C25. Dinner Conversations and News

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Their dinner had a good, friendly, and a rather easy aura kind of start; it was Saito mostly making conversations  with Koutarou and Aiko, asking them how were they and what have they been up to lately, and also checking up on his mother on how has she been feeling lately. And, Ayano wasn't speaking that much, only occasionally bobbing her head up and down to acknowledge something either her parents or Saito had said, humming and saying her opinion of the topic.

And as dinner was about to end, their dessert almost finished and Ayano on her toes because she doesn't know when are they going to talk about the marriage thing Ayano has been dreading about since they had began eating.

"Putting all other topics aside, let us get to business," Koutarou clears his throat, a very unamusing expression on his rather tanned face. He reaches out for a napkin near his plate, and dabs it around his mouth nonchalantly, then looks at Ayano, as if he was telling her to speak up first.

Ayano nods, discreetly gulping the lump in her throat out of nervousness. She resisted the urge to touch her scarf, but then realized that it wasn't even on her, the mere thought didn't calm her that much, since that scarf was really something she has been cherishing. Shaking her head, she removed all unnecessary thoughts out of her mind, focusing on the topic at hand.

"We don't plan to discontinue the arranged marriage, Ayano dear," Aiko speaks up after her husband, sitting up straight on her seat. Her features may seem stern and kind of blank, but Ayano can see through that façade; she can see the worry and kindness in her eyes, yet she was doing what she thought was right.

Saito, who stayed, didn't speak up, only looking at Ayano. He was anticipating the actions that Ayano will do, because he is on her side, albeit the words that were harshly yelled at him earlier. He forgives her, because he thinks that he may have been a bit pushy himself, asking Ayano questions when she was pressured.

"I've been thinking about that for awhile, and I have made my decision," Ayano recited the words she had already thought of from earlier. Her face was blank, no expression like happiness or sadness could be detected. Ayano was always good at masking her emotions, so doing this was just sort of a piece of cake for her. "I do not want to marry Takumi. I can take over the restaurant alone," Ayano declares, making eye contact with her father seriously, showing her stubborn nature she got from her father.

"Not making business with the Aldini family is such a waste, I will not allow it," Koutarou disagreed without much of a thought of Ayano's answer, shaking his head sternly as he eyed Ayano back. "Our business will grow tremendously, and we can even exchange ingredients with them. Isn't having your own restaurant what you wanted?" He had brought out his last resort, which was to make Ayano remember about her dream of having her own restaurant.

Hearing the last bit, Ayano resisted a smirk to appear on her face. Of course, she has also thought about it, and she is ready to retort back. "If it is going to be my restaurant, then that means I am the head and will make changes as I please. And, therefore, I do not want to make business with Takumi," like a professional, Ayano counters back, then averted her attention to Aiko, "Do not worry, mother, I know what I am doing. I've thought about it already. I can have other business partners in a few years."

Koutarou shook his head, not liking the attitude that Ayano was giving them. Ayano never really disagreed with their plans, so this was all new to him, and it made his blood boil greatly. "What is it that is making you disagree with our plans, Ayano? It must be those students at Tootsuki; you must have been brainwashed or something of the sort, because the Ayano I know will always be a good daughter and obey her father," the male bit his tongue to not raise his voice, he was careful to try to persuade Ayano, since that seems to be the only thing he could do.

Aiko steps in the conversation, still calm and not showing any signs of exploding. "Koutarou, I believe our daughter is up to something. I'd like to hear her own plans for the restaurant if she has been thinking about this through," raising her arm to place her hand on her husband's shoulder, she smiles faintly.

"Before we go to planning, I'd like to tell you both something very important that is the very reason why I do not want to accept the arranged marriage," clearing her throat, Ayano began, closing her eyes as she inhaled and exhaled. "Back in Tootsuki, I recently had a lover. He and I have talked about my current situation, and I told him that I am not marrying Takumi because he is the one I want to have my future with," the brown haired female feels the blush that spread across her face, but she pretended to not know.

"Ayano, you have not told us about anything about this matter--"

"That's the thing, mom, dad," a heavy sigh from Saito made the parents and Ayano stop to stare and look at Saito who seemed to be so nonchalant about cutting off something his father was going to say. "You never really had time for Ayano ever since she came to Tootsuki. The only time you had spend time with her was when we went to Italy, but that was because you were going to propose the idea to the Aldini family. And after that, you didn't get to keep in touch with Ayano again; when was the last time you asked her about her life in Tootsuki? If she had any friends? How was the dorm she was living in? Or even if she was having a hard time at all? The both of you didn't spare your time with her at all-- and," Saito's rather long ranting came to a stop when he hiccups, and he looks at the three, showing his heavyhearted face that had a few tear stains.

"--And I can see that she's sad. She sees her dorm mates as her family who she had to leave behind. She told me I didn't know how it feels like to leave the people who I see as family, and I get that I won't know that feeling," Saito sniffles, and wiped the tears off of his eyes, "But hearing that from her made me realize she's been lonely all this time; so right now is her time to fight for the ones she loves, the ones who were there for her when tough times came and go, the ones who accepted her and learned to befriend her for who she really is."

The parents were shocked about Saito's long ranting to them. It was definitely a shock, they didn't even expect for Saito to act that way. It was truly a surprise.

