I'd like to thank GamerGirlHQ for voting on all the chapters of this book. Thank you so much!
The blanket that covered my whole body, including my head, seemed so comforting more than ever. The warmth it provided made me want to hide there forever.
I couldn't face anyone right now.
Not even Takumi.
I may have made it to top four in our block, but as last place? I've obviously disappointed myself.
I lost to Takumi, him winning over one point.
"Hira-chan!~ We're having a party to celebrate!" Came the voice of the only second year in the dorm.
I didn't respond, only gripping the sheets around me tighter. Isshiki-senpai knows I'm not in the mood, so I'm only hoping he won't bother me.
"Hm? I'll just have someone wake you up, then! We can't can't have you in the party!" That was the last thing I heard before it went silent once again.
Minutes later, someone knocks on my door.
I don't answer, planning to pretend to sleep so that they won't bother me anymore.
"Ayano, are you really asleep?"
It was Takumi who was knocking.
"Takumi, since when did you get so close to Hirashima?"
The voice of Yukihira made me more stubborn. If he was behind that door, I absolutely won't go out!
The two supposedly rivals conversed for awhile, forgetting what they were actually suppose to do. I wish they'd forget what they were there for, but luck wasn't on my side today.
"We're suppose to talk Ayano out of it!"
"Hm? Why won't she go out anyway? Is she asleep?"
"She might be, right? So let's just leave her alone and come back again later."
".... F-Fine.."
A sigh escaped my lips when the sound of footsteps faded, indicating that they weren't near my room anymore.
Did I upset the both of them? I should have gotten out of the room after all. But Yukihira was there, I couldn't possibly face him!
If I have to be honest, I think I have figured out what is wrong with me for the past few months.
I.... I'm i--
"Hirashima, you aren't really asleep, are you?" The rather monotone voice of Yukihira made me freeze.
He was still here?! I thought he had left?!
"I know you're awake, so please let me in. I want to tell you something," said Yukihira from the other side of the door.
He was going to tell me something?! What is it?
No, no. It can't be something serious. He's Yukihira, maybe he's going to let me taste one of his dishes or something like that.
I checked myself in front of the mirror just in case I didn't look presentable. But I, fortunately, do.
The gray colored sweatshirt I had was something I bought from Italy. It was cute, so I brought it here as well in Tootsuki. And since it was cold, I wore black leggings beneath my shorts just for style.
Taking a deep breath, I opened the door quietly, only letting half of my face be seen.
"H-Hi..." I managed to stutter with that one word, and I cursed myself for being so nervous over nothing. He was just going to ask for some advise or something, I'm sure of it.
"You don't look sick at all, Hirashima. Why don't you go to the party?" Yukihira casually questions, putting his hands inside his jacket pockets. I was right, he was just going to ask a few questions, then leave me alone.
".... I don't feel like it," I said the first excuse that came in to mind, and I felt the heat rising in my cheeks after I said that.
I'm acting like a silly middle schooler talking to her crush! I must look stupid in front of him..
"Can I come inside your room? I just want to say a few things," he requests, and it took me a few seconds to register what he actually said.
Did I even clean up my room??!
Opening the door a bit more wider, the redhead let's himself in, and I closed the door shut behind me.
"S-So.... Yukihira, wh--"
"You can call me by my first name, you know? We've been friends for months now," cheekily uttered the male, grinning that grin that made me avert my eyes.
I hate myself for feeling this way.
I grabbed an extra pillow and handed it to him, "You can take a seat. Do you want something to drink?" I offered to him, so that I can distract myself from his presence.
"Thanks, but I'll be quick about it," Yukihira-- or S-Souma? Protests, his grin slowly turning into a thin line.
"Okay. So, what it is?" I avoided saying his name, not ready to even utter his first name only, without any honorifics or the sort.
Silence followed after, and I looked up to see what he was doing, but I was surprised to meet golden colored eyes directly staring down at me.
"Y-Yukihira...." I couldn't even do anything. I could just utter his name, his last name, as if I was bounded by a spell to just stay in my place. It was like time froze.
This scene, it happened before. But where, and when?
