A/N: there is no end note in this chapter bc i dont wanna ruin it hahah. Just a warning tho, this chapter is 4k words long. So have fun!
Hirashima Saito loves many things; books, food, birthdays and many other things that don't really need to mention. He loves his family, and his girlfriend, too. Though, sometimes, disagreements can't be helped with loved ones.
"What happened?" Ayano asks her brother whilst they both sat on the chairs of the back room of the restaurant. She saw the agitated look on his face, that never meant a good sign. She's dealt with angry Saito before, it wasn't good.
The younger Hirashima releases a heavy sigh. He takes off his glasses, and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Krista and I had a fight," he fesses up sadly.
"Tell me about it," Ayano presses on, grabbing her cup of tea from the table to take a sip. One look at her brother, she stops him, "Actually, don't tell me. I don't want to be apart of your drama."
Saito puts his glasses back on. "Have you and Souma-nii ever... Had a fight before?" When the question leaves him, he looks at his sister and knew the answer already. This makes him sigh again.
"What do you expect?" Ayano retorts back a question, "We rarely personally see each other. And now he's much more busy than ever."
"He's a member of the elite ten, if I recall?" Saito asks again, just closely watching his sister.
Ayano hums, "Seventh seat."
"You've been busy, too, Ayano," when Saito pointed this out, he notices the frown on her face that meant something was up.
The female held her cup of tea tightly. ".. I know. It's been tough here in the restaurant."
And so the siblings had a long conversation. Saito had strayed away from thinking or even talking about his girlfriend. It placed him in a bad mood, so he was glad that he and his sister could have a nice long conversation about her and her boyfriend and how they've been.
He finds out that Souma hasn't been texting her lately because he was obviously busy. She doesn't have the time, either, to call him during the night to have their routinely evening conversation over the phone. All they could even text each other was either a good morning, goodnight, and a how was your day.
The information saddened Saito. He knew that long distance relationships are quite difficult, but he knew that all they needed was tons of communication. They have to make up for most of the time that they don't see each other.
"Maybe you should close up early tonight," Saito suggested politely. The least he could do for his sister that left school to take over their restaurant was to help her with matters he could help in.
"I can't do that," Ayano protested with a frown on her face.
"Yes, you can. You need to fix this problem with Souma-nii," he mentions seriously to her.
"What do you know about problems? You and Krista are.." When Ayano couldn't say anything about her brother and his girlfriend, the words were stuck in her throat. That would be going too far for her.
Saito smirks, "See? I'm totally right."
Papers. There was nothing but paper on the table. It was sickening to look at. Sooner or later, one of them would want to tear it all to pieces.
Some of the second year elite ten members were inside the room. Nakiri Erina, Hayama Akira, Arato Hisako and Yukihira Souma were all helping with paper work.
"This is never going to end.." Souma grumbles under his breath, placing a new stack of papers on the table.
"Just be thankful that you aren't actually doing the real thing," Hayama retorted back. He was reading and signing papers along with the other two.
"At least I'm helping," Souma sighs, resuming on grouping the papers depending on their topics.
It was silent afterwards. Souma takes a look at his phone by the edge of the table, and he had the urge to grab it. He hasn't replied to the last text message Ayano had sent, and it's been bothering him.
"Don't even think about it, Yukihira-kun," Hisako chimes in strictly.
"I wasn't even--"
"But you were thinking about it, yes? Please focus," Hisako cuts him off dangerously. It was kind of scary.
Souma sighs again and goes back to work. At his actions, his three peers shared a look with each other.
Later that evening, in the Polar Star Dorm, there was another party held in Marui's room just like the old times when they were a year younger then. Now, however, there were more participants.
Isshiki was spouting nonsense about youth, some still questioning his attire. Some were already eating or having cooking showdowns, and some were beginning to drink Sakaki's famous yet mysterious rice juice.
"Yukihira-kun, have a drink," Sakaki offers, a cup full of her rice juice in hand.
".. Uh, no thanks," Yukihira declines, glancing at his phone immediately.
