๐‹๐ข๐ฅ๐ฒ ๐„๐ฏ๐š๐ง๐ฌ

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You were pretty devastated, being put in Gryffindor. But you couldn't exactly do anything now, could you? Might as well enjoy it in some way.. If even possible, that is.

You and the other first years were being escorted to the Gryffindor common room by the prefects of the house, as they reached a portrait of a fat lady sitting on a chair, looking at them all.

"Now it is important to remember the passcode. Or you won't be allowed to enter" Said a boy prefect, looking at them all.
"Balderdash" Said the girl prefect
"Certainly!" Said the lady, the portrait of the fat lady swung open for all of the first years and prefects to enter. As they all entered, everyone was looking around in awe.
The colors were something you weren't used to, bright and warm. The whole room was a muted red and royal gold, with a very welcoming fire place and chairs and couches all around. Everyone was just getting comfortable, muttering all around, before the girl prefect said kindly.
"Welcome to Gryffindor, the house of chivalry and bravery." She said welcomingly.

You rolled your eyes, and thought to yourself-
"And the house of recklessness and Idiocracy"
Your eyes went back to everyone, as you noticed the boys you had seen in the sorting ceremony talking very eagerly.

The shy blonde boy was speaking as if a social butterfly. You felt some sort of sadness thinking about it, making friends wouldn't be very possible, would it?
Especially in your house, you felt that you might be judged for being from an extremely prejudiced pureblood family. Just as you were lost in your thoughts, you felt a tap on your shoulder.
The girl you had seen, with the blazing red hair was smiling at you.

"Are you alright? You seem to be zoning out." Said the girl.

"I'm fine" You muttered in a cool tone.

"Lily Evans" She said, giving you her hand to shake.

"Lynx Greengrass" You said, as you shook her hand. You felt a warm feeling, you felt happy getting to know someone. It sparked hope in you.

"Wanna talk?" Lily offered, still smiling.

"Yeah" You said in a warmer tone, as you and the girl sat down, she started talking.

"I'm a muggle-born, as they call it. I'm very unfamiliar with this new environment, it's very overwhelming, it is. My sister doesn't have the same abilities." Lily said, looking at you.

"What about you?" She asked

"I'm a pureblood. I'm very familiar with it. If you ever needed help, I'd be eager. I'm quite good at the subjects here." You said warmly.

"That's great, thank you!" She said, smiling.

You glanced over at the boys that were talking so eagerly, the Potter boy kept looking over to Lily, it left you curious.
You looked over at the clock, it was pretty much time to go to sleep, you looked over to Lily.

"I reckon we should go to bed, don't you think?" You asked, Lily nodded and you both got up and headed up the girls dormitories, to the first years layer. The room was just as cozy, if not even more, a lot of the first year girls were already in bed, talking and talking and talking, you and Lily sat down in your beds and looked at each other, as many of the girls started to turn off their lamps to go to bed, just before time, both of yours, and all the others girls lamps were off. You looked at Lily as she said
"Good night"

You smiled to yourself and did the same, as you closed your eyes and fell asleep.


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