"Hitoshima, was it?" Yukihira started, keeping his hands in his pocket, continuing to walk without sparing a look at Ayano.
"Not quite, but close. And your name is Yukihira, right?" Ayano inquires, her hands were locked behind her and she was inspecting the place she was in, noting small things here and there so that she would make good use of it next time.
Yukihira chuckles, "You've got my last name right. I'm Yukihira Souma," he redressed, then finally eyed Ayano's features.
And just like that, Ayano returned the look he gave. Everything was like in slow motion in movies Ayano sometimes watched. It's their first time actually looking at each other face to face; since earlier they were too busy with the exam. But now, it was like the world didn't matter when they looked into the eyes of the one in front of them.
Flashback end
The silence was so overwhelming, none of us said a word. It was as if he was waiting for me to say or do something. Anything at all.
"... S.... Souma..." I managed the say, the volume of my voice only above a whisper. I was afraid he couldn't hear it, and I have to say it again. But I was relieved when the male stood back to his full height.
"Wasn't that hard, was it?" He let's out an airy chuckle that made my stomach uneasy. He was just joking around, right?
"Hira-chan, are yo-- Souma-kun, what a surprise!"
"Oh, senpai!" Souma-- or should I go back to calling him Yukihira? I'll go back to his last name. The male greets our senpai as if nothing happened, even waving his hand.
"We're about to have our toast! So be quick to get to Marui-kun's room!" With a laugh, Isshiki-senpai covers the ceiling once again.
"I guess we should go there together," casually stated Yukihira, his hands behind his head as he starts to head towards the door.
Quickly, I put on my shoes and followed him. I didn't know why the nervousness and shame I felt early was gone, but while it was, I'm going to use that chance to celebrate with them. It's the least I can do, since I managed to be in the top eight.
While we walk, it was silent. But I didn't mind much, I couldn't probably handle another conversation with Yukihira without feeling uneasy or nervous or scared in a way.
Finally, we arrived at Marui's room, and was greeted by everyone else.
"Ayano! What took you so long?! And why are you with Yukihira?!" Questioned Takumi to me loudly, clenching his fist tightly.
Was he already drunk from Sakaki's rice juice?
I gave Sakaki a look, and she giggles, "He only had one or two cups of rice juice," she informs me, having a cup of her own.
"Oi, Takumi, you should stop drinking that. You have low tolerance in these types of drinks--" before I could even take the cup away from him, he brings it away from me, raising his arm up.
"I... I can take care of myself..!" Takumi then protests, his face a bit pink in color. Was he easily drunk? And this is only rice juice.
And there, in the Polar Star Dorm, we had fun and ate and bonded together.
Whilst everyone laughed and chatted, I sat on Marui's bed. This was usually the place where Ibusaki would sit, but he's not here at the moment, so I'll stay here for awhile.
I was also eating some food Sakaki had to offer. It was delicious.
However, I noticed that the room was lacking some people. I saw Yukihira leave the room earlier, he must've gotten out of the room to get some fresh air for himself and then come back. Megumi soon also left a few minutes after Yukihira, and then Ikumi.
Speaking of Ikumi, she really has a crush on Yukihira. Just thinking about it makes me a tad bit sad.
"Why are you frowning like that, Ayano-chan?"
The voice of a male stops me from thinking any further, and I looked up to see Isami gently smiling down at me as he held a cup of rice juice.
"Isami, you might end up like your brother, don't drink any more of that rice juice," I warned him seriously, not wanting things to end bad for the twins.
"Don't worry too much, Ayano-chan," Isami protests, "You should worry more about yourself; what have you been thinking about?" The younger twin asks me.
Isami can be so thoughtful and sincere people don't even know it.
"Take a seat, it's quite a long story," I smiled a little, patting the spot next to me so that he can take the hint.
The male follows, and doesn't reply, waiting for me to tell my story.
"... There's this boy, and I think I like him a lot. I've thought about it for the past month, and I now have my answer," I vaguely started my story, not wanting Isami to unveil the truth easily, "He's a very nice guy deep down. He may look stubborn, or people may look down on him, but that's not the point. He doesn't care about what other people think, and he's fought for himself all this time. I admire him because that's the kind of chef I wanted to be, and I believe I am slowly going to be like that.."
