Soulmate AU
Yaku Morisuke x Male Reader
When your soulmate get's an injury
you get it too.
Sun shines down brightly from the sky, making the streets bright and warm. a/an (E/C) eyed male stares out the window as his classmates take a test that he just finished a few minutes ago.
A female then pat's the taller student's shoulder "(Y/N)-san, are you okay? you have a bruise on your arm..." the girl said worriedly "I'm fine. it's my soulmate..I think they hit something again..this is the fifth time this week..." muttered the male as he lightly rubbed the bruise before slightly wincing.
Soon the lunch bell rang and some students left the room to their friends or to buy food "(Y/N)-senpai!!" a voice said as a ginger ran through the doors and to the (H/C) haired male "Yes Hinata?" asked the older male.
"You're coming with us to the Training camp right?!" Hinata asked excitedly "Yes, this is the sixteenth time you've asked" (Y/N) said with a small smile "Remember no take backs!" Hinata said with a smile "I know, I know. I'm not changing my mind anyways." Said (Y/N) as he took out his bento and ate his delicious lunch after telling Hinata to go and eat. As soon as the first year leaves, (Y/N) smirks "Ah..youth.." he lets out before chuckling to himself.
Soon classes ended, (Y/N) packed his bag and started his journey to the gym almost tripping in the process when he suddenly felt pain on his leg making him sit on the floor to inspect it "Again?..." the male asks when he notices a bruise forming "Jesus christ what are you doing?" he mutters to himself as he stands up and continues his journey.
"Yo." (Y/N) said as he enters the gym "(Y/N)!!" Tanaka yells before going to his bro and patting his shoulder "What's up? I haven't seen you since this year started!!" He yelled out to his friend with a smile "Ryuu please prevent yourself from hitting me." (Y/N) said blankly.
"Dang it why you so cold to me but not the first years.." Tanaka said sulking, Sugawara approaches his fellow third year with a worried smile "(Y/N), why do you have so many bruises on your body?" he asks worriedly "Ah..It's my soulmate..I'm kinda worried too, this is the first time the injuries have been this active..ow" (Y/N) said with a wince at the end when he felt another bruise form but on his other arm this time.
(Y/N) assured his fellow third years that he's okay and soon left to pack for the training camp and to try and sleep before they need to go.
Soon (Y/N)'s alarm went off making him groan as he pushes himself onto his back before pushing himself up to sit. the male dismisses his alarm then went to do a quick morning routine. bandaging the bruises in the process.
He then went to the kitchen and prepared breakfast for his family and small breakfast for him and the team. He places covers on top of the food so flies wouldn't go to them or something then left a note as he packed the bentos into another bag making sure they're secure. Taking his phone and headphones along with his house keys they male left making sure to lock the door then breaking into a sprint to Karasuno as he played music into his headphones which are hanging around his neck.
"Ohayo.." (Y/N) greeted as he yawned "Good Morning (Y/N)" Suga said with a chuckle and a wave. When the last player arrives they all board the bus and ride to the sunset- TO THE TRAINING CAMP!! I meant the training camp.
"Oi! I made breakfast for everyone" (Y/N) said with a smile as he lifted up the bag that held the bentos "Eh?!- (Y/N) you didn't have to do that!" Daichi said surprised "I felt like it, you can't stop me!!" (Y/N) said with a blank face yet with sparkles around him making Suga chuckle "Alright eat up nerds." (Y/N) said as he began to hand out the bentos including Takeda sensei's and Ukai's "Sugoi! T-This is really delicious (L/N)- senpai!!" Yachi said "Thanks..I made some for Hinata and Kageyama too..and an extra..I guess I counted wrong..what ever.." (Y/N) said as he placed the bento back into his bag and began to watch the team eat happily. after eating they gave back the bentos to be stored and most slept while others tried to relax.
