Chapter 13: Reunions

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Aiko reached Nymph's agency and stiffly walked through the door. She saw a few receptionists and quietly approached them. One of them noticed her and asked, "Is there anything I can help you with?"

Aiko gulped and nodded. "I'm here for my internship..."

"Oh! You're the UA student that Nymph told us about! I'll go ahead and lead you up to her office," the receptionist said, standing from his spot.

He guided Aiko up to the top floor of the building and knocked on the furthest door. "Nymph, the intern from UA is here."

He walked away as the door opened to reveal a woman with forest green hair, hazel-brown eyes, tan skin, and a flowy green and white hero costume. She gasped and said, "Oh my gods you are so much cuter in person!"

Aiko blushed and said with a slight bow, "Thank you for offering to intern me."

"There's no way..." Haru whispered, staring at Nymph intently and with disbelief.

"So respectful!" Nymph exclaimed, guiding Aiko into her office. 

"Well... my parents drilled respect into me because if I disrespect a spirit, they will likely try to harm me," Aiko explained.

"Oh! That reminds me, can you explain to me all the parts of your quirk? I wanna know what I'm working with," Nymph asked.

Aiko nodded and explained her quirk. "I see... that's a very powerful quirk! And I'm told that you have a ghost companion?" Nymph asked.

Aiko nodded again and glanced at Haru when she noticed that he was staring at Nymph with disbelief. Aiko quirked a brow and said, "His name is Haruki Mizuki, he was a UA student."

Nymph paled. "Haru...?"

"Ren...?" he asked.

Aiko shook her head in disbelief. "You know each other?"

"She's my little sister..." Haru whispered. 

Aiko's eyes widened before her eyes snapped toward Nymph. 'Come to think of it, they look very similar...' Nymph sniffled and said, "After all this time..." she smiled, "You're lucky to have such a kind companion, Gessei..."

Aiko nodded and asked, "Would you like to speak to him?"

Nymph nodded and so Haru possessed Aiko's body. "Ren...?"

Nymph teared up more and ran toward him, hugging him tightly. "I'm so sorry..." she whispered.

"It's ok, Ren. I'm here now..." Haru whispered, returning the hug.

They talked a little before Nymph calmed down and asked for Aiko. Haru left Aiko's body and Nymph smiled, wiping the tears from her eyes. "Sorry about that. Let's get onto business. Go down the hall to the changing rooms and change into your hero suit so we can get to work."

Aiko nodded and followed her instructions, changing into her suit. She went back to Nymph's office and said, "I'm ready."

Nymph looked up and gasped, "Your hero suit is amazing! What's your hero name?"

"Spectre..." Aiko stated.

"Oo! Mysterious, I like it!" Nymph exclaimed.

"Same energy as ever..." Haru remarked with a small smile. 

"Now, let's go out on patrol. Remember that you're not allowed to use your quirk to hurt anyone," Nymph explained before leading Aiko out of the building.

The pair walked down the street for a while before Nymph asked, "So Spectre, what are the main reasons that we heroes patrol?"

"So we can respond quickly when villains attack and to reassure the citizens with our presence," Aiko stated.

"Yes, but there's more. Our presence doesn't just reassure the citizens, it deters the villains. When villains see heroes, they're less likely to attack. Also, it's important that we build relationships with the civilians in our region. Think about it, you'd be much more willing to cooperate with and trust a hero you knew personally than one who you don't even know," Nymph explained.

Aiko nodded, understanding the point. A young girl then approached the pair. "E-excuse me... are you the hero Nymph?" she asked.

Nymph smiled and knelt beside her. "Yes I am. What might your name be?" 

"Sakura..." the little girl said.

Nymph smiled and asked, "It's nice to meet you, Sakura."

Sakura smiled and said, "You're really cool! I want to be just like you when I grow up!"

Nymph's smile widened and so she held out a hand, then a small, pink cherry blossom grew, causing the little girl to gasp. Nymph took the flower and stuck it behind the girl's ear. "You can be whatever you want to be when you grow up," she stated with a smile.

