S8. New Years

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A/N: as yall can see, this doesn’t follow the whole plot of the manga/anime, just to clear up any confusion or what. Btw, will address the charas with their first names now :)) and!! this is almost 10k words aaahsiwhjw pls enjoy!!


The end of the year was soon coming to a close.

Usually, the students of Tootsuki would be at home and celebrating with their family and loved ones. However, that isn’t the case with the Elite Ten and most of the students of the Polar Star Dorm.

“Hey, hey, everyone!” Yuuki rushes down the staircase of the Polar Star Dorm rather enthusiastically.

The young chefs pause whatever they were doing and gave all their attention to Yuuki. At times like these, they know better than to ignore her, especially during the holidays where they may have a bit too much free time on their hands.

“Has everyone packed for the trip?!” The auburn haired chef’s question has her peers throwing her confused looks. “Have you all forgotten our most awaited trip yet?!”

No one was the least bit excited when they remember what she was going on about. After all, being students of Tootsuki gave them privileges that no ordinary student would have. A trip to Fukuoka is nothing compared to their gruesome but thrilling adventures for the past years.

“If you are pertaining to the tickets we received for the resort in Fukuoka, then yes I have prepared.” Hisako is one of the unbothered ones, already done with the task that she’s suppose to do. “Erina-sama, I’ve packed some of your things as well,” she lowers her voice to talk to the blonde beside her who was reading some documents on a device.

“It’s going to be an amazing trip!” Yuuki resumes to hype her peers in hopes of having them join her enthusiasm. “This doesn’t have to do anything with school works, too, so it’s the perfect time to unwind for the holidays!”

Takumi, playing a game of cards with Akira, hums in agreement. “I suppose we do deserve this long awaited trip.” He goes back to focusing on the game while Isami watches the two eagerly, biting back down a snigger as his brother makes a move that he shouldn’t have done.

“Fukuoka has a new branch of my favorite.” Ikumi flips through her magazine smoothly, humming to herself. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to go.”

“Of course!!” Alice is cheerful as ever, smiling as if she knows something they don’t. She pats on Ryou’s head on her lap, untangling some knots here and there as she giggles. “They have a shopping mall that goes underground! Ryou-kun, let’s go there!”

Shun openly chuckles at Ryou’s incoherent response. He knows the aide has no choice but to follow, though everyone knows he wouldn’t leave his girlfriend running amok a huge place by herself.

Yuuki finishes her descend down the staircase and goes to the back of the couch where a particular redhead sat down quietly. His eyes are glued to his phone, as if waiting for a call from someone. He’s too focused that he doesn’t even notice Yuuki peering at his phone. The redhead is blankly staring at a contact number named My Aya.

“Yukihira!” Yuuki huffs near his ear, earning a startled yelp from him. She pretends not to notice the way he hides his screen from her point of view. “Have you been listening to us talking about the trip? Everyone’s excited!”

Her words are obviously a test. Souma is almost successful in pretending that he knows what’s going on.

“Uh, yeah, that’s cool.” He shuts his phone off and pockets it, standing up to his full height. “I’ll catch ‘ya later, Yoshino. Gotta do something.” He doesn’t even wait a response and resumes to climb up the stairs to his room.

The silence that follows the redhead’s absence has the group looking at one another. No doubt they are still unsure of how to deal with this Souma. It’s difficult when he gets in that missing Ayano hours mood, or so Ikumi would like to call it.

“I’m not talking to him this time.” Akira huffs to no one in particular. He just finished his game with Takumi, not surprised that he’s won against the blond. He’s quite awful in hiding his emotions fully. “The last time I did, he got all moody and told me to piss off with Hisako.”

Alice raises her hands in mock surrender. She, of all people, wouldn’t be able to go through Souma in this situation. “We’re good friends, I assure you all. But Yukihira-kun does not listen to anyone here who’s taken.”

“Unfortunately.” Erina agrees with her cousin, crossing her arms while sporting a frown on her youthful face. She as well has tried talking some sense to Souma when he’s in that mood, but he’d wave her off and tell her to call up her boyfriend.