"What's the problem then?" Questioned Isami, and I glanced at him, seeing that he looked interested in my story.
I'm glad I didn't bore him.
"The problem is.... I don't think I'm enough for him," I honestly answered. That was the truth. ".. I was planning to confess, but after the preliminaries, I lost the confidence to do so. I didn't want to face anyone, but he gave me courage to stand back up again," I felt tears starting to well up in my eyes, and I wiped them away. I don't even know why I was crying, was it because of the story I am telling Isami?
".. I think you should just go and tell Yukihira how you feel," casually advised Isami-- he knows?!
Was I that obvious??
".. Isami, that's something I can't do. It's hard to face him when I am like this," beginning to find excuses as to why I can't confess, I chuckled nervously.
"It's up to you, Ayano-chan, if you want him to know of your feelings or not," wisely stated Isami to me, and that got me a bit more nervous.
Should I really tell Yukihira how I feel?
"I know he doesn't see me in that way," I sighed, then took a sip of rice juice, "But it's frightening to hear those words I do not want to hear directly from him."
"You aren't one to take risks, Ayano-chan. But maybe just this once, you're willing to do it," encouraged Isami with the same gentle smile on his face.
Seconds later, Isami stood up and went somewhere, leaving me alone to think.
With a sigh, I stood up as well, leaving my cup of rice juice.
Leaving the room quietly, I sighed. Then I walked to where the balcony would be. If Yukihira isn't there, this won't be my night.
Turning around a corner, I spot my blonde childhood friend.
I guess it is now or never.
"Ikumi," as I walked up to her, I called on her name.
"A.... Ayano!" Ikumi seems surprised that I was here. The female was beet red, as if she was drunk as well from the rice juice.
"Ikumi, I have to tell you something."
".. W-What is it?"
"I know you like Yukihira," I started off, and I clenched my hands tightly due to nervous, "But I plan to confess to him first. I just want to get this over with, so... No hard feelings?"
I thought that Ikumi would be annoyed or something, because I didn't really think of what I was going to say properly. But her response surprised me a bit.
"I'm only being honest because I trust you, o-okay?" Stammered Ikumi slightly, crossing her arms, "If he l-likes you back, it's okay for me. As long as he treats you right.. Or something..."
With a smile, my nervousness seems to vanish so I hugged Ikumi.
"Thanks for your support, Ikumi."
"A-Any time.."
We broke our hug, and I continued my way to the balcony.
I heard voices. Two voices.
I peered over the wall to see who it was, and I saw Megumi and Yukihira. The both of them looked like they were having fun talking with each other.
I frowned at the scene, seeing that another girl was talking to Yukihira.
This feeling was the same feeling I had before, when I found out what the theme for the preliminaries were. That time, Yukihira and Megumi were also together, smiling at each other as if they were the only person they see.
Maybe, just maybe, Yukihira likes Megumi?
There's nothing wrong with that, definitely nothing. I mean, Megumi is a really nice and pretty girl; of course Yukihira would like her. They were also seen a lot of times together, so I guess that means Megumi likes Yukihira back?
"Oh? It seems like the both of them have a nice atmosphere going on.."
I looked behind me, and saw that Ikumi, Sakaki and Yoshino were there as well.
When did they get here?
"What are you guys doing here?" Ikumi asks in a whisper voice, though she looks annoyed and wants to shout.
"We can ask the same thing to you two," Sakaki giggles, and when the two of us made eye contact, I averted my eyes immediately.
"Hey, hey! Look! Megumi-chi is leaving!" Yoshino then points out to us, peering over the wall.
"Don't be too loud, Yoshino," I scolded her, feeling my eyebrows furrowing already.
But she was right anyway. Megumi left the balcony, going to the other side. I was happy that she didn't see us, or else we'll be caught. I don't even have an excuse!
"Now's your chance, Hirashima-chi!" Yoshino whisper yells, and pushes me, making me stumble forward out in the open.