Sakaki sadly smiles. She took the empty spot beside the male. "How are things with..?" She trails off, not really sure if she should even say Ayano's name at all. It was quite the touchy subject, she knows.
Souma sighs, reading the last text message he sent her: elite ten duties are a pain. Sorry I havent been replying. Hows u and the restaurant? Time it was sent? 5: 32 PM, exactly four hours and twelve minutes ago.
Not hearing an answer, Sakaki just tries to cheer him up. "Don't worry, Yukihira-kun. It'll be fine in the end."
"Thanks," the redhead replies, finally accepting the cup of rice juice.
"For now, have fun, alright? You and the others are busy with elite ten works even now during the summer, so let loose for awhile," she advises with a giggle, leaving to go and join the others that are really partying.
Souma stares at the cup of juice. He was hoping that his phone would vibrate, and then show that there's a message from Ayano. But that didn't happen, obviously.
He downed the drink in one go, tasting the familiar beverage that could only be made here in the dorm. He let's out a inaudible chuckle to himself; thinking of the times when he and Ayano would be talking about random things on the exact spot he sat.
He looks at the spot where Ayano would have been at if she didn't leave the school. He longingly stared at it, before he sighs again and stood up to have another cup of rice juice.
He had two cups, five, eight, thirteen. Downing his fifteenth cup, he groans and asks for another.
Hisako casts him a worried look, "Yukihira-kun, you're drunk."
".. No," he denies with half lidded eyes. "I just- I just need one last.." He shows a smile, or whatever he could even muster to prove his innocence.
"Souma-kun, please go to bed," Megumi, this time, steps up boldly.
".. Another.. Another.." Souma is now swaying, repeating to have another cup of rice juice to drown his sorrows.
Everyone who were still awake tries to calm the redhead down. But he kept on asking for another cup. Finally, Isshiki decided on one thing.
"Tadokoro-kun, why don't you bring Souma-kun to his room?" The question put some of the students taken aback. Of all people why Tadokoro Megumi?
Then again, why not Tadokoro Megumi? Souma seems to be the most calm with her.
"Better take him," Hisako agrees, exhausted.
"Before things get worse," Sakaki added with a small apologetic smile aimed at the blue haired girl.
It didn't take long for Megumi to agree. She half dragged him towards his room, all the while listening to him blabber on and on about having one last cup of Sakaki's rice juice that did wonders to those who drank it. It was a miracle that Megumi hasn't given up yet.
Once they reached his door, Megumi sighed in relief. Almost there, just a few more heavy steps. She opens the door and excuses herself as she went inside, still having Souma beside her. She carefully assists him get on his bed. She smiles at her accomplishment when it was over.
".. Ayano. Aya..." There he goes, mumbling and mumbling. This time, he seems to be more desperate.
Megumi looks at him with sadness in her eyes. The long distance relationship Souma has with his girlfriend is quite the story. She admires their determination to be together. It felt quite unreal, to be honest.
"Love... You.." Souma flips to his other side, still saying muffled words in his sleep.
Blocking out his words, Megumi exited the room and closed the door behind her. She quietly went to her room, quickly getting herself some well deserved shut eye.
Two weeks later
It's been a new routine already. Ever since their summer break started and work had piled up, Souma was drinking his problems away with Sakaki's rice juice. There were a few times that they had banned it in the party, and even stopped partying for less than three days to have the redhead have himself together.
Yet it didn't work. Sure, it would for awhile, but as soon as they bring it out again Souma is already drinking before anyone could stop him.
What happened afterwards? Megumi was officially assigned as Souma's escort to his room. She would sometimes literally drag him inside, whilst listening to his murmured words. She would make out words about Ayano, sometimes about food, paper work, and other random things.
Souma would apologize once he's back to his senses in the morning with a very terrible and miserable hang over. Though it would all happen again when they host a party.
One night, as Megumi placed Souma on his bed, she stops to stare at his face. The face she's grown to see and love ever since her first year days. The scar on his left eyebrow, his long-ish bangs and even his jaw.
Realizing her thoughts, the female pulled away from the redhead. She mentally slaps herself, and stood up to leave the room. Though, as cliché as it seems, a hand had stopped her from doing so.
