C16. Challengers

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Thank you Ryoc_Kwon123 for voting on the last chapter 😁


The usual early morning breeze filled my entire room completely as the minutes pass by. It was about 4 in the morning and I'm already awake.

"What to do..." I wondered out loud, staring at the ceiling above me. I was afraid Isshiki-senpai might suddenly pop out, but he's most likely asleep in a time like this.

You can stop by here if you need any help, okay?

An idea hit me like a slap in the face, and I hurriedly got ready for the morning. Since I know now what the theme for the Elections was, then I have to do something about it. Quick.

When I was ready to go, it was already about almost 5.

With a sigh, I exited my room and locked it just in case. Then I left a paper on my door, saying:

I'll be out in a few, and be back soon.
- Hirashima A. ❌"

As the door closed shut, I turned on my heel.

Surprisingly though, I bumped into something a bit... Strange?

"Ouch..." I groaned whilst holding the top of my head and my other hand supported myself to sit down.

"Oh, Hirashima. What're you doing? It's still too early for you to be up," said a voice I was hoping to not hear for awhile.

Turning my head to the side, I made sure I avoided his gaze. ".. What's in it for you? And what are you doing as well?" I spat out, much more angrier than I intended it to be. But I could care less about it, what's he being concerned for anyway?

"Nothing much. Just walking around the dorm," was Yukihira's cheeky reply, and while he was answering I stood up from my place and dusted my clothes.

I could feel his gaze on me, but I didn't show any signs of care or whatsoever.

"Oi, what's up with you? Are you catching a fever or something?" I felt something warm on my forehead and I was forced to look up at his golden, piercing eyes.

"N-No..!" I stammered, feeling my heart beat rapidly in my ribcage when Yukihira inched closer to my face.

"Seriously though, it's not like you to act like this. There's got to be something," Yukihira presses on, staring much more deeply into my eyes. However, because he was holding me down I couldn't move away.

Our eyes interlocked with each other. His gold ones searching something into my own sky blue one's. I grabbed his arm, and pushed it downwards so that I couldn't be held down by him. "I'm going to head out.." I murmured, answering his question from the start with a glum look in my face.

"Eh? Isn't it a bit too early for that?" Yukihira asks, his eyes widening and I shook my head in reply.

"I'll be preparing for the Elections. So I'll see you in a bit, alright?" I faked a smile his way, but he didn't smile in return.

Yukihira's warm hands ruffled my hair, and he grins, "Good luck, then! Be back before lunch, though."

Keeping his farewell in my head, I exited my dorm with ease and walked towards my destination quietly, thinking deeply.

Even though Yukihira and I only talked for awhile, his words still burned in my head and the warmth of his hands whilst messing up my hair still lingered.

We've known each other for two months or so, and we're already quite comfortable with each other. I'm not sure why though, but I know there is something. I'm just not sure yet.

Though, he was good at getting his opponents riled up. His natural hunger for growing was intense, much more than my own. But I think if people get to know him more they'll like him, I just know it.

But somehow, just thinking about other people taking interest in him pains me.

Deciding to not dwell too much into the topic, I diverted my focus and attention to the seminar right in front of me. I'm here quite faster than I thought, was I dwelling too much in my thoughts?

"Shiomi-san? Hello??" I projected my voice louder and knocked on the door heavily, so that they could immediately hear me.

There was no response for a minute or two, and I was about to knock again but was stopped when the door swung open, revealing Hayama.

"Morning, Hayama," I greeted, staring blankly at him. "I'm here to ask a few tips for the Elections. I'm sure you received the theme for the prelims?"

Hayama sighs, "I did, just last night. But why would I help you? Are you sure that I can even be of help to you?" He bothered to ask, his green eyes never leaving my blue ones.

I affirmed with a nod of my head, "Yes. Or if not, then I can just ask help from Shiomi-san."

It seems like Hayama was still thinking about my suggestion, and I casually stand there in front of him. When it was like hours have passed by, Hayama finally spoke to me.

"Alright then. I'll help you with a few things, then that's that."