Before they even knew it they arrived "Oh! Is that!-" Noya said amazed "Could that be.." Tanaka joins in "The Skytree?!!" they yell out together "No, that's just a transmission tower." said Kai before Kuroo holds onto his stomach and laughs *.✧°Gorgeously°✧.*
(Y/N) snickers at the antics of these so called 'Highschoolers' before walking to the bedhead captain and resting his forehead on the taller male's chest "Oh hello there precious kouhai~" Kuroo said with a smirk as he wraps his arms around the shorter male "Yes, yes hello..and don't call me Kouhai, were in the same year you dumbass-" (Y/N) said irritated "(Y/N), you know Nekoma's Captain?" Noya asks "He's my cousin..sadly..." (Y/N) said mumbling out the last part.
"COUSIN?!!" Tanaka and Noya yells out as Kuroo lifts the shorter male onto his back and walks to Daichi as (Y/N) wraps his arms around the bedhead's neck "Actually, Hey...Aren't we missing some people?" Kuroo asks the Karasuno Captain. they then continue talking about something that (Y/N) couldn't care about because he's falling asleep on his cousin's back.
"UWAAGHH!!" a yell wakes (Y/N) causing him to be grumpy "Th..There're two girls now.." Yamamoto said falling to his knees as Kiyoko put a protective arm infront of Yachi "Now they've got a pretty one and a cute one!" He adds before a shoe connects with the side of his head the volleyball players and managers look to the direction it's thrown from and see's (Y/N) with a dark glint in his eyes "Oh ouh...You woke (Y/N) up.." Kuroo said with a sweatdrop as he slightly backed away from his cousin.
(Y/N) then rubs his eyes tiredly before going to Suga and resting his head onto the male's shoulder "Alright. When you're all ready, come to the gym" Kuroo said like that didn't just happen.
~×Small Timeskip×~
Everyone is in the gym including Hinata and Kageyama, Karasuno having a match against Nekoma with (Y/N) on the benches trying his best not to fall asleep before shaking his head and standing up as the match continues. Kuroo is outside of the game just watching as he takes a small break.
"Kuroo..I'm tired- Woah!!" (Y/N) lets out as pain suddenly shots to his ankle "Yaku!!/(Y/N)!!!" Kuroo and some Nekoma members yell out making the two injured shoot their gaze to each other.
Kuroo helps his cousin sit on Nekoma's bench as Kai helps Yaku sit beside (Y/N) "So you're a volleyball player.." (Y/N) starts "Yeah.." Answers Yaku.
"You're my soulmate?"
"You're the reason why I suddenly get bruises on my arms and legs?"
"Do you wanna be my boyfriend?"
"Yeah- wait what?-" Yaku asks surprised as a blush tints his cheeks
"No take backs! You already said yes!!" (Y/N) said with a smirk some what similar to Kuroo's "Ah (Y/N) you sly dog!!" Tanaka and Kuroo yells out at the same time with proud smiles on their faces.
"Yaku!!" a voice yells out as Nekoma stops practicing, a Male then shamelessly bursts through the doors of the gym and hugs the Libero of Nekoma "(Y/N)- what are you doing here?" Yaku asks "You got another bruise..I felt it during class..and I miss you.." (Y/N) said with a slight frown.
"We literally just saw each other yesterday.." Yaku said sweatdropping yet a smile takes over his lips "I don't care- I love you" (Y/N) said as he peck's Yaku's lips "I love you too." the shorter of the two responds. the two stare at each other lovingly.
"(Y/N)!!! YOU ONLY COME HERE TO VISIT YAKU EVER SINCE YOU FOUND OUT HE'S YOUR SOULMATE!! WHAT ABOUT ME?!?!!!!" Kuroo suddenly yells out dramatically "Shud up, I don't know you" (Y/N) sarcastically replies as his cousin dramatically gasps "Kenma!! what do I do.." Kuroo said to the pudding head "I don't care.." replied the male who's too busy on his game to even look at Kuroo "Ouch.." said the Bedhead as Yamamoto and Lev laugh at his suffering.
Hope you enjoyed that one. You can make requests. But lemme tell you. I ahven't really finished the anime yet so I might not know some characters. I've been too busy with school work so I haven't been able to watch much anime so yeah!
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