Looking down, Megumi seems that Souma had his hand loosely wrapped around her wrist. She looks at his face, and saw that he was half awake. Taking a deep breath, she pulls her hand away from him.
"Stay.." Souma had uttered almost breathlessly.
The younger chef obviously knew she had to stay away. But there was an urge in her to maybe stay a bit longer.
Just this once, I will..
And so she crouches back down. Without knowing, she started brushing his bangs off of his face. He looked so peaceful and calm, almost like any other normal teenager.
"Ayano.." The name made Megumi frown. Of course, it was the girlfriend who wasn't here and not her, the loyal close friend.
"I miss her, too," Megumi sadly smiles.
Suddenly, Souma's hand lands on Megumi's cheek. The female stares, shocked, pulse racing. She couldn't move properly.
And then, all at once, Souma brings her down on him; where her lips met his for a split second. Megumi realizes what she has done, and she harshly pulls away. In horror, she stares as Souma's eyes slowly closed.
Just like that, he'd kiss her? For sure, he wouldn't mean it. He's drunk, right??
Feeling a tear running down her cheek, Megumi hurries back to her room. She thinks of the terrible thing she has done. She couldn't forgive herself for doing that. But most of all, she couldn't forgive herself for feeling that she actually liked it for a split second.
What have I done?
Things were going well with the restaurant. There were many guests, many reservations and people who came to Ayano's slowly rising restaurant. Despite all the good news, it was exhausting. Now she knew why her parents had dark circles under their eyes.
"You need rest, Ayano," Saito immediately says once he enters the back room.
"I can't.." Ayano protested knowingly. She knew that even though she wanted to, she possibly couldn't find any reason to slow down her pace. This was the dream she wanted, she couldn't just let go.
They both stayed in silence. A somewhat enjoyable presence they both came to grow use to.
The door bursts open, and in came a worn out looking Krista. Her hair was sort of a mess, and she took deep breaths to compose herself from all the running she did.
"Krista? What's going on?" Ayano approaches the female with a small smile on her face.
"Mistress, I bring terrible news.." Krista begins to announce, face now crestfallen. "Your mother has passed away in her sleep."
Ayano and Saito froze. They weren't sure if they heard right, they wanted to see Krista laugh and smile and say it was all a joke-- but Krista wasn't like that. She wouldn't joke about something so important.
Ayano now had a reason to rest. And it wasn't a good reason at all. When night time came and they closed the restaurant, the three had quickly made their way home in dead silence.
Once inside, their father had approached them. He takes one look at them, and has them in his arms without a second thought. Krista leaves the family be, knowing her place there.
Ayano, Saito and their father, Koutarou, had a private meeting in the living room. Koutarou explained a few things of what their mother wanted, other than Ayano taking over the restaurant. They all cry a little, but the man reassures them in the end that everything will be fine.
When it was all over and they were sent to their rooms, Ayano had pulled out her phone and dialled Souma's number. It rang a few times, but no one answered. She tries again, about three times, before completely giving up.
"He's busy, I know. But.. He needs to know," Ayano tells herself, typing up a message.
Souma.. I really need you right now. Can I visit tomorrow? It's urgent.
When he didn't reply, she cried herself to sleep.
It was mainly because of her now late mother, but it was also because she felt like her relationship with Souma was falling apart. She honestly didn't know what to do. Though, what she knew was, she just has to see and talk to Souma.
The next day it was announced that the funeral would be in a week, more or less. Ayano had closed her restaurant for the time being to cope up with everything.
She stayed in her room all day, not eating and just thinking and being alone with her thoughts. She was still bothered that Souma didn't reply, but she tried to understand him as best as she could.
Evening came rather quickly, Ayano prepped herself and packed her bag with things she needed for a at least two days away from home. She went out of her room, asked permission from her father, and then journeyed as soon as possible to Tootsuki.
To he honest, Ayano was feeling skittish for some reason. She couldn't exactly pinpoint why, but she'll have to find out when she gets there.
She sends a quick text to Fumio about her arrival, and then waits until she gets there.
