double or nothing (changed?)

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H u n k

"Wow," i mumbled sheepishly looking over the walls of war tactics.

"I take it your not one for violence?" I -no My double snickered.

"No not really," i responded with a smile. "Honestly i can't wait till zarkon and Prince loturd are defeated so that i can open up a bakery."

I never really had time to think on it. But i knew cooking was always something i wanted to pursue. It calmed me when i was stressed and it made me happy that others seemed to enjoy it.

"Keep that attitude and it'll happen eventually. Personally I also love baking." He have a hearty laugh. "Yah know it's kinda wierd seeing myself all sweet and cuddly. I'm sorry about what you guys and your Lance had to go through. You're a good friend, sorry if i come off a little brash. I tend to ramble." my Double ran his hand over his eyes.

"Then You're a lot more like me than we thought!" we shared a laugh before laying down to sleep. "Tomorrow when Lance gets out try not to bring up th-"

"His dad. Yeah i know, Our lance gave use the run down on what he used to be like. Really, we know that's why he's quiet. silence was the only way he felt sort of worthy enough to be up here." In the dark i swear he was tearing up

"Does your Lance get nightmares?"

"Thats why he trains so late. After he and Keith started dating and sharing a bed. He's been getting more sleep. But i bet our keiths are sharing a room so he'll be up late again." my double sounded sad. No. Disappointed?

"Should we check on him?" my voice sounded small in the big room.

"He won't appreciate being babied. " he stated knowingly.

"Goodnight then," we said together before he dimed the lights.

P i d g e

"So little monster how does it feel to have matt back?" she asked me with small smile as she pulled her long hair back into a messy bun. We started my err. Our? Sleeping brother.L

"It's great, he's just as much of a pain in my ass then when he left!" we laughed. "But still whenever i see him smiling it makes me so happy to know that i have someone out here. That i can bring him home." I looked around at how clean the room was. I guess shiro was the tech one here.

"You know we have the team right. They would literally die for us. It's crazy how much people would do for their family." she gave me a smile.

"I know. I realized that after i almost lost Lance. While Matt was away he acted like my older brother. Scolding me when i didn't eat or get enough sleep. Helping me even when i didn't know he was or if i needed it." I sounded so sappy. But all of it was true.

There was a silence, "My Lance had a... rough time back on earth. I wanted to asked if yours ever brought it up."

I racked my brain. "No he always seemed so happy. So i never thought to ask."

"Well since they are still pretty much the same i think you should know how much he lied so you and Hunk wouldn't worry." she sat across from me on the bed a sad gleam in her eyes.

"He was bullied really bad. Even more after he was casted as a cargo pilot. He was always telling himself that he wasn't good enough, that he shouldn't be there." she began to tug on the lose strands of hair.

"We learned about that aspect of him During the blood draw he freaked out, he almost fainted. But Coran gave him liquor to settle his nerves. He spilled everything. Does your Lance have a notebook he draws in?"

"Yeah i think so. Why?" her counfusion made me sigh.

"That's his outlet. But it's not as helpful as he thinks. Some pages are just filled with negitive comments he has about himself. Others are drawings from his nightmares of memories. Even ones about him trying to hide who he really was." i shook my head. My fingers ached to push up the glasses i no longer wore.

"We burned it. It was not at all healthy," she hummed in agreement.

"Pidge you're a bright girl," she winked at me.

I snorted an awkward laugh. "So are you Katie."

"Try and allow yourself time to get together with Matt. After whats it sounds like he's been through..." to say she sounded worried was an understatement.

I nodded in agreement."This has been both terrifying and amazing at the same time."

We smiled. I looked like a badass. Long hair pulled into a loose bun, definitely muscular but not bulky, with my grappling hook doubled as whip strapped to my hip.

"How are you doing?" she asked me seriously.

"I'm ok now," my fingers brushed over the bruises on my neck.

"No i mean in space. Being the youngest is tough. "

We shared one last sly smile as she turned out the lights. "Well it also has it's perks! Wait until tomorrow when i tell you the story of how we were turned into toddlers for the second time."

i heard her gasp, "what the actual fuck," she mummbled before soft snoring filled the darkness.

S h i r o

"Do you even need sleep?" i asked with a laugh as my younger counter part rocked on his heels.

He gave me an excited smile. "I'm sorry I'm just so excited. I mean what are the possibilities of meeting your alternate self!"

I sat cross legged on his bed patting the spot beside me. "I would only assume you have questions. So ask away then we'll go to sleep."

Tiny shiro cheered pumping a small fist in the air. "How did you get your arm like that? What's it like being the oldest? Can i check out the circuits and programs in your prostetic?"

It was question after question rapid fired like a gun. His eye's glowed just like Katies when she spoke. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Let's arm was from a time when the Gallra captured me and did experiments," i shivered. "It's a lot of work making sure the team is ok but i love them all.we have to be here for each other especially since we're in space. And not now for the circuits it's been a long day and sleep would be nice."

He gave me a slow nod turning out his light. "Goodnight Shiro," i kissed his forehead and tucked him in before laying myself down.

K e i t h

"I'm sure Lance is fine." i told myself as we cleaned our knives.

"He's going to be up training again. Usually he sleeps in here with me so i can watch him. And help him when he gets panic attacks. So i can worry a little bit. " Alternate Keith layed his materials on the desk turning his full attention to me.

"Why are you so mad?" he asked quietly.

"Stress, worry?" i responded though it sounded more like a question. I shrugged.
"How did everybody here react to you being Gallra?"

He smiled again. "Lance cried for an hour because i was 'cute'" he laughed adding air quotes. "Katie was a little anxious but she still treated me the same, hunk just shrugged it off. And shiro well he had a million and one questions. What about you?"

"Honestly they treated me the same. Our Allura took a little more time to warm up to the idea then the others. But nothing to dramatic." we sat in an awkward wad of silence.

"You know trust isn't always made to be broken." his comment startled me.
He said it so smoothly, so suddenly.

"What makes you think i have trust issues!" i protested sounding defensive.

"That," he giggled letting out a yawn. "I can tell when people put up walls and you and blue put them up a lot."

I scoffed.

"Listen mister salt mine it's late and we have more talking and a Lance to wake up tomorrow. Let's get some sleep."

i held back my snarky remarks with a grumble and placed my head on the pillow.

Alright sorry this chapter took me so long. I had a lot of homework to catch up on. Next chapter we'll dive more into the lances but till then...

I'll catch you all on the Trash Train!
Choo choo!!

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