Chapter Twenty Eight

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Here's the second part Jennah wrote!

This one is a bit more sfw, but read with caution.

"Now," Jennah said, wiping the tears from Mitch's eyes. "We have to teach you to lap dance."

"What's a lap dance?" He asked, taking Jennah's hands away from his face. Matt and her laughed at his innocence.

"J, I'll take this one." Mitch drew his eyes to the male next to him. He had short brown hair and hazel eyes. "Lap dancing or, as me and Bubble Pop, here call it 'the twerk fest'. You basically twerk on someone for a song like Anaconda or something."

"What's twerking?"

"You are too pure, hunty." Jennah laughed. Mitch turned his head to the ground.

"I'm sorry." Mitch apologized. Jennah and Matt looked sadly at each other.

"You have no need to." Matt told him, staring at the Special's mark. He turned to Jennah and whispered. "He's got a mate. Be careful." Jennah looked confused.

"No, he's too cute! Who would hurt this little one!?" Matt looked at her and her eyes flashed red, then blue. "Right, male Omega."

"You're an Alphmega!?" Mitch exclaimed, Jennah slapped a hand over his mouth, startling the brunette.

"Boss hates Divergents! Be quiet about this stuff!" Matt whispered, taking Jennah's hand off of his mouth. "Wanna learn how to lap dance?" Mitch nodded his head.

Soon, they had a chair set up and Jennah was in leggings and a bra type thing. Matt was sitting in the chair.

"Sit next to me, Mitchie." Matt said, patting the space next to him. Mitch obeyed and sat down, crisscross applesauce style.

"Back, one, two, three." Jennah sat going down on all fours and backing up against Matt. "Do that, babe." Mitch did it with Lindsey, feeling uncomfortable. "Now stand up like so." She started to stand up, her heels sparkling. She rubbed her thighs on the way up. "Now pop the booty on here." She started to shake her bum outward.

So, this is twerking.

Yeah, dumbass! How could you not know!? Right you suck at everything.

I know.

Mitch did the same when he heard the man yell again.

"LOLLY POPPY, PUSSY CAT! GIVE THEM LAP DANCES!" Matt grabbed Mitch and pulled up to chairs.

My anaconda don't want none unless you got buns, hun.

There were two chairs with two men, reeking of alcohol and eyes red from weed , looking up and down at Matt and Mitch, over and over. Mitch started to blush heavily.

"Ricky wants a lap dance." One of the men said, obviously drunk. Mitch nodded as he started to dance.

Back one, two, three.

The Special looked over to Matt, who was doing the same thing. Mitch went to the ground and walked backwards. He sat on the man's lap, Ricky and started to bring his face towards his. Ricky grabbed his chin. He wanted to cry, but the least he could do was.

"Uh uh, no touch." Mitch whispered seductively. He started to twerk on his... Lower area.

"Awe, this sucks." Ricky says, pushing Mitch of him. "BOSS!" The boss appeared, anger evident in his features.

"What is it, Sir?"

"I want a refund! This guy sucks!"

"Sorry, Sir. There are no refunds." The boss tells Ricky who was turning red with anger. "But, but, you can do whatever you want with him for the rest of the night! No charge!" Ricky turned around.

"Okay, I'll do it. This better be good, Omega."



Alyssa smiled, kissing Kevin's forehead sweetly. Kevin smiled too, taking Alyssa's hand into his own.

"I love you so much, angel. I'm so happy that I am alive."

"I am too," Alyssa whispered, kissing Kevin's forehead once more. She sighed happily, tears gathering in her eyes. "Do you remember me?"


Alyssa got up quickly, tears gathering in her eyes as she shook her head. Kevin looked at her with an unemotional look on his face, just staring at her.

"You have to be kidding me! You were fine when you woke up! What is wrong with you?! Kevin, you've got to-"

Kevin's hyena laugh interrupted Alyssa, causing her to look at him with a confused look on her face.

"Kevin, why are you-"

"I'm joking! I'm perfectly fine! My memory is all here!"

Alyssa glared at him, wanting to punch him with all her upper body strength. She shook her head, laughing a bit as she looked at her husband.

"Well, our son was born last night. Want to see him?"

Kevin widened his eyes, looking down at Alyssa's stomach. It was a bit smaller in his perspective. Did Alyssa really give birth when he was in the coma?

Why did the doctor fail to say that I would go into a coma?

"I-I...Could I see him? Please? He needs his daddy."

