Chapter 17 - Keefe

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a/n: woAH another chAPTER??? :O

i did not read the over so hopefully its okay lol


   Keefe noticed something was bothering Fitz. He didn't say anything to Sophie as they dropped her off. Keefe found it odd, considering he knew how much Fitz liked her.

When they stop at a red light, Keefe unbuckles his seatbelt and pulls himself to the passenger seat. "You okay, dude?"

Fitz doesn't even spare a glance, keeping his eyes on the road. "Fitz?"

"You need to buckle your seatbelt before you get me in trouble." Fitz snaps.

"Oh, sorry." Keefe slowly buckles his seatbelt as the car starts to move once again. The blond is silent for a few minutes before questioning his friend again. "You wanna talk about it?"

Fitz huffs. "I'm fine. Just drop it!"

Keefe's eyes widen and he holds his hands up in surrender. "Got it."

All the sound from inside the car was swallowed by an invisible void and Keefe starts to fiddle with his hands. He had never liked silence. It made it too easy to get overwhelmed by his thoughts. But he kept quiet, scared to anger the brunette even more.

Keefe jumped at the sound of a groan. He twisted in his seat and saw Biana stirring.

"Good morning Sleeping Beauty." Keefe smirked.

Biana stretches her arms. "Shut up. Where's Sophie?"

"We dropped her off already." Fitz responds curtly. "If you hadn't fallen asleep, you would've known that."


Keefe turns around in his seat and silently watches cars drive by before his phone buzzes.


sparkle pants

What's wrong with him?

lord hunky hair


hes been like this since we dropped sophie off

sparkle pants



When Keefe enters his house, all the lights are on and his mother is standing in the kitchen, getting a glass of water.

"How was the game?" Lady Gisela asked.

Keefe opens the fridge in search of something to eat. "Fine."

"Did you win?"


Lady Gisela just nods. "I'm going to bed. Make sure to turn the lights off." She hurries out of the kitchen and down the hall.

After Keefe makes his dino nuggets, he heads up stairs, making sure to turn off the lights. His backpack is thrown across the room, his homework long forgotten. He opens Spotify to remove himself from the silence that seems to be consuming him.

Once he had finished eating, Keefe put his plate aside and stared at his ceiling. He starts to doze off before his phone buzzes and he jumps awake. Keefe rubs his eyes and as he looks at the notification, his heart jumps out of his chest. Why was Sophie texting him, especially this late at night? He wipes the sweat of his palms and he unlocks his phone.


a/n: another cliffhanger???!!?!??1?!? :O

 i made keefe's playlist wink wink ,,, idk if it suits him or not but i like it

i might add onto it eventually but we shall seeee

if the link doesnt work, my spotify should be missangxlist 

(you might have to highlight, copy, paste -- the scan thingy is at the beginning too)

also im just kidding abt the cliffhanger lol 


mysterious miss f

you did good today :)

Keefe stares at his phone wondering how to respond. Before he can come to a conclusion, she sends him another text.

mysterious miss f

are you okay? you seemed off in the car

lord hunky hair

yeah ig

just a long day

Read 10:48 pm

mysterious miss f

you wanna talk about it?

lord hunky hair

nah its ok

dont worry about it :)

Read 10:49 pm

mysterious miss f

well if you ever change your mind, im always here to listen :)

lord hunky hair

thanks :)

Read 10:49 pm

mysterious miss f

of course :3


Keefe didn't know if it was the exhaustion or if it was the conversation but he fell asleep almost instantly.

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