Megumi listens carefully to her friends talk about Souma yet again. It’s not the first time this has happened. They’re all worried for him, after all, being the First Seat and their close friend.

They haven’t physically seen each other for a little bit over a year now, Ayano and Souma. He’d usually cope just fine with Elite Ten and other school related work to worry about. Though with that out of the way, she’s most likely filling his thoughts to the brim.

“This trip should ease his mind,” Ikumi brings up thoughtfully to the group. Her magazine is down on her lap as she converses with her peers. “Let’s just give him some time.”

Long distance relationships aren’t easy to maintain. Yet the students hold unto the hope that Souma would be just fine during their trip.


The familiar cold breeze of Japan felt soothing. It’s the perfect weather at the moment, the sky with just the right amount of clouds and the warm light from the sun not too hot. It really is the perfect time of the year to unwind.

However, that isn’t exactly the case for one certain successful female.

“Boss! Welcome back to Japan!” A young woman greets her employer with a bright smile. She basks in the beauty of her boss in front of her, hiding the disbelief in her face upon remembering that her boss is years younger than her.

“It’s glad to be back, indeed.” A soft smile graces her features in return. Her employee doesn’t dare look away. “Now, where’s this new partner I’ve heard so much about?

“He should be waiting for you in the car, ma’am.”

“Excellent. I’ll be on my way to the resort, then.”

“Yes. I’ll see you back at the resort, ma’am.”

Her brown hair sways as she trudges out of the airport. She receives various looks from onlookers, though she expertly ignores them and soaks in the feeling of being back on her homeland.

The young female holds her luggage securely as she nears the vehicle designated to fetch her. A young man roughly a few years older than her is waiting out of the vehicle, his face lights up when his eyes land on her form.

“Good morning, it’s nice to finally meet you! My name is Tomura Kiro, but please call me Kiro!” The young man is tall and a sight for sore eyes with his golden brown hair slicked back. Dark brown eyes are warm and kind as he smiles and brings a hand forward.

The two shake hands briefly in a professional manner.

“Hirashima Ayano. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Kiro.”

It’s been a little bit over a year since Ayano has been to Japan. She’s worked overseas for the past year, working hard in handling the business side of her restaurant. And she managed to obtain a few partners for her business while she worked.

Right now she just met a new partner. He’s the son of one of her father’s friends. To build a good and strong relationship with them and their company, Ayano had decided on extending a part of her restaurant to their resort. Upon doing so she’s secured a good partnership with the Tomura family.

“By the way, Ayano-san, I would personally like to thank you for the help that you will be giving to me and my family’s business,” Kiro starts off a conversation as they both enter the car that will take them to the resort.

Ayano waves her head dismissively. “Please, Kiro, just call me Ayano. I would like for us to be good friends besides business partners.”

Her smile makes Kiro smile even wider. “But I wouldn’t like to be too familiar. I heard that you had a boyfriend?” The last part wasn’t a statement. It’s a question that should be answered properly to clear up any sort of misunderstanding along the way.

“Yes, I do have.” Ayano’s face seems to glow a tad bit as she answers. “Though I do not mind if you call me without the honorific. I do well with putting a line between my personal and work life.”

Kiro scrutinize the young female. He’s been wondering about her ever since he’s been told that he would have to work under her for some time. “If you don’t mind me asking, is it a serious relationship? With you and your boyfriend, I mean.” His question doesn’t seem to faze Ayano.

A phone rings before any of them could speak another word. Kiro looks away and watches the scenery outside of the window to give his boss some sort of privacy, somehow.

She releases a breath of relief in seeing who the caller is. “… Good day. What do I owe such a busy brother for him to call me?”

They exchange a few words that Kiro didn’t bother to understand. Once they were finished, Ayano bags her phone quietly.

“That was my brother. I’m sorry he had to call during our conversation.” Her apology is polite and sincere. Though at the same time she didn’t mind that their previous topic didn’t get to continue since it did concern her personal life.

“I totally understand,” Kiro reassures the other with a small smile. “Family comes first before anything else, right?”

More than anything, Ayano understood that phrase very well.

