Changes 2.0 - Something Did

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I looked back at that poem I wrote for you
And at the incredulously scary thought process I had at the time
The things I said
The things I felt
All very real emotions
Based off of very fake scenarios
Because somethings has changed
How I view you has changed
And I know you'd never hurt me

I know now that I mean just as much to you
As u mean to me
And maybe this will sound cynical
Or ridiculous
But I guess I just had to give you
A chance to prove it
I guess
Crazy I know

I've always loved you
and you've always loved me
Maybe not in the way I once thought
But that's ok

I know your intentions towards me
Will never be malicious
And they may also never be
Anything more than friendly
But I've come to terms with that
I've made up my mind that no matter
The varying degree of love
That I experience for you
It will never change from anything but that
And that's perfectly OK

I'm ok

You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net