Ayano coughs, but nods her head, "It's true. And I am sacrificing all of that, for you both," Ayano says sadly, sighing again. "I know where my responsibility lies, as the eldest child of the Hirashima family. And I am ready to take over the restaurant, in one condition, to not marry Takumi. Is that too much to ask? I already am taking over, the least both of you can do is cancel the marriage with Takumi," as she ended, Ayano stares at Koutarou, then at Aiko, seeing if they approve.

They better be after I spilled all those words out of my damn mouth, Ayano grimly thought.

Koutarou turns to look at Aiko, and Aiko turns to look at her husband as well. They stared, and nodded their heads as if they were talking with each other telepathically. They gave their answer, saying their thoughts of the whole thing that just happened.


"Hello? Ayano, you're still awake? But it's almost midnight.." Souma yawns from the other line, laying down on his bed peacefully.

"I know, I know," Ayano quickly responded, not able to stop the smile on her face, "But I have to tell you something! Good news, and bad news," she notified the redhead.

"... Ah, it's about that thing with your parents. Alright then, tell me," there was shuffling at the other line, meaning Souma was moving around as he had his phone near his ear.

"Let's start with the bad news--"

"What? Why? The good news sounds way better."

"Alright fine. The good news, is that I'm not marrying Takumi anymore!" Ayano squeals, making Souma chuckle and hum.

"That's definitely great news. What's your bad news?"

"Okay this is the hard part. Don't freak out, okay?"

"Wow, that's definitely very reassuring.."


"Okay, okay. Tell me."

"Well, I was suppose to tell you earlier, but I was afraid of your reaction, so I'm telling you over the phone right now."


".. I'm not coming back to Tootsuki anymore."



"Wait, you're serious?"

"Unfortunately, yes I am. I'm telling it to you right now because I think I won't be able to use my phone for a couple of days."

".. You're really taking over your restaurant?"

"Yes, I really am. Shocking, isn't it? I thought I'd be able to graduate from Tootsuki with you guys first before doing so.."

"Your parents told you?"

"It's the price I have to pay for being a chef, the eldest child, and for not marrying Takumi."

"I see.."




"Wow, this is... This is honestly a lot to take in right now.." Ayano could hear Souma chuckle.

"I know," Ayano nods her head, then yawns.

"Are you tired, Aya?"

"Kind of. I talked a lot of business stuff with my parents."

"Must be a lot."

"Okay, I'll go to sleep now. Good--"



".. Before you go to sleep, I want to talk with you."

"...." Ayano was silent when she heard that. She didn't know what Souma meant, so she thought for a moment.

"You said you might not use your phone for a couple of days, right? You gotta make up for it now in advance."

".. Alright," Ayano reluctantly agrees, and changes her position on her bed so that she won't fall asleep.

"Can I call you a nickname?"

Ayano flushed pink when she heard that question. Souma is full of surprises today, she thinks as she closed her eyes for a few seconds then hums, indicating her answer.

"I actually called you this at least twice. It's just a shortened version of your name."

"Tell me."

"Aya. You like that? I've been thinkin' about it for awhile, and maybe you'd like it."

The female nods her head, smiling happily even though Souma couldn't see it. ".. Yeah. Yeah, I like that."

"Good to hear."

"... Don't go around and spread that nickname around! I don't want anyone else calling me that.." Ayano shyly tells Souma, bending her legs forward.

"I'd get jealous if others would call you that, so yeah, sure, I won't."

".. I-I guess.."

"Aya, are you blushing right now?"

".... No."

"You hesitated."

"W-What if I was??"

Souma chuckles again, then Ayano hears him chewing on something. "I like that I have that effect on you."

"Are you eating something right now?" The female between the two asks to change conversation.

"Mm? Oh yeah, my latest creation."

The thought of Souma's experiments made Ayano cringe yet kind of like smile at the same time. It was just so Souma.

"I won't ask about it."

"I swear, it doesn't taste bad! It's actually delicious!"

"Save it," Ayano rolls her eyes as she said that.

They talked for another hour, keeping each other company and such. It was mostly Souma teasing Ayano, and the latter changing topics because of embarrassment.

However, good things must come to an end.

"It's around after midnight, Aya. You need to sleep," Souma then says after he teased Ayano about one of their moments together in the dorm.

".. I want to talk with you, though," softly, Ayano utters, but then came a yawn after.

"See? You're tired. We can talk again some other time."

"Fine," once again, Ayano reluctantly agrees with whatever Souma says.

"Don't hesitate to call me when you're in trouble or just need to talk, 'aight?" Souma tells Ayano sincerely.

".. I will," Ayano answers.

"Okay. You really need to go to sleep, Aya. Good night."

"I had fun talking with you, Souma," Ayano says before she could bid farewell. "Sleep well and have good dreams. Good night."

And the call ended, just like that. Ayano slept after placing her phone down, the voice of Souma resounding in her mind.

And, Souma, too, slept well. He had the vision of Ayano's blushing face in his mind. And her stuttering answers or excuses to him, making him smile as he went to sleep.



It's been a month wtf im sosososo sorry

I really have no excuses to offer, really.

All authors have a life, or if they don't then they just really lack the motivation to publish another chapter. But im not putting down other authors, okay? Just saying

So I dont know when the expected update would be, HOPEFULLY it would be out in a week or so and less than a month 😂 im really sorry.

Im dead set on finishing this book before the year ends, and I still have about three or two months and that's not that much if you're as lazy as me. So please, guys, pray for me!

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Thank you and until next time!

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