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Lance felt his dads hands wrap around his neck as the darkness swirled around them. Screaming, that's all he heard. His own panicked gasps as he clawed for air. The sticky feeling of blood soaked Hands gripping his body in a calloused bond

The wormhole spit them out into a bright room. A solid floor collided with his head and he groaned. Lance didn't fight the tightening squeeze around his neck. He just laid still as the hands went slack. Blood dripped onto his face, onto his armor. The blood of his father pooled around them.

He stared into the white lights in shock. He did that. He killed a man, not a robot soldier; a breathing man. A persons life had ended because of him. He took a sharp intake of breath pushing the dead weight off his chest.

He backed into a wall placing his head between his knees. Fingers wiping desperately the terrible ruby colored liquid that covered his front half.

"Lance!" Keith shouted stumbling through the flickering pool of nightmarish oil. Lance felt Keith brush his fingers over his arm and he flinched recoiling from the touch. Shaking his head no as he scooted farther and farther into the wall.

Muffled swears blared over Keith's attempts to calm him down. Shiro flopped onto the floor Matt landing on top of him with a heavy thud.

Pidge shot out with a high pitched "SHIT," leaving a motion sick hunk to crawl out after her.

As the paladins looked around their surroundings Lance was hyperventilating; Tugging at his hair with every strained wheeze. The portal closed with a whistle leaving the team panting and shocked.

The blue paladin could faintly hear his friends scrambling over to him. The sound of shoes on the palace floors bouncing around.

"I'm a monster." he thought looking up with wide blue eyes. "I actually killed him!" no sound left his lips. His fingers tapped the wall anxiously. Pidge and matt shared a look as He pushed back further into the wall wishing for it to swallow him whole.

"He thinks he's a monster."Matt said his voice scratchy from the choke.

"What?" Keith asked.

Pidge pointed at his hands tapping quickly on the smooth tile surfaces. "Morse code. We learned it at the garrison together."

"Lance you're not a monster you were just protecting your yourself. And us!. Come on man. He was a horrible person," Hunk reasoned placing a hand on his shoulder. Lance shrunk away again screwing his eyes shut and placing his hands over his ears.

"Yeah matt and I should Thank you. Lance you saved us." Pidge told him launching herself into his arms. He opened his eyes shaking as he let her touch him. Still he made no movement.

"I just felt suddenly so angry. At him at myself. Seeing the fear in Matts eyes and the pain in yours... I-I-I lost it." he confessed shifting his broken arm with a grunt. Finally whispering out a sound so small and terrified.

"Your arm!" matt pointed out queasily. He was still pale, dark red hand prints around his throat made Lances eyes hold back tears.

"If i would have choosen sooner. If i would have just gone with him," he moved pidges collar to see the forming bruise.

"That wasn't your fault!" Kieth told him more forcefully than he intended. Scolding himself when lance flinched.

"Kieths right." Shiro pulled them up to their feet. Lance cradled his broken arm leaning on Keith for support. Keith said nothing but locked their fingers together.

"Where are we?" Hunk asked twirling in a circle.

"It looks like the ship," Matt whispered as they all quietly paced the hallways.

"Freeze! Who's out there?" a harsh voice huffed the sound echoing around them. Lance flinched again.

"We're paladins of Voltron. We mean no harm," Their leader replied looking for the voices source.

A childish giggle came from behind as outlines of people began to form in the shadows. "No silly that's us."

"We entered through a corrupted worm hole please our friend needs help his arm is-" Matt was cut of by another hushed whisper.

"Look they actually look like us! They even have our bayards." this voice was female excitment and awe in her tone.

"Alright let's talk this out like adults." the figures walked out of the shadows to reveal five paladins, a prince, and allura.

They gasped and looked at each other. It was silent as they studied each other. Hunk had an angry scowl on his face as he leaned back with his arms crossed.

Kieth was rocking back and forth on his heels a goofy smile on his angled face. Lance was off to the corner raising his eyebrow. Katie was tall clearly the adult. Her long honey brown hair falling at her waist covering her Mechanical arm.

Shiro was short his jet black hair falling into his wide eyes. He stared in wonder as older Shiro waved his robot arm. Allura stood behind Coran respectively watching over the younger mustacheless prince.

"Woah! I look so angry," new Keith beamed giddily.

"I look so soft," Hunks doppelganger sighed and Hunk nervously scratched the back of his neck.

"I'm tall guys! Wow and look at this arm! Why am i so old?" Tiny shiro asked firing question after question.

"Matt! I thought we left you back on earth! Before the Kerberos mission," Katie lamented looking over his face for injury.

"Ha I'm older!" pidge snickered sticking out her tongue.

"What about him." Keith asked pointing at Lances look alike who hadn't spoken a word.

"Lance doesn't talk. He prefers to sign." Hunk growled protectively.

"Hey lance," Actual Lance signed cautiously moving his hand with sighs of pain. "It's nice to meet you good looking," everybody looked shocked that both Lances knew sign laungage.

His look alike smiled warmly signing back with enthusiasm. "It's nice to meet you too hot stuff. That arm seems pretty bad."

"Do you speak spanish?" Lance asked as the room spun slightly. The other nodded their friends watching the exchange. Half of them not knowing what was being said.

"Does your hunk speak Spanish?" the mirror puffed out his cheeks in disappointment.

"No but Kieth does."

"Really!" Lance laughed trying to picture his boyfriend speaking spanish. He blushed.

"Well eh.. Paladins welcome to the castle," Coran gestured widely around him an awkward silence filling the air. With in the quiet you could hear uneven breathing. Lance decided he must have been leaning because all 10 of the paladins reached out for him.

"I'm fine." he Huffed. "Just a little dizzy," his words began to slurr his eyes focusing and unfocusing. His voice was reluctant fading in a series of tapps.

"He needs to heal in a pod. Please," Keith asked wrapping his arm around his boyfriends waist.

"Right this way," Allura chimed guiding them through the hall.

"We'll explain everything while he's in the pod." Shiro promised.

Sorry it's short! But i wanted the suspense to comtinue, MUAHAAHAHAH! Anyways thank you all for the support what started a short story turned into this crazy adventure.

Anyways till next time. I'll catch you all on the trash train!

Choo choo.

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