“You and I have that one thing in common.” She nodded her head in agreement to his statement. “By the way, did you give out the tickets that I requested before?”

“Ooh, yes.” Kiro is sure that Ayano is very relieved because of the huge smile that almost reaches her eyes. “I did give it out. The group should be on their way here the day after tomorrow.”

“That’s great news. They would be here just in time for the New Year celebration I have in mind.”

Kiro wants to understand how all of this is important to Ayano. He doesn’t know that she’s thinking of old friends with a cheeky redhead in the center of it all.


It’s late in the evening as the scent of chocolate fills the kitchen of the Polar Star Dorm. Though it isn’t unusual for a resident of the place.

Students would always be in the kitchen in the wee hours of the night.

Tonight, Souma is dominating the kitchen with sweets. He makes them from time to time to remember his girlfriend. Since she did love making sweets back when they first met during their first year.

Souma was staring at her contact number while tasting his creation. “Not bad…” He mumbles while licking his fingers clean, his other hand hovering above his phone.

He’s been contemplating if he should call her. She did mention around a week ago that she should be in Japan one of these days. Yet he’s been holding back because he knows that she’s busy, he didn’t want to be a distraction to her work.

He turns away from his device, releasing a sigh as he begins to clean up his mess. It’s infuriating to be torn between two options that seem equally reasonable. And he grumbles half meant words while wiping the counters.

A vibration makes him pause his movements. Was he dreaming? Another set of vibrations forces him to turn back to his phone. He sees it light up, with her contact on display.

He drops the rag he held and almost pounced on his phone. He stares at her name for a few more moments before answering and putting the phone on his ear.

“Yo?” He mentally curses how lame he sounded. This is the first time they’ve called after awhile, and this is all he could muster?

“You’re awake.” Is the first thing she says in that sweet and innocent voice of hers. Hell, he’s missed her so much.

“… Yeah. Couldn’t sleep.”

“Well, I’m glad I called, then. I just finished work.”

Souma finds a comfortable spot on a stool, relaxing to the sound of his girlfriend’s voice. “Oh, how’s work? Are you back yet?”

“I just landed earlier today. I’m sorry I didn’t get to call, I had work to do the moment the plane landed.”

“Doesn’t matter, as long as you came back safely. When can I see you?”

“Soon.” That one word can mean many possibilities that left Souma wondering.

“Tell me the second you’re free, aight? I want to see my cute girlfriend already.”

“Yes, I will.” He can tell she rolled her eyes at his words. He chuckles at that.

“But I won’t be able to see you on New Years, though. I have plans with everyone to a resort.”

“A resort? Hm, that sounds wonderful.”

“Yeah, right? It’d be much better with you around, though.”

“You wouldn’t want me there if all I would be doing is work.”

“Would I get to see you wearing–“

“Yukihira Souma!” Although Ayano raises her voice, he can practically hear the smile through the phone. “If that is all that you’re after, then I am never going to let you see me while I’m working.”

He pouts even though she can’t see him. “That’s a shame, princess. I mean, it’s the least you can offer if you’ve seen me almost fully naked.”

“Hey! Don’t bring this up again! It was Alice who wanted to tease me.”

“Well? Did it work?”

“That’s not the point!”

“Oh, but it did work, didn’t it? I can tell with the way you’re yelling right now.”

“You’re never going to live this down, will you?”

“Nope. At least not until I get to see you in a really amazing dress that would totally fit perfe–“

Don’t dare finish that sentence!”

His laugh echoes throughout the kitchen. He’s missed her so much.


“We need the kitchens spotless and all our utensils in top shape!”

Employees are scurrying around the place to finish their designated tasks for the day. It’s been more hectic than usual now that another boss has entered the scene.

Ayano simply smiles as she enters the huge kitchen whilst hearing her current partner sending out orders. She greets some of the employees with a smile and a wave, careful to not be on their way as they scramble around.

She stops by Kiro’s side and calls for his attention. “You don’t need to be too strict on them, Kiro,” she tells him sincerely. She understands the want to have everything perfect, but for the upcoming occasion it isn’t exactly necessary.

For her at least.