"I know," Alyssa replied, sitting down once more. She smirked, holding Kevin's gently. "Want to know his name?"

"Yes please."

"His name is I'm completely joking an you deserve it, you jerk."

Kevin frowned, crossing his arms as Alyssa laughed loudly. He shook his head, looking over at Alyssa angrily.

"Why would you ever say that you gave birth to our son?"

"Why would you ever say that you don't remember me?"


Alyssa smiled, kissing Kevin's head as the door opened. They heard a gasp, knowing who it was immediately.

"Hi, Av-"


Avi took multiple pictures on his phone, still going strong even when Tori shook her head. Scott and Kirstin walked in, the tall blond shaking his head while the shorter blonde looked at Avi in confusion.

"What in the world is a Kevlyssa?"

"Kevin and Alyssa's ship name, duh!"

"Well, sorry," Kirstin responded, rolling her eyes. Scott laughed, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "Not everyone is as good at ship names as you. What was our ship name? Ka-"

"Don't you ever mention that ship again," Avi warned, pointing at Kirstin with an intense look on his face. The
Beta raised her hands in defense, not wanting to argue with Avi. "That ship is long gone in the lower depths of Hell."

"I couldn't agree more. My lesbian powers have told me that since the day I was born."

"You have lesbian powers, I have rainbow abilities," Scott spoke up, trying his best to humor the Pack. They laughed, bringing a smile to his face. "How are you, Kevin? Are you okay?"

"Oh, I'm good. It's not like I just came out a coma or anything. Nothing at all."

Kirstin, Alyssa, and Tori all laughed, trying their best to keep quiet. Scott tried to look offended, but the biggest smile came to his face. Alyssa frowned, noticing something...different.

Very different.

"Hey, where are Ben and Jessi?"

"Oh, they're ri-"




Avi was surprisingly not the one who yelled."


Darien walked into his cell, the pale blue color making him blend in with the walls. A police officer shook her head, glaring at him intensely.

"A kidnapper and abuser, uh? We hate those guys. Good luck."

"Thank you, officer."

The police officer widened her eyes a bit at his response. She nodded, shutting his cell and leaving him alone. Darien sighed, looking around the cell as he thought about Esther.

Was he the one who called the police? I never hit her!

Darien walked back and forth, becoming more anxious by the second. He took deep breaths, wanting to escape so he could save his niece and all the other babies.

I'll save you, kiddos. I promise.

Darien never wanted to kidnap the kids. He wanted to take them straight home so they could be with their families again. It wasn't fear!

"So you abused your wife, uh? We don't respect your kind around here."

Darien looked back, widening his eyes as a muscly man walked up to him. The man shook his head, striking fear in Darien.


"Is that all you got?! You abused your wife and that's all you got to say?! We really don't like you here. You did a terrible thing. We ought to do the same to you."

Darien sighed, looking at the man seriously. He took a deep breath, ready to tell his story.

"Well, here's the thing. My wife was kind. She never hurt anyone or had the intention to. She treated everyone nicely too. All that changed when Kirstin, her friend, came along.

"Kirstin was Esther's exact opposite. They were childhood friends so it shocked me when Kirstin was being rude. She was so kind then turned so evil. It affected my wife so much.

"She became mean. She was Kirstin's twin basically. She had a complete 180 to her personality and it broke my heart. She was so kind and Kirstin ruined it. When Kirstin died, Esther changed once more.

"She became more evil. She stopped at nothing to get what she wanted even if it hurt people around her. She became impulsive and unreasonable, wanting nothing more than just to hurt people who hurt her. She wanted to hurt those who hurt Kirstin.

"Esther's biggest target was a man named Mitch. He never did anything  but be nice to Kirstin yet Kirstin wanted him dead. When Kirstin died, Esther vowed to hurt him so Kirstin's memory will live on. Want to know why she did?"

The man nodded, his eyes full with tears. Darien took a shaky breath, tearing up himself now.

"She made him insecure. She stopped at nothing. She was the one who stole the kids, not me! Those kids don't belong to her!"

The man widened his eyes, ready to hug Darien when the police officer from earlier came. Her eyes are stone cold and her face is unemotional, giving Darien some news that made his heart skip a beat.

"Your wife has given your kids up for adoption. I'm sorry."


A/N: Welp, cliffhanger. Jordyn, it's your turn.xD I can't wait to see what you have for me. Anyways, I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter and remand that I love you all.:)


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