||Chapter 1|| Some Things Never Change

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Disclaimer: I don't own Transformers, Michael Bay and Hasbro do. I only own my OCs, plot twists, and evil cliffhangers.~Hannah


Behind our backs our demons are plotting our end. They plot to bring us to our knees, and they enjoy watching us suffer. We must fight those who plan to bring us to our knees, we must fight to keep the world at peace.

But we cannot achieve peace until our demons are revealed, and they're not that easily found.

And if we do find them, we sometimes...wish we hadn't.


"Titty licker!"

"Robot magnet!"

"Vag-Ow!" I yelp as Sam's shoe makes contact with my head, falling to the ground with a loud thump. 

"Don't you dare finish that sentence, Tai." Sam growls, waving his other shoe threateningly in the air as he stared at me.

I narrow my eyes at him, and take small steps towards him. "Why shouldn't I?" I ask quietly, staring up at him with narrowed eyes.

"Tai!" Sam groans. "You know why!" By this point I'm close enough to whisper in his ear, and that's exactly what I do.

"Vagina licker." I snort as he shoves me away, his face scrunched up in disgust.

"God damn it, Tai!" Sam sighs, shaking his head as he picked up another box. "I..I can't handle this right now Tai." I watch him leave the room, my head cocked to the side.

"Well...looks like Mother Nature fucked you in the ass too." 

'Dear, perhaps now isn't the best time to be 'joking around'.' Sparky's voice rang inside my head. Though her voice was soft as always, I still got the message that she was being serious.

'Yeah...you're probably right.' And she is, right now..isn't exactly a time for messing around.

Now...is a time for packing, and moving.

It's hard to believe two years have passed since I met the Autobots; two years since I found people who care about me....even if we are of a different species.

Not to mention...two years since I was adopted. I will admit it was hard at first, accepting Will and Sarah, and not to mention Anna, as my new family. I suppose the scars from Bill and Hillary never really healed, the mental ones that is. But after some time, and support from the Autobots, I was able to accept them, and I'm happy to say I've never been happier.

"Oh Tai look what I found!" Judy's crying from outside my door caught my attention, and my eyes widen at what she held in her hand. "Sam's baby booties!"

"Y-you still have those?" I ask, my eyes wide. It's been nineteen years! And yet..she still has them.

"Of course I do!" She exclaims as though I had offended her. "Oh, I also have this!" My eyes were locked on her hand, following its every move as she pulled something from her pocket. "Your first bra, Tai!"

You have to be fucking kidding me.

With a groan I swiped my...undergarment out of her hand, hiding it behind my back. "Really Judes? You kept my first bra?" I ask in disbelief, my voice laced in horror.

"What's this?" 

"Sam, no!" I groan as Sam grabbed my bra from my hands, holding them in front of my face. "Aww, Tai! It's your first bra!" He waved them tauntingly in front of my face, a smirk plastered on his face.

'Shut the hell up!' I bark when I hear Sparky laughing. 'It ain't funny!' But her laughter told me otherwise.

'I'm sorry d-dear.' 

'Uh huh, sure you are.' I roll my eyes, and attempt to grab my bra out of Sam's hand, but he throws it over to Judy; preventing me from ending my pain.

"You want to be an ass?" I ask, a smirk of my own making its way onto my face. "Fine." With a snort I face Judy. "Hey Judes, show Sammy what you found."

Before Sam, or even Judy can react, I quickly grab my bra from Judy's grasp. "Payback is a bitch!" I sing as I skip away, smirking as Sam's yelling reached my ears.

"Damn you Tai!" I laugh and take the stairs two at a time, covering my eyes when I saw what awaited me in the living room.

"Mojo, Frankie, no sex in the living room!" I scold, clapping my hands in front of their faces until they ran off. 

The shit I have to see these days.

"You see this, dad, this is how you're supposed to react when the fruit of your loins goes out into the cruel world to fend for himself, okay?" Sam's voice reached my ears as he and Judy came walking down the stairs, Sam's baby booties still clutched tightly in Judy's hand.

"Hey, what about me?" I pout. "I'm part of this family too!" 

"Yeah, my heart bleeds for you, kids. College. Bummer." I shake my head at Ron's sarcastic tone.

It might not seem like it, but Ron is hurting inside. Or, at least, that's what I like to think. It's hard to tell with the old man sometimes.

"You have to come home," Judy declares as she hugs me tightly. "Every holiday, not just big ones. You have to come home for Halloween."

"We can't, Judes." I mutter as Sam muttered his own words. "Well, we can't come home for Halloween, Mom." Though it seemed like our words had no affect on her.

"Well, then we'll come to you!" I roll my eyes, and slowly inch towards the stairs; this argument is clearly not going anywhere.

"You're not coming." God Sam, just give up. I send Sam a look and continue inching towards the stairs, thanking Primus they haven't noticed me.

"We'll dress up." I snort and slowly start climbing the stairs, making sure my footsteps are light and quiet.

'I feel like a ninja.' I muse with Sparky, freezing when the stair beneath my foot creaked.

"Tai, where do you think you're going?" Ron's demanding voice reached my ears and I freeze.

'Aren't ninjas supposed to not get caught?' Sparky asks; her voice laced with amusement.

'Haha.' I sigh and turn around, sending Ron an sheepish smile.

"I was going to go finish bringing the rest of Sam's boxes down." I reply slowly, hoping Ron fell for it.

"Alright then, but be careful. I don't need you straining your back." I smile at Ron, sending Sam a smirk.

