Chapter 3: Wolf Walker

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"The Wolves are now making their move. The rise of this house is in effect quickly. We must not let that happen," Said Petra over the comms.
"We're not going to let that happen, mom," Said Athena. "We'll stop Skolas at any cost."
"Hey, is it me or did we just make it easy for Skolas to control the House of Winter by killing their Kell?" I ask.
It was silent. Athena thought about then facepalmed.
"We did, didn't we?" Athena sighed.

"Okay, let's not worry about that... Even though you're right," said Petra. "Your Ghost is feeding me telemetry; I see what he sees, how bout you take those heavy Pikes for a spin?"

The heavy Pikes are different from the regular Pikes. They're bigger, tougher, but slower. And they're also blue, but I think that's just because it's Wolves themed. However, the ones in the Moon were tan-ish. But then again, those belong to the Exile. I feel bad for them. Being abandoned. But let's not get too off topic.

I hop on the Pike and test out the control.

"Those Pikes come standard with mines," Petra said. "Not sure how you use them."

That gave me the start pressing every button on the vehicle. Eventually I pressed the left pedal with my foot. The Pike thruster aggressively to the left. The Pike spit out a mine, like the ones that the Fallen Skiffs or Walkers. The strength of the momentum whipped me off the Pike and to the nearby wall, like bull riding. Right before I could stand, the mine it shot out bounced back to me and hit me. The explosion flung me into the air and plummeted back to the ground.
"Yikes, the double whammy, huh?" Commented Athena.
She gave me a hand.

"Well, if there's one thing you should know about me, it's that I just Yolo new things to experiment," I said.

"Right on," she replied.

We both hopped on a Pike and drove the path upward and found some Fallen. I shot the main cannons at them. The cannons are slow but bigger than the regular Pikes. I laugh with excitement after eliminating them. Next thing I heard was a low humming noise and Athena warning me to move. I look forward and see a red beam aiming at me.
"Watch out!" Athena warned.
I slammed the right pedal and thrusted out of the way.
An explosion was fired.
"Was that a spider tank?!" I asked.

"Yes!" Athena exclaimed. "And it seems to be a Wolf Walker!"

My face straightens. "I got this," I said.

"Wait! If you go out there, you'll die!" She said.

"Listen, I can do this," I smirk at her.
I boost towards the Walker and dodges it's machine gun by thrusting left and right, causing the Pike to spit mines at the tank. The mines did quite a number on the tank, but we need focus on one leg at a time. I shot the main cannons and destroyed one of its legs. The tank opens its engine. I boost to the tank and jump off the Pike and onto the tank and fired my golden shots at it. The damage destroyed the tank.
"And that's how its done," I smiled.

"Yesterday I was delivering court messages, today we're delivering explosions! I love field work!" Petra exclaimed.

"That's so cool!" Athena exclaimed, driving towards me. "How did you do that?!"

"What? Golden Gun?" I said, putting the Last Word on my side pocket.

"Yeah! How'd you do that?"

I hesitated and thought of something smart and logical. But then I realized something. She isn't emitting Light. She doesn't have a sparrow. And she doesn't have a Ghost. She's not a Guardian.

"Oh, well I have energy called, Light. And Light comes from the Traveler," I explained.

"Ooooh," said Athena.

"And I have a Ghost that controls and manages my Light."

"What's a Ghost?" She asked.

I walked over to her and pulled my hand out. Nolan appeared from my hand and introduced himself.

"Wow, look at that thing," Athena examined. She got up close to him. Then she poked Nolan.

"It's an adorable mechanical little robot!" She adored.

"You know, you can be a Guardian," I suggested.

"I want to," she demanded.

"Well, you're gonna have to consult that to the Queen," I said.

"Ugh, great," she groaned.

"We'll talk more later, for now, let's go find Skolas," I said.

We travel the rest of the way on foot. On the way there, there was a Servitor and Shanks on guard. They weren't the typical Servitor and Shanks you'd see. The Servitor was yellowish with vertical rings on it. And the Shanks were slightly more armed with modified machine guns. According the database, the Shanks are called, "Repeater Shanks." They shoot longer and more often comparing to the usual Shanks. Athena and I opened fire and kept moving.

"That Cryotrace is getting stronger," said Athena. "If the House of Winter already kneels to Skolas..."

I walk faster as Athena runs. Then she stops at a door. I meet up with her as she opens the doors.

"Detecting an Ultra with several minions," Listed Nolan.

They have to be behind this door. When Athena opened it, I looked at what was in front of me. Exactly what I expected.

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