"Osu~" I sang, welcoming myself inside when Hayama opens the door wider for me to enter. Then I wait for the tall male to lead me the way.

We both arrived at the kitchen, and there were tons of spices in jars or just laying there on top of a tray. "Shiomi-san is really a great spice specialist. She's done so much research," I said out loud, inspecting the jars.

"Although Jun can still be a handful sometimes," told the white haired boy.

"Hmm. Is that so?" I questioned, removing my bag and placing it beside the wall. "At first, I thought she wasn't even a specialist in the first place."

"You may not have seen her here at school, but Jun is actually a teacher, but only for the second and third years," I hear Hayama said, and I gasped in shock. I didn't think she'd actually be one, what a surprise. I guess there's a lot I still don't know about this school.

"Well, we better get started then if we want to get this over with."

Two Hours Later

It seems like forever since we've started, and I'm learning many tricks already from Hayama. It's also his specialty. He has a good sense of smell, and I can't help but imagine what would happen if it was much more enhanced than he is now.

Hayama would definitely be a powerful opponent to defeat.

"... And then I add this, and stir, right?" I inquired, gesturing to one of the spices in the jar he was currently lecturing about.

"After that you add the ingredients and stir again," Hayama confirms, nodding his head and hands on his hips.

I did what he told me, and was finished in no time.

"Good. Anyway, taste the dish first and compare it to the one I did before. I'll be giving this to Jun and come back," Hayama instructs me calmly, now holding a small paper bag.

Nodding my head, I answered, "Sure thing, Hayama."

Then the male was exiting the room.

I hum a random tune I just made up, and I taste the dish I just made.

"It's not that perfected like Hayama's, that's for sure..." I told myself and leaned on the table. I could tell there was a huge difference of the taste, but I somehow liked how I made my own. It was more like my style, it wasn't too spicy or sweet, but it made me want to eat more. Meanwhile, Hayama's version was much more.. full of impact? Or something like that. His had a really strong aroma, and it tastes much more spicier than I wanted it to be, and there wasn't much on the sweet side, so in my case it wasn't as balanced as I wanted it to be.

"Hayama, you sure put on a lot of chilly on yours," I commented once again, getting a spoonful of Hayama's dish and feeding myself. It was definitely what I had anticipated. Too spicy, much less sweet.

I then sat in a stool in silence. Comparing my version of the dish between Hayama's and finding anything to change so that I could make a better dish than him.

"Alright, the first dish that I'll ma--"



Spinning the stool, I spun around and saw two of my dormmates with Hayama. What were they exactly doing here? And why are they both together? Seriously, I was trying to avoid them!

"Hmm? Hirashima, you know these two?" Hayama then questions, nearing towards where I am and gathering a few of the spices in the table.

Hesitantly, I nod my head. ".. Erm, yeah. Both of them are my dormmates. But why are they here?" I fired back a question at him, pointing my finger accusingly at him as if I was blaming him on why they're here.

Sighing and rearranging the strand of hair that was covering his face, he blinks his eyes, "I was going to show them a few curry dishes," was his casual answer, and I pout in a childish way.

"What? You allow Yukihira and Megumi on the spot, but I had to tell you a plan just so you or Shiomi-san could teach me!" I uncharacteristically exclaimed, now leaning towards him so I could tap him on the shoulder.

Unplanned, I actually fell out of the stool in slow motion.

I see Hayama in my line of vision turning around, and the next thing I know he's already below me and holding me by my shoulders.

It took me at least a few seconds to register what actually happened, and my face went completely red all over.

"O-Oh.. Oh!" I stuttered, realizing the position we were in was actually embarrassing so I was trying my best to push Hayama away from me but I failed miserable and humiliatingly, if I may add, because he had quite the strong grip on my shoulders.

After hearing someone clearing their throat, I hurried stood up --pushing Hayama off of myself-- from where I am and also grabbed a plate from the table to distract myself. "Oh hey, this curry taste great. You guys should totally try some," I state, shoving the spoonful of curry soup in my mouth so that I could divert my attention to something else.

