a knock was heard at the door. "Come in," Aiko said.
Aiko's mom opened the door and said, "Dinner's ready. Oh, and I made extra so if you'd like some, then you can have some too, Todoroki."
Aiko and Todoroki nodded, getting up and walking downstairs. Aiko and Todoroki walked into the kitchen, each making themself a plate. They then walked into the dining room and sat down next to each other, Todoroki across from Aiko's dad. He stared Todoroki down before saying, "Thank you for the food."
"Thank you for the food," everyone else said before digging in.
"So Todoroki, do you like being in the hero course?" Aiko's mom asked.
Todoroki nodded. Aiko's parents sat in the awkward silence, unsure of what to do or say. Aiko's dad then asked, "So you're friends with Aiko? How'd that happen?"
Todoroki answered, "She asked to be my friend."
Aiko smiled and said, "He's actually really caring, he's just bad at expressing emotions. He helped me out when I got hurt last week."
"Oh, Aiko told us about that. I hope you didn't get hurt too badly," Aiko's mom said.
"Luckily I didn't get hurt that bad. I did end up getting there last so that's probably why," Todoroki said, itching the scab on his cheek from where Stain scratched him.
Aiko then stood up and said, "I'll be right back. Nature calls."
Todoroki and Aiko's parents sat in an awkward silence before Aiko's dad asked, "So, you like Aiko?"
Todoroki nodded and said, "She's a good friend."
"How do you feel about her?" her dad asked.
Aiko's mom rolled her eyes and said, "You don't have to answer that kiddo, he's just protective of Aiko."
Todoroki sat in silence for a moment, considering his words carefully. "Over the course of the year, she intrigued me. During the USJ incident, we got sent to the same location by the villains and fought together. I saw her quirk and wanted to understand it better. During the Sports Festival, she... she said some things that made me remember some important things that other people have told me, which made me recognize her kindness and helped me reconnect with someone. And during our fight, I realized that I underestimated her strength and gained a lot of respect for her courage," he said.
Aiko's parents stared at him in shock, not expecting that deep of an answer from the otherwise quiet boy. Around the corner, Aiko was a blushing mess, having heard his every word.
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