Chapter 29

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I jumped through the portal and I was unfortunately met with a down pour of rain. It was dark and hard to see anything past a few feet in front of me.

"Sakura?" I know I had sent her here but she was no where to be seen. I was only minutes behind her, she couldn't be gone already.

Panic began to sink in. I looked around me in every direction looking for her. This was a safe place. She should be here.

"Sakura!" The rain was coming down hard and I was drenched almost instantly. Water was running down my hair and face.

"I'm here Sasuke!" I heard her call from a distance. I immediately took off to where I heard her call.


"I'm here!" I found her just a moment later, sitting inside a small cave. I ran to her and dropped to my knees beside her, hugging her close. She was drenched and shivering.

"I'm so sorry Sakura. I didn't mean for this to happen."

Luckily we weren't too far from where I intended for us to go. With the help of my Susano'o I was able to get Sakura there quickly. I knocked on the door, maybe a little too harshly for the time of night it was. A light in the living area flicked on and the door opened slightly a moment later.

"Hana I'm sorry but I didn't have anywhere else to take her." The moment she saw Sakura she flung the door open and pulled us inside.

"Oh your poor thing" she whispered to herself as she helped Sakura out of her poncho. "Come on dear, I have some clothes you can change into." She guided her down a long hallway to the left into one of the rooms.

She reappeared a moment later, softly closing the door behind her before coming back to me.

"What happened Sasuke?"

"We were being followed and we got cornered. I had to get her out of there and this was the first place I thought of. By time I followed behind her I found her soaking wet and freezing. This is all my fault." I rubbed my hand down on face in exasperation. Sakura was only put in that position because of me. "She's pregnant Hana. How could I do that to her?"

"She will be alright Sasuke. Go change and be with her, I left you some clothes in there as well. I'll check on you both in the morning."

I bowed my thanks and went to the room that she showed Sakura into. She was curled up under the blankets, no longer shivering. I knelt beside the bed and looked her in the eyes, "I never intended for that to happen. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Sasuke. What happened back there?"

I didn't want to tell her about it. At least not yet so I decided to move the conversation away from this. "If you don't want to talk about it now that's fine but you can't put it off forever" she continued.

"Are you sure you're both okay? I can get more blankets."

"We are fine Sasuke." She tried to give me a comforting smile but I could see she struggling. Struggling to stay strong through everything that just happened.

I was finished having her deal with this. "Sakura, promise me something."

"Anything Sasuke."

"Promise me when we are through this, once our child is born, that you'll marry me."

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