Taking a side glance at the others, I see Hayama not getting flustered at all by all this and instead he took it quite well! He pats the dust off of himself and sighs, resuming his business with Yukihira and Megumi whilst I was left alone by myself to rot in humiliation.

Did that just seriously happen? Of all people, it had to happen in front of Yukihira. I was okay with Megumi, but what was exactly Yukihira's thoughts on this?

Instead of leaving the seminar, I just stayed put in my place in the kitchen and watched how Hayama worked his magic. He definitely was showing off more than he did earlier with me, which was fine. All three dishes he made for them, was a different one from the other curry dishes he displayed to me.

Really, I find it unfair that he treats me more differently than others. Of course, maybe I am assuming things because I only met him yesterday, but he might be. Who knows, honestly?

My train of thoughts were dismissed when I heard a high pitched sound echoing throughout the room.

It was Yukihira. Damn it, did he really have to clap his hands to grab Hayama's attention or something?

"Well, thanks a lot for the food," Was Yukihira's statement, "You made great curry dishes, so I guess I'll have to repay you for that next time."

Ehh?? Next time? What does he mean by repaying ne--

Oh. He meant that he'd pay back at the Election, didn't he?

"Next time?" Hayama echoed my question, turning back to look at the red headed boy.

Yukihira then gives Hayama a look, saying, "I'll let you taste curry that's better than yours. Of course, that'll be at the Elections."

Hayama, bewildered by Yukihira's sudden bold declaration, gave him a confused look. "You think that you can defeated me? When the topic would be about curry? You must be joking," then Hayama also turns to me, and I faltered immediately at his gaze.

"W-What? Me, too?"

"Aren't you also siding with Yukihira? So that means you're also in this."

"W-Well...." My hand reached up to where my neck was, and I flinched when I realized that I didn't have my scarf with me. Damn it, I knew I was missing something. "I'm not saying that I'll defeat you. I would just like to find a way?" I spoke with a questioning manner, not really sure if I had answered correctly.

"I'm sure you at least picked up something when you ate my curry, didn't you, Hirashima?"

"Of course I did," I voiced out my opinion for answering Hayama's question, "it's really different from my style, and maybe that's because I like my curry sweet than spicy. But I guess that's curry for you," I shrug my shoulders, looking as if I was giving up. But was I going to give them the satisfaction of winning over me? No.

"However, that does not stop me from making my desired curry. I'll find a way to make a curry somewhere near your level, even if it almost seems impossible."

"I mean, it was scary," Yukihira then pipes up from behind Hayama. Still confused about this, the white haired teen was probably about to say something but Yukihira cuts him off, "Here comes a guy who can make something that I can't. Honestly, I'm super jealous about it!"

Looking up to Hayama one last time, my dormmate then spun his heel to make a dramatic exit. "Thank you very much for the food, really, and all the stuff you've taught me," he was about to twist the doorknob open to get out of the room, but instead Yukihira got pushed over by the door, which was opened by Shiomi-san.

"Hey! I was still in the middle of my lecture, and you guys-- Hirashima Ayano!" Shiomi-san then acknowledges my presence, and she must've realized that she hit somebody.

"... O-Ow.. The doorknob managed to stab me in the gut..!"

"Yukihira!" As if on instinct, I was by his side and trying to help him stand up. But it seems like it will take a few minutes before the pain subsides.

"Yukihira Souma. Hirashima Ayano."

Both Yukihira and I snapped our heads to face Hayama, and I immediately turned serious.

"Facing the curry, means that you'll have to also face the spice; It means to face the fragrance. I have a great sense of smell, so that means I can handle this pretty well."

I think I know what he'll say next. Please don't let it be what I'm thinking about, though!

"Be that as it may, one way or another, you both don't have a snowball's chance in hell of defeating me.

Heaving a heavy sigh and grabbing my belongings, I faced Hayama with a gleam of determination seen in my eyes, "I'm not making any promises, though, but it would be satisfying to defeat you, Hayama Akira."



Just wanted to say that I published a new SnS story today 😊 just go to my account to see the story, or,
Here's the link:

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