"Oi! Hurry up!"
"C'mon, we're making a run for it!"
"Their finally announcing it!"
That day, the participants for the Autumn Election were officially announced!
The students, all nervous and excited, were in front of the board. All looking for their names.
"Seriously?! I didn't pass!"
"Hell yeah! I'm in, how 'bout you?"
"I guess it's a good thing I'm not chosen.."
"Oh no... I'm participating...."
Sakaki Ryouko
Yoshino Yuuki
"Alright!!! We're in!" Yuuki squeals and hugs Ryouko happily. The dark haired female almost fell, but luckily caught her footing.
"O-Ouch! Hey, watch where your touching!"
"That's nice. You both were really chosen," Ayano stood nearby the two, smiling gently as the breeze blew a few locks of her hair.
Ibusaki coolly walked towards the three with Souma by his side, "Then that makes seven people in our dorm."
Another person, someone Ayano didn't take a liking to, slips inside their happy circle; sort of ruining the mood of Ayano. "Hmm.... It seems to me, that we'll have a showdown first! And it's before we even have a Shokugeki!"
"It's that Aldini guy."
"Oh! Nikumi is also here? Ah! And Takumi, too!" The redhead said, "Let's all do our best!"
Takumi quickly scolded Souma about things Ayano doesn't care about.
Takumi Aldini
Isami Aldini
"Ikumi, how's the Don you were making yesterday?" Ayano inquired from the blonde.
"Good. When I added some salt it was better than before. S-So... Th-Thanks for the advice," Ikumi voiced her thoughts rather shyly in the end; being helped wasn't really natural to her so she needed a bit of time to get used to it.
Mito Ikumi
Nakiri Alice
"Anyway, someone is trying to surprise you right now," Ikumi warned, tilting her head a bit to the side and peeked at the girl who was slowly walking behind Ayano.
"Eh? Who would it be?" The sky blue eyed girl shifted her head to look and saw Naomi.
"Ah, damn it! You sensed me coming!" The female cursed, stomping towards Ayano with a grin. "Hirashima, how ya' doin'?"
Kurokiba Ryou
Maeda Naomi
Giving a thumbs up with a rather disinterested face was Ayano's response; she felt a bit in danger when she's around Naomi. A feeling was in her gut that trusting Naomi was bad news, so she stuck to her gut and became wary of her since the camp.
"Aw! Don't be like that. I won't do anything bad!" Naomi innocently chirps, clasping her hands together with a signature innocent look.
"Of course you won't," Ayano sarcastically replied, her hands on her hips and her lips in a small pout.
"Anyway, I'm going over there," Naomi points her thumb behind her, gesturing to a group of students talking with one another. "I'll see you next time, Hirashima!"
Ayano didn't even bother to bid goodbye. She sort of hated Naomi's gut now; she could care less about what that girl thinks about herself. The brunette sighs, crossing her arms below her chest and turning around to check if her friends are still there.
Fortunately, they still were they. But with two more people in their circle.
"It's Alice and that guy with her...." Ayano mutters in a low voice and looks at the white haired girl scolding the black haired boy beside her. When Alice took account on the people staring at her, her arm freezes on it's place and a innocent look was on her face.
"Oh my! Yukihira Souma-kun... And Hirashima Ayano-chan! Good day to you two!" Alice greets them and Ayano just offers a small wave to Alice, mouth slight parted.
Yuuki nears towards Ryouko, "Hey, a lot of people are suddenly appearing around Yukihira and Hirashima-chi, right???"
Ayano pays no attention but shook her head with a chuckle, going back to face the board.
"Everyone!" A female student took everyone's attention to her, she was on stand while giving a cute face to the crowd before her. "Hello!!" She waved her hand, winking at the boys and they all cooed at her immediately.
"I will be your host for the Election! My name's Kawashima Urara!!~" The announcer mentions her name. And the boys go wild once more, making the girls jealous of her actions to make the males love her in an instant. "Congratulations to those who are participating in the Elections!"
Urara then starts her explanations for the Autumn Election, "You'll earn the official notification later on, but please let me explain the format in a nutshell!"
"It should be obvious if you look at the board," Urara resumes, gesturing at the said board to prove her point. "That the chosen competitors are directed into two blocks; A and B."
