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A chapter I written for my best friend Cxffee_Addict_Tweek ^_^

Mark sat in class, his leg bouncing, hand gripping at the pencil in his hand, glaring at the noirette who kept touching Kyle. It felt like Stan was doing this on purpose knowing Kyle and Mark were on a break.

Thomas stopped explaining what part of the assignment Mark was gonna do when he noticed he wasn't paying attention. "Are you even- CRAP -listening to me?" Thomas asked Mark as he snapped out of his trance-like state. "Yeah, sorry about that..." Mark apologized, turning his full attention to Thomas. "FUCK! Are you okay?" Thomas asked, actually concern lacing his voice. "Yeah everything's fine." Thomas looked at him with an arched brow. "You were staring at Kyle- DICK -something is wrong." Thomas knew about Mark's whole situation with Kyle and how Mark gets jealous easily. "It's just that it seems like Stan has been really touchy with Kyle ever since we went on out break..." Mark confessed. "Well you gotta remember- SHIT -Stan's with Wendy." Thomas pointed out, hoping it help Mark relax a bit. "I know, but its hard when they're broken up every other day."

Brimmy slipped through the door when the teacher's back was turned, making eye contact with Thomas, waving with a small smile. Thomas smiled back as he waved. Mark had turned just in time to see the exchange between the two. "Brimmy talks to you!?" Mark quietly asked. "Yeah why?" Thomas never understood why everybody got so surprised that Brimmy talked to him. "Brimmy doesn't talk to anyone, expect close friends and relatives." Mark paused as he smiled. "Consider yourself one lucky dude."

"Understand now?" Thomas asked as he looked up at Mark. "Yeah I understand. That makes so much more sense now." Mark said, slightly laughing. "SHIT! See what you can- DICK -learn when you're paying attention?" Thomas jokes. Mark rolls his eyes as he softly chuckles. "Shut up." Mark looks up from he sees someone stop infront of their table. "Do you mind if I sit here?" Brimmy softly asked. "Yeah of course." Mark smiles at him as he moves his textbook out of the way so Brimmy could sit down. "Thank you." He smiled back as he sat down. "No problem, it's usual me and Thomas anyways, so more the merrier." Mark said, his silent way of saying welcome to our table.

The bell soon rings, signaling lunch has ended. "I better get going." Brimmy said, packing up his things before turning to look at Mark and Thomas. "Thanks for letting me sit with you guys." Mark smiled. "It was really no problem." Brimmy smiled at Mark, before looking at Thomas and waving, turning around to walk away. "Brimmy." Mark spoke up before Brimmy walked away. Brimmy turned around from the mention of his name. "You're welcome to sit with us whenever." Brimmy nodded, walking away.

Mark leaned back in his seat. "He totally likes you." Thomas lightly punched his arm, softly laughing. "SHIT! You really think so?" Thomas asked, a serious look in his eyes. "Obviously, I'm your best friend, I wouldn't lie about that." Mark pointed out as he saw Thomas smile and slightly blush.

"Well I gotta go to pe, see you later Thomas." Mark swung his backpack over his  shoulder, waving bye when Thomas did. He walked into the locker room and saw Kenny flirting with Kyle as he was trying to change. He rolled his eyes and went to change. When he walked out he saw Kenny, looking at Kyle with a suggestive look. He winked out Kyle before walking off to talk to Tweek and Craig. He couldn't listen to the pe teacher explaining what they were supposed to be doing, because he was too focused on Kenny's hand that was placed too high on Kyle's thigh for his liking. It wasn't long before he looked and saw Kyle staring back at him before quickly turning his head away.

Pe finally ended, he couldn't stand to be there any longer with Kenny flirting and touching Kyle any longer. He quickly walked to the locker rooms to change, so he didn't have to see Kenny flirting with Kyle again. Once he exited the locker room, he made eye contact with Kyle again. He looked back at him again before walking away. The rest of the week passed like that, Stan and Kenny being over touchy with Kyle, and Mark couldn't stand it anymore, luckily it was Friday, so he wouldn't have to witness the touches and flirting for much longer.

Mark was at his locker with Thomas. "Dude, calm down and tell him yes." Mark said, shutting the locker. Thomas was freaking out since he received a text from Brimmy asking him out. Thomas continued rumbling as they walked into history. Mark looks at Kyle's table that had Eric who was on his phone, Kenny who was sleeping, Stan who was holding Kyle's hands in his own, and finally Kyle who looked up at him when he walked in.

Mark and Thomas sat down at their table, Mark trying to calm Thomas down, which worked to no avail. "What if he- SHIT! -didn't mean it like that!" Thomas nervously said. "He meant it like that Thomas, just tell him yes." Mark saw a flash of orange and green in his peripheral vision. He looked down to see a note had been left. "Meet me in the bathroom asap" Kyle's cursive but shaky handwriting, obviously writing by him. He slightly smiled when he read the note. "I'll be back." He told Thomas, getting up before he could argue.

He pushed open the boys bathroom door, seeing Kyle at one of the sinks, fixing himself up as he spotted Mark in the mirror, turning around swiftly. "Hey Mark." Kyle said, shakily. "Hi Kyle, what is all this about?" He asked, slightly tilting his head. Kyle took a deep breath before walking towards him. "This past week, I realized how much of a mistake I made breaking up with you. I realized you all the only one I want. I completely understand if you don't like me anymore-" Kyle was interrupted as Mark kissed him. "You don't know how much I been waiting to hear those words from you..." He said, smiling.

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