It didn't take as long as she thought it would be to arrive at Tootsuki's Polar Star Dorm. But it's more than enough. She grabbed her things and was welcomed by the dorm mother who stood by the gates.
".. I'm sorry about your mother, Hirashima," Fumio sincerely says, looking at a female who she once saw as a plain girl. But now, she looks like she's turned into a woman in her mid twenties.
"We knew this was going to happen, but not so soon," Ayano replies, holding herself back from crying.
Fumio hums, opening the door for them to enter the large building. "Their all at Marui's old room," she informs.
"I'll go there, thank you, Fumio-san."
"H... Hirashima-chi?!?"
Caught off guard by someone weighing her down, Ayano almost loses her balance. She realizes who it was, and she forces a smile on her face. "Good evening, Yoshino. You're as hyper as ever," she commented in a nostalgic manner.
"You didn't tell me you were coming!! Hurry, everyone's partying!" It was like they were first years again. Yoshino drags Ayano up the stairs and to Marui's room.
Ayano mentally prepares herself, taking a deep breath like she would do when she would have important meetings.
"I can't wait to see everyone's face when they see you again!" As Yoshino exclaims this, she twists the doorknob and pushes the door open.
At first, no one noticed them. It was actually the two that noticed what was currently happening inside the a little bit above average sized room. Most of the students who Ayano had befriended were there, partying and having fun and it seemed like they didn't have any troubles in their life at all.
Isshiki was attracting attention to himself as per usual, with Erina and Hisako and also the Aldini twins talking to him. Sakaki and Ibusaki were giving out more drinks to everyone. And Souma--..
Souma was dangerously close to Megumi, with his most recent usual expression on his face. That drunken in love look that made Ayano's heart squirm and her stomach have more than a thousand butterflies.
"Everyone, look who I ha--!!" Yoshino was also just about to announce the arrival of Ayano, but her eyes also landed on Souma and Megumi.
It all became silent, and everyone turns their heads to Yoshino and Ayano. They seem to come to their senses as if someone had just slapped them.
".. G-Good evening.." Ayano weakly greets them all, not sure where to look at.
Souma seems to sober up a little. He stands, a bit wobbly, and takes shaky steps towards his girlfriend. "Aya.."
Ayano's eyes narrowed at the redhead. "Are you drunk?" She cuts to the chase, not wanting to waste her time there.
".. Maybe?" Souma then laughs, pushing his hair back.
"Take him to his room, Hirashima-san," Hisako had blurted out rather boldly. "He's been drowning himself with rice juice ever since summer break."
Ayano nodded, taking note of what the assistant just said. She didn't hesitate to grab his hand and pull him with her down the corridor to get to his room.
".. How are you here? You didn't.. Say anything," Souma said between a few pauses, lagging behind her.
"I texted you last night. Didn't get the message?" Ayano returns back a question, voice almost void of emotion.
"My cell was dead.." At Souma's reasoning, his girlfriend tightened the grip she had on his hand.
"All day today?" The brunette opens the door to his room without hesitation, inviting herself inside without delay.
Souma hums, scratching his head. ".. I was asleep almost the whole day, too."
His answers made Ayano groan, and she carefully leads the redhead to lay on his bed. But she just sat on the floor near him. Now she knew at least why he hasn't been keeping in touch lately.
"Let's talk it out when you're sober, okay?" Ayano then says with finality in her voice, a trick she's learned from her father.
He did not have to say anything. He was already fast asleep, snoring as if he hasn't slept for a very long time.
Ayano stands up and leaves the room. She goes back downstairs to ask the dorm mother for pain killers. And she also prepared a tray of food for her boyfriend so that he has something to eat once he gets up and drinks the pain killers.
While she was there, Fumio gave her permission to sleep in her old room. Ayano politely accepts, and goes back upstairs to put the tray inside Souma's room. Without delay, she went to her old room and prepared herself to bed.
All the while, her thoughts revolved around Souma. She had many unanswered questions, seeing his drunken state and hearing what Hisako had said earlier. She was starting to have doubts. Those were
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