The girl nodded and glanced at Aiko with a small gasp. "You're the girl from the Sports Festival! You're also super cool!"

Aiko blushed and knelt down as well. "Thank you, Sakura."

"Sakura!" a man called out, causing said girl to turn around.

"I got to go, but thank you for the flower!" she said before running to the man, likely her dad, and began excitingly explaining what happened.

"See? The relationships we build with the civilians we protect is vital," Nymph stated as she stood up, Aiko following suit.

They continued patrolling until it got dark, so they went back to Nymph's office. "There's a dorm you can stay in for the week. We'll start training tomorrow at 7 am, so please be up and ready by then," Nymph explained. 

Aiko nodded and went to the dorm. She glanced at Haru, who had a sad smile on his face. "So... Nymph is your sister..." Aiko said.

"Yeah..." Haru whispered.

"How come you haven't gone to stay with her? Or any of your family as a matter of fact...?" Aiko asked.

Haru sighed and said, "They kicked me out because I told them I was gay, the day I died, actually."

Aiko's expression fell. "Oh... I'm so sorry..." she whispered.

"It's ok. Ren is the only one who went to my cremation..." he explained.

Aiko gave him a soft smile before thinking. "Haru...? Y'know... you never told me about how you died... you don't have to tell me if you don't w-"

"It's ok, you're much older now so I feel like I should tell you. I was walking around town after I got kicked out, wondering what I was going to do and where I was going to stay, when I saw an elderly couple being mugged by a villain. He was holding them at gunpoint. I jumped in to save them, but got shot in the process. It punctured my lungs... as I was dying, I was able to restrain him with my roots. But by the time I reached the hospital, I was already dead," Haru explained solemnly.

Aiko's expression softened. "I'm so sorry..." she whispered. 

"It's ok. I mean, if I wouldn't have died, I would never have met you!" Haru said with a soft smile.

Aiko incorporealized and gave Haru a soft hug, and he quickly hugged her back. They stayed like that for a while, happy that they at least had each other.




"Alright, that's enough training for today," Nymph said, gleaming with sweat. 

The entire day, the pair had been training in combat, refining Aiko's skills. "After dinner though, we're going on patrol," Nymph explained, handing Aiko a water bottle.

Aiko nodded and walked to her room to take a shower and change into her hero suit. The pair ate dinner, Aiko acting as a Ouija Board as she talked for Haru so he and Nymph could talk. The two siblings seemingly had a lot in common, which was a pleasant surprise to Aiko. 

After dinner, they started walking around the city before they heard screams. The smell of smoke entered Aiko's nostrils and she and Nymph shared a look. They sprinted toward the chaos and saw nomus flying through the sky, attacking civilians. "Spectre, do not engage in combat! Your job is to evacuate civilians!" Nymph exclaimed.

Aiko nodded and said, "Haru! 10%!"

Haru nodded and let Aiko take 10% of his energy as she sprinted toward a young couple who were being chased by a nomu. Nymph quickly engaged the nomu as Aiko ran forward and grabbed the couple by their shoulders. "We need to get out of here. Are you both able to run?" she asked.

The couple nodded, so Aiko grabbed their hands and quickly guided them away from the chaos. Aiko then heard a screech above them and saw a nomu flying after them. Aiko gasped and pulled the couple down. "Get down!" she exclaimed, using her body to shield them. 

A nearby tree then sprouted long, thick branches and shielded the group. Aiko looked up and said, "Thanks Haru!"

She got up and guided the couple to safety. "Thank you!" the couple both said, "What's your name?" 

Aiko gave them a soft smile and said, "I'm Spectre!"

She then started running back into the chaos when she heard a man yelling, "Tenya! Tenya where are you?!"

She turned back to see a hero looking frantically for someone. 'Tenya... does he mean Iida?!' Aiko thought to herself before she saw a familiar face running toward her. "Midoriya?" Aiko asked.

"Gessei! Have you seen Iida?" Midoriya asked.

