Chapter 5 - Sophie

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   "Yep, it's broken." Elwin, the school nurse, tells Sophie as he gently presses the outside of her nose. "Linh, you can go now. Thank you. Good luck."

Linh shoots Sophie a smile before leaving. She had brought Sophie to the nurse after the crash. Her nose had stopped bleeding but it still hurt. A lot. The girl that ran into Sophie had a twisted ankle, which seemed like nothing to Sophie.

Elwin hands her an ice pack. "This should be fine for right now. You can go back to the game. Just make sure to see a doctor over the weekend.

"Thank you." Sophie walks into the weight room as her team enters as well for half time.

"Are you okay?" Biana comes up to her.

"Yeah. It's gonna take more than that to get rid of me." Sophie winks.

"Is it broken?" Mr. Forkle walks up to them, eyes glued onto the ice pack in Sophie's hand.

Sophie looks up at Mr.Forkle. "Yeah, unfortunately."

"How long is it gonna take to heal?" Her teammate, Marella, asks.

"I don't know."


Sophie follows her team back out into the gym. She notices the other team's coach glare at her as she sits down in the stands.

"Are you okay? Sophie jumps at the fruity voice and turns to see Fitz standing behind her.

Sophie puts a hand over her heart. "Jesus, Fitz."

"Sorry." Fitz smiles apologetically before his face turns serious. "Is it broken?"

Sophie nods.

"What about that other girl?"

"She has a twisted ankle," Sophie mutters bitterly.

"Geez, you messed her up." Fitz nudges her with her arm.

"Yep, I'm so dangerous."

"My friend and I are sitting up there. You wanna join us?" Fitz points to the blond boy Sophie noticed while running down the court. He was watching them with an inquisitive look on their face. The two of them make eye contact and Sophie feels her face heat up.

"No, it's fine; I wouldn't want to intrude. Dex and Marella coming over here anyway."

Fitz looks up at Dex speed walking toward them, with his girlfriend following closely behind, and shrugs. "Okay, I'll see you later."

Sophie waved as he turned around and walked back to his friend.

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