"Does that mean it's sort of like a match where only a few people get to go on the next round?" Ayano mutters under her breath, her eyebrows furrowed and her light blue eyes staring on the board alone.
"First off in this election, we'll have a preliminary in both blocks. Only those who have the highest rank in the block will participate in the main event!" After saying that, Urara takes out a piece of paper out of her pocket and clears her throat, "And then, uh, I'll be giving you a message from Eizan-senpai from the committee.."
Confused, Ayano turns her head to Urara as if asking her mentally as to why someone would give a message to them. "In this election, many VIP's... That are head of the culinary world will be coming as guests. It is the perfect time to manifest your skills.."
"However..... If you serve a dish that is not worthy, then your future as a chef might as well be done for.. Well, do your best for the event.. That is all.."
Unfortunately for some people, that message gave most of the students adrenaline in their veins and it annoyed Ayano that they could get riled up just by hearing a challenge from somebody.
"I've got this!"
"I'll give it all I've got!"
"Prepare to lose, 'cause I'll be using my skills at it's limits!"
Having enough of their riot, Ayano finds her way out of the crowd and see's some of the people she knows gathered in one place.
"Megumi," Ayano says, gracefully walking towards the girl with a meek smile on her face.
"Ayano-chan!" Megumi paces her way, her hand inching to hold Ayano's.
"It's going to be alright, Megumi. Your cooking is great, and so are you," Ayano cheers up the braided girl, their hands clasped together so that Ayano could reassure Megumi.
"Eh? What the hell??"
"I've got better grades than her in our classes, you know?"
"That's weird. I wonder what's going on?"
Ayano gave a glare at the two boys who were gossiping, wanting to strangle them and make them take back their words.
Both duo's were taken aback by the other person who stepped in their scene.
"What an ugly pair.. Insulting her behind her back.."
Houjou Miyoko
"Listen here, the Election participants aren't chosen for their grades. They are all evaluated for their future as a cook in different points of view.. People who are only satisfied with their own grades wouldn't be obviously chosen beforehand," the female who had just entered the scene glared daggers at the two males who had bad mouthed Megumi.
A footprint was on the soil when Miyoko took another step to scare the boys, and she was successful in doing so because both of them ran away while staggering a few times.
"T... Thanks for the help...." Megumi nervously spoke to the girl, afraid that she would be eaten alive by just angering her.
"You're Tadokoro Megumi, correct?"
Stepping in, Ayano crossed her arms with a irk mark in her head. "That's correct, Houjou. And what kind of business do you have with Megumi?"
"I'm interested in her, that is all."
Ayano narrows her eyes suspiciously at the girl and sighs. "I know you don't have bad intentions. And it seems like you have something to say to her, yes? I'll be taking my leave then," Ayano states and touched the fabric that was surrounding her neck; it was like a reassurance that she was still okay.
"Megumi, I'll be seeing you in the dorm, yeah? Don't be late."
Those were her last words to the blue haired girl before Ayano headed towards the direction where the dorm would be.
Thirty Minutes Later, At The Polar Star Dorm
Ayano's Point of View
When I arrived at the dorm, the sun was still high enough to be seen in the sky and I was relieved to say that it was good it wasn't dark when I stepped foot in the door.
"Hira-chan, welcome back!~" Isshiki-senpai's voice was heard in the living room.
"Hello, Isshiki-senpai," I replied with a monotone voice; a tone that seems like I hasn't used in ages ever since I came to Tootsuki.
When the I took a whiff of the air, there was a lingering smell of--
My feet led me to the kitchen; where a man was cooking.
"Oh.. Um, sorry for the intrusion. Pardon, but is that shrimp your going to cook there?" I cautiously asked the man with long hair. I think it was even longer than mine!
"Hmm.. It sure is. I didn't know that someone can tell without even looking at it," the man said, continuing to do his work in prepping the shrimp.
"Oh... I could smell it in the living room and I guess that I unconsciously walked here," explaining quickly, I made small gestures to go with it. "I guess I'll leave you here, then," then I bowed my head in respect and hurriedly walked out of the kitchen and back to the living room where Isshiki-senpai was talking to Fumio-san.
"Ayano, I didn't know you arrived," Fumio-san tells me, eyeing me suspiciously.
