~ Day 2 ~

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Dvir wasn't having any of this shit. He should've guessed that this was some trap after receiving that sketchy letter, yet he still went and here we are. Here we are, having to be pinned against random strangers to fight to the death. Well, that could be said about the good team and evil team. Dvir was neither. He was on the neutral team. You'd think being on the neutral team would be a good thing considering this situation, but no, in fact one could argue that being on the neutral team is the worst scenario here. Because Dvir got assigned the clown, his whole entire purpose in this "game" was to get voted out. You know what what that means. He has to die in order to win.

Dvir was obviously upset about this, like how he is with anything honestly. Get voted out? How is that his objective?! Dvir check to see what his behavior was.
"Must be voted out to kill. Attacks are unstoppable."
Dvir grinned at the sight of this. Atleast his role wasn't entirely useless, if he was going down than he'd be taking someone else with him. Then, like before, the lights flickered out. Flick...Flick...Flick. Dvir heard the stabbing noise once again and luckily it wasn't him who would perish tonight.

The lights came back on and Dvir searched the house to see who had just died. It was Omar, he had been stabbed and placed on the coffee table in the living room.

Charlotte was sitting on the couch right beside his body and immediately got up at the sight of him laying there lifeless. Before Omar had perished he wrote something in his journal. The journals were used so that people whom got voted out or murdered could leave one last message to the remaining participants. Here's what Omar wrote:
"Hello, if you're reading this than I was muffin man. Anyway, if Haneen and Indah are still alive, I wish you two well, goodbye."
Haneen and Indah were upset upon discovering Omar's journal. The three seemed like friends or atleast knew each other in some way. Then came the time to discuss again. Everyone was moving away from the scene to talk near the dining table, but Indah and Haneen stayed back.
"Liubarikak aalrabi..."Haneen whispered with her head down.
Meanwhile, the rest of the group was having their discussion. Well, Lukey and Kai were.
"You're on the evil team Kai, I'm sure of it!"Lukey yelled.
"Why do you think that? You have no evidence!"Kai argued.
"You showed up in my clues last night and the night before."Lukey stated.
Everyone turned their heads to Kai. Kai rolled their eyes.
"What do you mean by that?"They asked.
"On day one, I got a clue in my journal, it said atleast one of these players is evil: Aphrodite, Charlie and Kai. Then, last night it said that it was either Nikolai, Colleen or Kai!"Lukey said, "You showed up two times!"
"Kai's innocent!"Colleen claimed.

"Alright, if you're so innocent, tell us your role."Lukey stated.
Kai took out a slip of paper out of the pocket of their black sweater.
"See, I'm spy. I'm innocent!"Kai said while shoving the paper in Lukey's face.
"...Fine, I guess you're cleared."Lukey admitted.
"Good."Kai started to walk over towards Colleen who was standing in the corner, "Lukey, next time you start to accuse someone of being evil, make sure it's for an actually good reason."
Lukey sighed.

That concluded the discussion, now it was time to vote someone out, now it was Dvir's time to shine. You didn't get much time to decide who you were going to vote out so Dvir had to make this quick.
"Guys,"Dvir said as he jumped on top of the dining table, "I'm on the evil team."
Everyone looked around in shock. Nobody actually expected someone on the evil team to just give up this soon into the game. It seemed like everyone was set on voting for Dvir until Halona spoke up.
"Dvir is not evil."She stated.
The crowd looked confused.
"What? How does she know that?"Dvir thought.
"He's on the neutral team."Halona specified.
"No I'm not!"Dvir said, "I'm evil! I'm on the evil team."
"No you're not."Halona said calmly.
"Yes I am! Vote for me everyone!"
Halona sighed, she wasn't going to argue with him anymore, if he got voted out than that's everyone else's fault not hers. In the end, Dvir did get most of the votes. Here is what he wrote in his journal:
"You shouldn't have voted me."Dvir wrote.
Nobody was sure what that meant, he wanted to get voted out, he told everyone to vote for him, why was that the last thing he wanted to tell people? Something seemed off.

While the living were trying to figure out what Dvir's role might of been, Dvir was now joined with the dead. He was a black ghost that could watch over the remaining participants, though he can't interact with them. The only people Dvir can talk to are his fellow ghosts, the participants who had died before him. He could see William, Aphrodite and Omar who were floating around the circle of the living people, looking down on them. Dvir decided that he was going to go talk to Aphrodite and figure out what her role was along with William since they both died before anyone could figure that out.
"Hello."Dvir greeted.
"Hi!"Aphrodite said excitedly.
Dvir thought it was kind of weird how happy Aphrodite acted, she was the first one to be voted out! Maybe she is just trying to make the best out of a bad situation.
"So, what was your role?"Dvir asked.
Aphrodite's slip of paper appeared in front of her.
"Dark psychic."She stated.
Dvir assumed how the role worked based off the word "psychic", but he wondered what the "dark" was there for?
"Is that on the evil team?"Dvir asked.
"Yes!"She answered.
"Hm, alright thanks."

Dvir walked away from Aphrodite and approached William.
"Hi."Dvir greeted.
"Hey..."William said.
"What's your role?"Dvir asked.
William's paper showed up in front of him.
"Survivor."He stated.
William showed the paper to Dvir. Dvir read it and was surprised that such a boring role existed. The survivor didn't have any special abilities at all, it's whole entire job was just to eliminate evil.
"What was your role?"William asked.
"Clown."Dvir responded.
"What's that do?"William asked.
"I get to kill one person if I get voted out."Dvir explained.
Dvir showed William his paper.
"Oh."William said, "So who are you going to kill?"
Dvir thought about that for a second.
"Hm, I've been thinking Halona, but I'm not sure yet."Dvir claimed.
"I think you should get the murderer when they're discovered. It would help the good team win."William suggested.
"Yeah, maybe I will do that. Maybe..."

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