Part 8

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Ocean:I woke up to Kobe in my bed wit me I wasn't sure how he got here but it is what it is
Kobe:your finally woke
Ocean:not tryin to be sounding like a bitch but how tf u get in my house
Kobe:well then😔so u want me to leave
Ocean:kobe i was just asking a question dang😒
Kobe:your brother let me in
Ocean:thats all u had to say nigga u act so dumb some times😩😭
Kobe:well then I wanna take u on another date so get ready

Ocean:no I have a date wit jaiden
Ocean:no I'm just playing now get out so I can get ready
Kobe: Ard be ready in an 1hour

Ocean:Ard so I got ready and got in the shower and did my makeup and my hair and then I put on this outfit

Ocean: and then I got a text from someone it wasn't Kobe it was...

Ocean:he said he wanted to ft so I FaceTimed him
Jaiden:where u goin?
Ocean:on a date wit Kobe
Jaiden:uhhh u still wit that lame nigga
Ocean:boy if u don't shut yo ass up anyways why u call?
Jaiden:NEWAYSSS I was wondering if u wanna got to a party later on tonight?
Ocean:I guess hol up Kobe's calling I will text u my address later so u can pick me up
Jaiden:Ard bet cya
Ocean:u outside?
Kobe:yea cmon u taking to long
Ocean:nigga u just called me like 5 seconds ago tf
Kobe:watch yo mouth
Ocean:I'm commin right now bye 👋🏽

In the car

Ocean POV
U/:I just realize I had to tell Kobe I'm goin to party wit Jaiden
U/:Hey Kobe we gotta talk
Kobe: what is it?
Kobe:slow down I can't understand u
U/: so basically I'm goin to a party wit jaiden later as friends 💀
Kobe:ok why was that so hard

Skippppp after the date cause I'm a lazy ass bitch Kobe finna be in some fucked up shit soon in da story 😭😭

Kobe:did u have a good time?
Ocean: yea did u?
Kobe: yea so I'm gonna drop u off at that party
Ocean: dropped me off at my house so I can change my clothes and take a shower he
Ocean:he dropped me off and I took a shower and did the rest of my hygiene and put this on

Wit a Jean jacket
Ocean:jaiden texted me and said he was outside so I went outside and got in his car so who all gonna be a dis party
Jaiden:some TikTok creators
Ocean:oh ok
Jaiden:we're here stay in the car
Ocean:ok he got out the car and opened the door for me thank u
Jaiden : don't say thank u that's what a gentleman is supposed to do
Ocean:well then❤️
Ocean:when we went in I saw Kobe wit another girl I was mad but at the same time we're not dating so I can't get mad jaiden u didn't say Kobe was gonna be here
Jaiden:because I didn't know he was gonna be here
Ocean:ok well let's go say hi
Ocean:so we walked over to Kobe and dat girl and said hi the didn't look like she liked me but ion really care
Kobe:hi why u here
Ocean:this is the party I was talking bout
Jaiden:cmon let's get a drink
Ocean:ok bye👋🏽
Ocean:I was getting looks from these boys one of them came up to me
1b:wsp ma wanna dance
Ocean:nah I'm good I'm here wit my bf
2b:we don't see him
Jaiden:I'm right here nigga
3b:oh jaiden I didn't know she was your girl!!!
Jaiden:well now u know😺
3b:well cya later jaiden
Ocean:I was kinda drunk and high at the same time so I got up and was dancing and I felt to hands around my waist and I thought it was jaiden but it was Kobe so I removed his hands from my my waist
Kobe:u know u want me to-
Ocean:don't get me wrong I do but I'm out wit jaiden rn so I'm not doing dis today wit u go be wit your lil gf
Kobe:she's not my gf I want u to be my gf
Ocean:bye Kobe👋🏽😺
Jaiden:u ready to leave
Ocean:yea but can I stay at your place I'm kinda gonna get in trouble wit my big brother if I go home smelling like weed
Jaiden:yea ig cmon

At jaidens house

Ocean:u got any comfortable clothes I can we're to bed ???
Jaiden:yea hol up I'll be right bac:)
Ocean: ok

The clothes he gave me

U can pick the one u like

And a t-shirt

Ocean:I took a shower and went to sleep and jaiden and I were cuddling

Yeah believe me I tried to make it long and I'm gonna be updating more😩😩❤️

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