"Ah, I'm really sorry I didn't announce my return earlier. I had smelled shrimp and went to the kitchen to see and--"
"That's enough now," Fumio-san cuts me off, sighing and crossing her arms. "I had told Isshiki to stop anyone from entering the kitchen while he was still cooking; I guess he had disobeyed.."
I awkwardly nod my head, "A-Alright. By the way, Fumio-san," I grabbed her attention while playing with my scarf. "Can I cook something for dinner? I wanted to try something and it'd be a waste if I only throw it away after."
The woman nods her head. "I suppose a few more dishes won't hurt. Your cooking passes my expectations."
I nodded my head as well and went up to my room, getting the ingredients for the dish I was going to make and got on with it.
It took me almost three hours to finish baking the cake; but it was worth it. When I was done, however, Yukihira and the others have already arrived and it was time to present my dish to them.
I went downstairs as fast as I can without tripping and headed to the kitchen for the second time this day. But boy, was it a wrong timing for me to enter the scene just like that...
"--ouldn't know Saiba Jouichirou, the second seat of the elite ten.."
"T... The former second seat of the elite ten??!"
"Ah, Souma, the rice should be soon enough."
Wait... So that means the man from earlier is also a alumni from here?
"Shut up! Just tell me why you're here, pops!!"
"They're father and son?!?"
Yukihira is related to that man??
"Oh. Hey, Megumi. Guess I entered at the wrong time, huh??" I forced out a short laugh, still holding the tray of cake in my hands.
"Hirashima.... You made something??"
I nod my head at the boy in response to his question. "I asked permission from Fumio-san, don't worry," I told Ibusaki, not knowing I was smiling and excused myself to place the tray on one of the tables.
While I was doing so, the rest of the people around me chattered about the problem at hand.
I ignored them, though, and checked on the rest of the food that was in the table.
"Anyway, the food will keep on going, so let's have toast!" Yukihira's dad says, ushering us to eat the dishes that he made.
I immediately grabbed a plate and took the dish that I was looking for; the shrimp dish Yukihira's dad was making a few hours ago.
"Hmm? What's this cake here? Pops, did you make this?" I overheard Yukihira said to his father, gesturing to something. I peeked in the corner of my eyes and saw that he was gesturing to the cake that I made.
"Hah?? No, I didn't.."
I avoided eye contact with him, continuing to grab the food that I was going to feast on.
"I guess I'll save it for dessert. It looks too good to go to waste."
I somehow manage to not focus on Yukihira's compliment to me, if you could even call it that.
Fifteen Minutes Later
"So... Let me get this straight... Pops used to stay here in the Dorm and go to Tootsuki."
I piped in for him, "Also, he used to be the second seat of the Elite Ten."
"Right... I think I need more energy to take this information...." I heard Yukihira mutter.
I only sigh, "I thought you'd know this, because he's your father and all. You seem like the type to know a lot about him, considering the fact that you and him are the only chefs in your diner," I voiced out my thoughts rather boldly.
Hell, even I was surprised that came out of my mouth! I'd never do this in the first place!
When I didn't hear a response from him, I only play with the fabric of my scarf while awaiting for them to usher us to eat.
I'm sort of hungry here. When can I eat???
My eyed linger towards Yukihira's dad, who insisted all of us to call him by his first name.
I kind of see the resemblance of his son and him. For example, they cross their arms often. And their expressions almost have no difference with each other.
"Now, the food will keep on coming! Let's all have a toast!" Jouichirou told us all and I was the first to shove a spoonful of shrimp in my mouth.
I had already gotten food, but all that was left was for them to allow us to eat. And that time has come.
Then I look in front of me to see all of them were hesitating on eating.
"Umm... You guys should start eating. The food'll get cold, you know? Dig in!" I ushered them, all the while shoving another spoon in my mouth to taste the delicious taste of shrimp.
A chuckle was heard once again from my side and I glance at Yukihira. The boy was just laughing at my face.
"Hey, I really love shrimp, 'kay? I rarely eat this at home, my mom is allergic to these," I looked away in reply, feeling a surge of warmth in me.
"I-- I didn't say anything! That was you!" Yukihira exclaimed between his laughing, clutching onto his stomach.
I shook my head, taking a stand to get more food from the table. Even so, there was a smile on my face the whole time.
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