"Of course!" I chirp as I spin around, once again taking the stairs two at a time.

'You got lucky,' Sparky remarks as I enter Sam's room. 'You know lying isn't the way, dear.'

'Maybe, but it saved me from having to hear another embarrassing comment from Ron or Judy.' With a sigh I plopped down on Sam's desk chair, leaning back as I waited for him to show up.

Thankfully that didn't take long.

"Hey, beautiful." I snort, leaning my head back to look at Sam as he walked into the room.

"Hey, handsome." I remark, snickering when he sent me a glare. It's obvious he's talking to Mik, which means I have to hear every word. I mean, how else am I supposed to get blackmail? "Put it on speaker." He pauses.

"I'm breaking up with you, Sam." Well, it's obvious he put it on speaker.

"What the hell did you do this time?" I demand, sending him a glare. I swear he fucks up every single relationship he's ever in.

Oh, wait. He's only been in one. 

"Hey, Tai." I smile, sending the phone a wave as Sam replaced the phone back by his ear. 

"Really? I'm not hearing a lot of conviction." Sam remarks. I'm sorry Sam, but something like that won't save your ass.

One of these days I need to teach Sam how to keep a woman, and more importantly, how to not be a god damn spazz.

"Hey, you want the infamous D-Day shirt?" I shake my head, snorting as Sam tries to come up with an excuse for keeping his sweatshirt that he wore during Mission City.

'Tanya,' Sparky's voice caught my attention, as well as the tug I felt from our bond. 'Can you inspect that shirt?' She asks.

'I guess. But why?' I mumble as I snap my fingers to get Sam's attention. "Can I look at that?" He shrugs and tosses me it, immediately going back to talking to Mik once it left his arms.

'Just inspect it.' Sparky grumbles, her tone leaving no room for arguing. 

'Alright, alright, jeez.' I frown and slowly turn the sweatshirt around in my hands, making sure to keep my eyes pealed for anything that would of interest. 'Sparky,' I frown, having found nothing. 'I don't see anything.'

"Wait a minute," I mumble aloud, my eyes narrowed at an object that fell from the sweatshirt. "...Holy shit." I breath.

Somehow, even though I was the one who destroyed Sparky, a piece of her got stuck on Sam's sweatshirt.

"Sam!" I hiss as I slowly go to pick it up. "Look!" 

'Sparky...' I mumble, staring at the sliver in my hand, my eyes glued to the small symbols that I could see.

"What is it Tai?" I blink, shoving the sliver into Sam's face.

"Look! It fell from your sweatshirt!" I exclaim. Sam looks at me before slowly taking the sliver out of my hand.

"Woa-Ah!" Sam yelps, and takes a step back; his eyes wide.

"What the hell Sam!" I grumble watching as the sliver fell to the floor.

What I did not expect was for it to burn through the floor.

"Fire!" Sam squeals as he rushes around attempting to put it out. "Dad, we got a fire!" Though Sam may be freaking out, I on the other hand, can only stare at the hole the sliver caused.

The sliver that used to be Sparky's body obviously burned Sam when he touched it, and it clearly burned through the floor.

Then why, when I touched it, did I feel nothing? Not even the slightest of sparks. I felt...nothing.

Sam's girlish screams snapped me out of the daze I was in, and I yelp as Sam drags me towards his window.

"Sam?" I demand. "What the hell-What the fuck?" What started out as a demand, turned into a question laced with confusion as small Cybertronians burst through Sam's door.

"Jump!" Sam screams as he jumps through the window.

The ass just had to drag me with him.

"Sam!" I scream as I land on my back, pain erupting along my spine.

"Bumblebee!" Sam shouts, his stupid ass hidden behind the fountain along with Ron. I barely notice Bee burst out of the garage, or as he practically destroys half of the upper level of the house.

I'm too busy groaning in pain because Sam's an ass.

'Dear are you alright?' Sparky asks, concern clearly lacing her words.

'Y-yeah.' I mumble as I slowly sit up, wincing as the pain became worse.

'You took quiet a nasty fall.' She remarks. Well, it isn't exactly the first time I've taken a nasty fall off of something.

"Tai?" I blink, looking up at Mik.

Wait... When the hell did she get here?

"Mik? When did you get here?" I ask, grunting as she helped me to my feet. 

"Just now." She replies, smiling brightly at me. With an airy laugh I nod, straightening out my clothes.

"If you're looking for Sam, he's probably in the garage." I mumble, my right eye twitching as I moved.

"Thanks, Tai." I nod, watching her walk towards the garage with smirk.

"Don't fuck up Sam, don't fuck up." I blink. "Ah, who am I kidding? You always fuck up." I snicker and walk over to Ron and Judy who were waiting by the car.

"Stop, I'm okay." Ron mumbles, shoving Judy's hand away as she tried to clean up his face.

With a snort I lean against the car, looking at the firefighters as they left, the police following soon after.

Except one.

"Barricade?" I whisper, staring at the lone police car in confusion. 

He's been busy for the past month so I'm surprised to see him, but happy all the same.

'What are you waiting for?' His voice rumbled inside my head, causing a smile to grace my face. 'You're needed at base, so hurry it up.'

Well, there goes my a smile.

If I'm needed at base it means something happened, something that involves me.

And knowing my luck, it isn't anything good.


Woohoo! Chapter 1 is done! *3*

If all goes as planned I'll be updating in a few days so keep an eye out ^*^

And like always I will warn  you: There will be a large amount of cursing...as you can tell :3


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