Chapter 38

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"How does it feel?" Kakashi asked, leaning casually in the threshold of my room in the hospital.

I was looking down at my new arm, bandaged from just above my elbow down to my finger tips. I flexed my fingers and turned my hand over.

"It's strange, but good" I admitted. It had been over a year, maybe even close to two, since I've had a left hand. They told me the procedure only took a few hours and I would be home by lunchtime.

"Once the doctors finish up you're free to go. I'm sure Sakura will be surprised." And with that he left the hospital to go back to his office. I was surprised he stuck around this long.

The doctors poked each of my finger tips one at a time and would have me wiggle them and make a fist. They were testing my reflexes and muscle strength. I immediately was able to flex my hands and fingers but was surprised how strained I felt after only a few minutes.

"Over the next few days keep the lifting light, you need time to adjust and build strength back. Other than that you are free to go."

I put my shirt on without issue but doing the button on my cape proved to be a little more difficult. After a few tries I got it and hid my arm away underneath so I could surprise Sakura.

As I shut the door to our apartment behind me I heard chatter coming from the living area. When I looked down there were two pairs of sandals that were not mine nor Sakura's. Walking down the hall I saw Sakura's parents, Sarada in Mebuki's arms.

Once Sakura noticed I was home she quickly jumped up and guided me to the bedroom and promptly shut the door.

"I'm sorry Sasuke they just kind of showed up. I didn't know where you went so I couldn't warn you." Her face was apologetic. Had she had it her way she would've kept me away just to give them the space to talk freely without my presence agitating them.

"It's alright Sakura. Are you okay?" After seeing their treatment towards her yesterday I would not allow that to happen again. Especially not in our home nor in front of our daughter.

"I'm fine. They apologized and are willing to be a little more open minded. Not being allowed to meet Sarada yesterday really effected them." 

"Alright."  My guard was still very much up around them but I would never keep Sarada from her only grandparents so long as they were respectful. They did not have to like me or the choices Sakura has made but if they wanted to see their granddaughter they would have to put those feelings aside while around us.

"Where did you go off to this morning?"

Well it was supposed to be more of a grand surprise but I figured I couldn't keep it from her. From under my cape I raised my new hand and held it between us for her to see.

"I want to be able to pick up and hold Sarada without anyone's assistance. I want to be able to do more for you and her."

"Oh Sasuke" she said in awe as she held my hand in hers, turning it over to inspect both sides. "This is amazing. You really did this for us?"

"Of course. I never had a reason to do this until you became pregnant. Even more so after you gave birth."

She wrapped her arms around my neck and, for the first time, I wrapped both my arms around her waist and hugged her back just as tight.

"You ready to face my parents?"

"As ready as I'll ever be."

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