I regained my balance, and dusted my clothes. Looking up, I see that I have caught Yukihira's attention.
".. H-Hi..." Greeting him nervously, I waved my hand. What is he going to think of me?
Yukihira didn't return my greeting, and I decided to toughen up and do what I was suppose to do in the first place. I took the spot beside Yukihira, and looked at the stars as well.
There was only silence between us, and I feared that the pounding of my heart would be heard.
"Yukihira," I uttered his name, not even taking a second to glance at the redhead.
He isn't listening to me, is he?
... He's teasing me, for sure. Like that time earlier in my room.
Does he want me to say something like earlier? Its so embarrassing!
"H-Hear me out, okay?" I tugged on his sleeve, taking action already. Yukihira, no, Souma looks down at me, as if his golden eyes were staring at my soul.
"I'm only going to say this once, so listen well... Souma," saying his first name had caught his attention, and I think I caught him grinning or smirking for a fraction of a second.
"Ilikeyou..." I blurted out so quickly, and I can only hope he heard me so that I won't have to repeat it again.
"Huh? What was that?" Souma leans down a bit, ushering for me to repeat it again. I can tell though that he had heard me loud and clear, judging by the teasing tone of voice he used.
"I-I won't say it again..!" I exclaimed in embarrassment as I faced my head to the other direction so that Souma wouldn't see my face. I'm sure I'm blushing right now, so I can't let him see me like this! "You heard me, s-so don't make me repeat it again!"
Hearing a chuckle, I was tempted to look at him.
I did, due to curiosity.
When I did, I was faced to face with Souma, our foreheads touched as I felt his arms wrapped around my waist. I had the urge to push him away out of nervousness, but I couldn't move.
The only thing I could do was place my hands in front of me to keep our personal space. But I was too late. I was brought closer to the male, and my hands felt something warm.
"Do you really mean that?" Souma inquires, his face still serious. His grip on my waist tightened as he said so.
I nodded my head, since my tongue seems to be caught in a knot or something. I couldn't find the right words to say.
Souma's face broke into a grin, erasing the serious and quiet atmosphere we had. The male laughs, like he was having fun.
"W-What?" I stammered, confused as to why he's acting this way.
Souma then shakes his head, and connected our foreheads together again. "It's nothing," he states, "You're just so cute and fun to tease."
Hearing this, I blushed again. The only thing I could do was cover my face with my hands.
"You're so cute, Ayano," he repeats once again-- he said my first name!
It was like music to my ears. He may have said it so casually, but it made my heart pound, my stomach felt uneasy again.
"Don't tease me like that, Souma!" I exclaimed, my words muffled due to the fact I was hiding my face, "A-And don't say my name so casually!"
"Hm? Why not? You call me by my first name. It's only fair," Souma then replies.
"You told me to--" I was about to protest, but I stopped when I removed my hands over my face, because Souma's face was in front of me. Our noses were almost touching!
"Told you what?" Chuckled Souma, "That I like you back?"
Was he joking? Was he teasing me again? It sounds like he really means it, but I can't be so sure.
"Seriously, stop joking around like that....." I said my thoughts out loud, squeezing my eyes shut. I don't know if he's only joking, but I'll get hurt if I trust even a word he says.
"I wouldn't even," I heard Souma utter, and I open my eyes.
Was what he was saying true??
"Believe me, Ayano," his voice manages to lure me in more. And I was staring at his bright colored eyes again, never leaving or averting my eyes off of his. He always had this glint in his eyes, as if he was thinking or plotting something; and I can tell he is doing so.
I feel like a love sick puppy, being so mesmerized about him and all.
"I like you; have I ever joked about something like that?" He questions me, his eyes never leaving mine as if I was the only person he can see. "I like you so damn much, I can't believe it sometimes," Souma tells me ever so seriously, and I feel his free hand on the nape of my neck, "You're not that different from other people, but you somehow made me notice you."
Was he saying I was someone special to him?
"Souma, I--
"Ayano! Yukihira! Why are you together?!"
The rather loud voice of a friend of mine ruined the lovely atmosphere Souma and I shared, but I pushed myself away
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