Aiko shook her head. Midoriya grit his teeth and said, "I think he's looking for the Hero Killer. He might be in danger!"

Aiko's eyes widened as she realized he was right. "Come on!" Midoriya said, leading her away, "Stain works in the shadows, he's probably in a back alley somewhere!"

Aiko nodded and chased after him. Aiko instantly noticed the boost in speed and power that Midoriya had. 'Has he already found a way to control his quirk? It's only been two days!' Aiko thought to herself, impressed.

Aiko, Haru, and Midoriya then noticed a commotion. 'Iida!' they all thought, diving down toward them.

Midoriya rushed toward Stain while Aiko rushed toward Iida. "Iida!" Aiko exclaimed, kneeling beside him and looking him over. "Haru! Is there anything you can do to stop the bleeding?!" Aiko exclaimed, panicking over her friend's injuries.

Haru thought for a moment before making large leaves on top of Iida's wounds, wrapping them in vines to hold them in place. He then turned toward the hero, Native, and did the same. "That's about as much as I can do..." Haru said quietly. 

"Thanks Haru..." Aiko whispered.

"What are you two doing here?! Go! This is my fight!" Iida exclaimed.

"No! We're not leaving you to be killed by this guy!" Aiko argued, facing Stain.

Aiko gulped nervously, watching as Midoriya fought Stain. 'We should try to run and take the injured... but he'd likely kill us as we tried to escape,' Aiko thought, 'We have no choice but to fight him...' 

Aiko then noticed as Midoriya sent a text with their location. 'Thank god...' Aiko thought before she took a little more of Haru's energy and ran toward Stain. Stain grinned wickedly and flung his sword at her, only for it to go right through her. His eyes widened in surprise and disbelief for a moment before Aiko punched him square in the jaw, knocking him back a few feet. "Leave them alone!" Aiko exclaimed.

Stain growled and said, "You're troublesome... why are you trying to save those fakes?!"

"Because you shouldn't just kill people! It's wrong! I don't care if you don't like them, I won't let you hurt my friends!" Aiko declared. 

Stain threw a knife at her and watched as it went straight through her, only to hit Midoriya in his leg. Aiko heard him cry in pain and turned around frantically, running toward him. Stain noticed that she wasn't flickering like she was when his weapons went through her, so he took his chance. He ran up, readying his sword. "Aiko!" Haru exclaimed, causing her to turn around just in time to see Stain slashing his sword.

The sword slashed her from her left shoulder down to her right hip. Aiko cried out in pain and crumpled to the ground, everyone watching in shock. "Aiko!!!" Haru exclaimed, pulling Stain back with roots.

Stain looked around and saw that the streetlamp by them started to flicker and a growl sounded out. Haru ran forward and scratched Stain viciously. Stain quirked a brow, watching as blood ran down his shoulder, and smirked, not caring about it in favor of attacking the boys. Haru watched as this happened, ready to strike again, but then noticed that he was really low on energy. He then felt his energy within Aiko's unconscious body start to gain more power, and he started to lose control. He couldn't feel anymore.

Todoroki was about to get slashed down the middle the way Aiko was, but as Iida kicked the blade away, Aiko's body began to twitch. 

As Iida and Midoriya went up to attack Stain, Aiko's body began to rise. 

After Stain was taken out, Midoriya and Todoroki turned around to see her standing, facing away from them with her head down. "Gessei!" Midoriya exclaimed, happy that she was ok, only for the body to turn around and snarl, her normally blue eyes a sickening white. 

"W-what's wrong?" Midoriya asked before she slashed at him, scratching his arm.

"Midoriya!" the other two yelled, now defensive of their friend.

Midoriya looked at the scratch before he looked at the other two, "I think she's possessed!"

Aiko snarled, her hair falling out of its ponytail and covering her face, making her look like the girl from The Ring. The three hero students felt fear shoot through their bodies, unsure of how to fix this... 

All they knew was that Aiko wasn't there anymore.

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