“Are you kidding me, Ayano?” Kiro shakes his head in disapproval. He wipes a forming sweat on his forehead with a handkerchief, sighing. “You didn’t mention that the group that’s coming tomorrow are your former classmates from Tootsuki. This is huge! Of course everything has to be perfect!”

He did have a point. Although the ones coming are students, they aren’t just the average students coming over. No, they’re talking about the students that have been taking the whole cooking world by a storm since day one.

“They wouldn’t mind the kitchens just as they are,” Ayano resumes to reassure the older male. “Though, I guess it does pay off to impress them. You never know which one of them can be a business partner in the future.”

“Yes, exactly!” Kiro heaves a sigh in seeing that she has agreed. “You really get me, Ayano. By the way, will your boyfriend be here?”

Ayano displays a smile that is almost cheeky.

It suits her youthful face, Kiro wants to tell her, but simply stares instead.

“He will be here. Though they don’t know I’ll be, so they’re in for a surprise.”

He stares at her whilst wondering what’s so great about her so called boyfriend to make her glow in such a light whenever he was brought up. He’s watched her closely ever since they’ve been working together, and he can’t think of a reasonable answer.

He just had to ask it.

“How did you manage to maintain your relationship with him?”

Kiro’s question caught Ayano off guard. She certainly did not expect him to ask her that question, especially not so soon. They’ve known each other for around a day at most so she didn’t think he would be curious about that part of her life.

“… I would have to say that I’ve forced myself to trust him even if doubt clouded my heart.” There’s a glint in her eyes that he couldn’t exactly explain.

Kiro didn’t bother to ask more, knowing that it may be a bit too soon. However, he does want to know just how have they gone this far without physically seeing each other.

He knows it, he’s heard the news and such from his parents, he’s aware that she’s been abroad for the past year to expand the business of her restaurant. In fact, she’s bound to start a second branch because of her connections at the moment.

So, why? How can she face all her responsibilities while leaving her lover behind?

He wills himself to focus back on the task at hand as Ayano deals with one of their employees. He couldn’t lose focus now.



Top of the morning and someone is already in high spirits.

The group of students are currently piling their private bus with their belongings for the trip. Due to Erina’s usually strict demeanor they all get to use the vehicle traveling to and from Fukuoka for their vacation. This is one of the times that the gang is thankful for being in such a rich school.

“Yukihira-kun, you’re rather blooming today!” Alice dares to comment what’s on her mind without thinking of the consequences.

Most of them are worried of what’s to come next, and they’re taken aback by Souma’s familiar grin.

“Yeah!” He doesn’t deny it, adjusting the body bag he has on him. “I slept like a baby last night, hehe..”

Akira shoots the redhead a doubtful look. He knows that isn’t just the case. “Well, I wish you always sleep like a baby so you don’t have foul moods in the morning.”

“Do I really have foul moods?” Souma asks, aiming the question more to himself.

Ikumi, walking up to him, sighs heavily. “That’s news to you, Yukihira? You’re really unpredictable lately.”

The blonde proceeds to enter the bus without another word, and Souma is at a loss for words as the rest of his friends follow her lead inside. He didn’t realize he’s been acting up lately.

Megumi waits by her best friend’s side while everyone gradually inside the bus in single file. “We understand why, Souma-kun. It’s just that we don’t know how to act around you when you do.”

“Sorry ‘bout that…” Souma apologizes while scratching the back of his head. “Guess I’ve just been thinkin’ a lot lately about some stuff.”

“Don’t just apologize to her, you know.”

Souma looks at his other side to face his other best friend–rival–whatever they were. “Guess I should, huh? Thanks for always having my back.”

A blinding smile comes from Megumi. “Of course, Souma-kun!”

“Nii-chan, are you ready to go?”

Takumi’s small smile at the redhead vanishes, and he huffs at the call of his twin. “Yes, Isami! I haven’t forgotten anything!” He grumbles as he pulls his stroller closer to him and enters the bus.

Souma doesn’t waste time in apologizing to his friends the moment the bus begins to move to their destination.

“I’m sorry, everyone, for how I’ve been acting lately.

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